When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

You mean like you wingnuts blaming the government.

Oh, sorry, "Gummit!"

I have never blamed the government for anything.

I have what I have in spite of the government bot because of it and I don't blame anyone for my failures buy myself.

It's called being responsible, or mature. Try it sometime.

Guy, I've probably done more in my life than you've done in yours.

But the fact is, the capitalist system is ten kinds of fucked up, in case you were asleep in 2008. The rest of us weren't.

Yeah a few hundred years of great results all washed away by one recession.

I weathered that recession just fine.

I know that you certainly whine more than I ever have even as a toddler.
It stops when people stop using it as an excuse.

But alas that will never happen because people love to blame everyone else for their failures.

You mean like you wingnuts blaming the government.

Oh, sorry, "Gummit!"

I have never blamed the government for anything.

I have what I have in spite of the government bot because of it and I don't blame anyone for my failures buy myself.

It's called being responsible, or mature. Try it sometime.

Who are you bullshitting? Yourself? You blame the government for EVERYTHING that you perceive as "wrong". If it ain't taxes, it's welfare. If it ain't welfare, it is illegals. The list is almost endless.
You mean like you wingnuts blaming the government.

Oh, sorry, "Gummit!"

I have never blamed the government for anything.

I have what I have in spite of the government bot because of it and I don't blame anyone for my failures buy myself.

It's called being responsible, or mature. Try it sometime.

Who are you bullshitting? Yourself? You blame the government for EVERYTHING that you perceive as "wrong". If it ain't taxes, it's welfare. If it ain't welfare, it is illegals. The list is almost endless.

Saying taxes are too high is not blame. Saying politicians are corrupt is not blame.

Wanting illegals removed is not blame.

Buy a dictionary.
Not wanting to be raped makes you a homophobe? Really?

This is where you want to go with this?

Here's a fact. GZ saved Trayvon from being raped in prison.


Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick, I wonder if you guys even hear yourselves sometimes.

I think that was a classic 'snark

We don't know if St Skittles would have outgrown his thuggish, gangsta wannabe stage.

Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't matter now because he's dead.

And death is forever. Unless it's the aforementioned Pogo Stick enthusiast.

This could be and should be a learning moment for Black youth everywhere....

You don't have to be stupid your entire life, only for ten seconds.

Had St Skittles not sucker-punched Z, he'd be alive today.

Had St Skittles gone on to his daddy's girlfriend's house, he'd be alive today.

Had St Skittles not been kicked out of School for the 2nd or 3rd time that year, he would have been in Miami and not dead in the ground today.

But no, your side has to act like an uncivilized mob, disrespect our ENTIRE Justice system, burn, assault and destroy because....

You didn't get your way?

Great. Real fucking mature. Way to show us how much you deserve to part of our culture.


You're an embarrassment

You can't cry 'RACISM!!' every and any time you don't get what you want.

Grow up.
You mean like you wingnuts blaming the government.

Oh, sorry, "Gummit!"

I have never blamed the government for anything.

I have what I have in spite of the government bot because of it and I don't blame anyone for my failures buy myself.

It's called being responsible, or mature. Try it sometime.

Guy, I've probably done more in my life than you've done in yours.

But the fact is, the capitalist system is ten kinds of fucked up, in case you were asleep in 2008. The rest of us weren't.

Dude, making it through the winter of '78 isn't really considered an accomplishment.
You mean like you wingnuts blaming the government.

Oh, sorry, "Gummit!"

I have never blamed the government for anything.

I have what I have in spite of the government bot because of it and I don't blame anyone for my failures buy myself.

It's called being responsible, or mature. Try it sometime.

Guy, I've probably done more in my life than you've done in yours.

But the fact is, the capitalist system is ten kinds of fucked up, in case you were asleep in 2008. The rest of us weren't.

No system of government is perfect. Never has been, never will be.

Your preferred system has only murdered 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people in the last Century.

As to who does what for the most people...?

Check this out


The top six Countries with the worst unemployment?

socialist. Every one of them. Spain and Greece have installed a semi-capitalist government to try and fix things but it looks hopeless.

That's how it works too often. socialist scum come in and fuck things up, then the people look to Capitalists to come in and fix it for them.

Stupid people. There comes a point when you can't un-scramble an egg. When it's too late.

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to favor a system that HAS FAILED EVERY SINGLE TIME IT HAS EVER BEEN TRIED.

Every time. every.fucking.time.

Sometimes, spectacularly and with genocidal, democidal results.

And that's what you want?

Don't wonder why I call your side 'dimocraps'

You got nothing to do with the word 'democracy' or any derivation of it
Race will stop being an excuse when people stop accepting the excuse.

Rob for Trayvon!
Assault for Trayvon?\!

Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news - latimes.com

As many as 40 youths are suspected of robberies and assaults in Hollywood Tuesday night. The incidents don't appear to be related to protests over George Zimmerman's acquittal.

No it had nothing to do with the protests over Zimmerman. It just started out as the protest.
If anyone has taken the time to notice, Barack Obama exudes the victim mentality. IT'S ALWAYS someone else's fault. IRS, Benghazi, Fast-N-Furious, the economy, the deficit, NSA, on and on and on. From cradle to grave, Black Separatist, Race pimps- teach and promote the victim mentality.. Is it any wonder America is being torn apart by race when we have the CHIEF RACIST, a THUG who sat in a Black Separatist church for over 20 years?? Would we elect David Duke?? Obama was given a pass for being a card carrying BIGOT because his skin color is black.
Race will be used as an 'excuse' as long as dimocraps can get away with using it.

People can't see the forest for the trees.

the dimocraps got bigger fish to fry and only a short-sighted individual would think that 'race' is the least bit important to dimocraps or the left.

What's important to the left and dimocraps is establishing the most severe form of socialism they can. To do that, they require POWER.

Only power, immense power, can allow dimocrap scum to force the most controlling form of socialism possible on us.

Which, at this point in time, may be democratic socialism. That's probably the most stringent form they can get away with.

They'd LOVE to have a Stalinist or Maoist form of socialism, but that would never fly and they know it.

So they'll settle for what they can get -- democratic socialism.

Once that's established, there won't be any difference in political parties.

One will try to increase the size, scope and intrusiveness of government while the other just administrates it.

We're almost there now. But not quite.

Not quite. One more major electoral loss for Republicans and the Country is done.

We will no longer be America, Land of The Free and Home of The Brave.

We'll just be another stupid, struggling, economic basket case like the rest of the World's socialist Countries.

dimocraps don't care about race. At all. They care about making this a socialist Country.

Race is just a tool, a blunt instrument they can use to bludgeon those of us on the Right who still want a Free America.

Slavery was a mistake
It was fixed
Equal chance or the lack of was a mistake
It has been way beyond fixed
when will we ever get to a point in which one group of people can have the right to be judged for who they are, what they do, and not what there color is
If anyone has taken the time to notice, Barack Obama exudes the victim mentality. IT'S ALWAYS someone else's fault. IRS, Benghazi, Fast-N-Furious, the economy, the deficit, NSA, on and on and on. From cradle to grave, Black Separatist, Race pimps- teach and promote the victim mentality.. Is it any wonder America is being torn apart by race when we have the CHIEF RACIST, a THUG who sat in a Black Separatist church for over 20 years?? Would we elect David Duke?? Obama was given a pass for being a card carrying BIGOT because his skin color is black.

Rush said it best when they statred calling Zimmerman white hispanic
he caled BHO white black
Holder is so worried about race and nothing about the law
I have never blamed the government for anything.

I have what I have in spite of the government bot because of it and I don't blame anyone for my failures buy myself.

It's called being responsible, or mature. Try it sometime.

Guy, I've probably done more in my life than you've done in yours.

But the fact is, the capitalist system is ten kinds of fucked up, in case you were asleep in 2008. The rest of us weren't.

Dude, making it through the winter of '78 isn't really considered an accomplishment.

I want to make a comment about the second 50% of 2008 and all of 2009 and 50% of 2010
Greed as well as illegal events surronding wealth being loaned to people who had no back-ground to have caused that bubble
Not the capitalist
BTW 40 years of reganomics with 5% UE and the DJIA going to 14,500 compared to 1 year of the wealth bubble busing followed by Obamanomics sense is not to bad
If anyone has taken the time to notice, Barack Obama exudes the victim mentality. IT'S ALWAYS someone else's fault. IRS, Benghazi, Fast-N-Furious, the economy, the deficit, NSA, on and on and on. From cradle to grave, Black Separatist, Race pimps- teach and promote the victim mentality.. Is it any wonder America is being torn apart by race when we have the CHIEF RACIST, a THUG who sat in a Black Separatist church for over 20 years?? Would we elect David Duke?? Obama was given a pass for being a card carrying BIGOT because his skin color is black.

Last night, Charles Krauthammer (a genius) said that Eric Himmler and the Stuttering Clusterfukk both were political activists disguised as politicians.

I second that.

Neither one of them has the faintest idea how to lead
The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

it NEVER stops----you can be asleep yet they will accuse you of hating blacks while you dream.
If anyone has taken the time to notice, Barack Obama exudes the victim mentality. IT'S ALWAYS someone else's fault. IRS, Benghazi, Fast-N-Furious, the economy, the deficit, NSA, on and on and on. From cradle to grave, Black Separatist, Race pimps- teach and promote the victim mentality.. Is it any wonder America is being torn apart by race when we have the CHIEF RACIST, a THUG who sat in a Black Separatist church for over 20 years?? Would we elect David Duke?? Obama was given a pass for being a card carrying BIGOT because his skin color is black.

Last night, Charles Krauthammer (a genius) said that Eric Himmler and the Stuttering Clusterfukk both were political activists disguised as politicians.

I second that.

Neither one of them has the faintest idea how to lead

could you imagine Regan Or GWB stating that a white victime of a crime by an Hispanic looked like there son would look? (RR had sons, but if he did not)
Could you imagine GWB with fast and furious, benghazi?
If anyone has taken the time to notice, Barack Obama exudes the victim mentality. IT'S ALWAYS someone else's fault. IRS, Benghazi, Fast-N-Furious, the economy, the deficit, NSA, on and on and on. From cradle to grave, Black Separatist, Race pimps- teach and promote the victim mentality.. Is it any wonder America is being torn apart by race when we have the CHIEF RACIST, a THUG who sat in a Black Separatist church for over 20 years?? Would we elect David Duke?? Obama was given a pass for being a card carrying BIGOT because his skin color is black.

His life should be a story of success but he turns it into a story of injustice. He has taken this opportunity to divide America more than it's been in a very long time, and was portrayed that he was going to be such a uniter.
When does it stop?

When institutional racism in this country stops.

When the myth of race itself stops.

People listen to Jackson and Sharpton, because they are right about what they are saying.


a demographic that is less than 7% of the population commits nearly 50% of the crimes.

maybe profiling is deserved in this case
If anyone has taken the time to notice, Barack Obama exudes the victim mentality. IT'S ALWAYS someone else's fault. IRS, Benghazi, Fast-N-Furious, the economy, the deficit, NSA, on and on and on. From cradle to grave, Black Separatist, Race pimps- teach and promote the victim mentality.. Is it any wonder America is being torn apart by race when we have the CHIEF RACIST, a THUG who sat in a Black Separatist church for over 20 years?? Would we elect David Duke?? Obama was given a pass for being a card carrying BIGOT because his skin color is black.

Last night, Charles Krauthammer (a genius) said that Eric Himmler and the Stuttering Clusterfukk both were political activists disguised as politicians.

I second that.

Neither one of them has the faintest idea how to lead

and Tavis Smiley blamed whitey for all of his people's problems
When does it stop?

When institutional racism in this country stops.

When the myth of race itself stops.

People listen to Jackson and Sharpton, because they are right about what they are saying.

The only institutional racism in this country these days is against white middle-aged males.

FYI, Rachel Jeantel on Pierce Morgan said Trayvan thought Zimmerman was a Gay male stalking him.

Turns out Trayvan hated Gays. Probably why he jumped him.

Seems the left's new poster child was a racist and a bigot who hated fairies.

So now you think Jeantel is believable?

Do tell.
When does it stop?

When institutional racism in this country stops.

When the myth of race itself stops.

People listen to Jackson and Sharpton, because they are right about what they are saying.


a demographic that is less than 7% of the population commits nearly 50% of the crimes.

maybe profiling is deserved in this case

And you don't question that in the slightest, right?

You just accept what stormfront and fox tell you.

The fact is..many people who commit crimes are cut loose, with no charge.

And most of those people are white.

Guy, I've probably done more in my life than you've done in yours.

But the fact is, the capitalist system is ten kinds of fucked up, in case you were asleep in 2008. The rest of us weren't.

Dude, making it through the winter of '78 isn't really considered an accomplishment.

I want to make a comment about the second 50% of 2008 and all of 2009 and 50% of 2010
Greed as well as illegal events surronding wealth being loaned to people who had no back-ground to have caused that bubble
Not the capitalist
BTW 40 years of reganomics with 5% UE and the DJIA going to 14,500 compared to 1 year of the wealth bubble busing followed by Obamanomics sense is not to bad

It's hardly worth debating dimocraps on economics because.... They're just too stupid.

But how did Republicans, American Republicans, cause Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and most of the rest of the World to implode? The majority of whom were one brand of socialist or another

They didn't. We didn't.

And most of the derivatives that were linked to the Financial Market crash?

They were developed in London.

dimocraps are just stupid.

Like the little boy who first discovers his penis and thinks he's the only person in the world to have one.

Or like the idiot who sincerely believes that wearing a team jersey will help them win.

dimocraps are 'Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc' stupid

Monkey see, monkey do. Stupid human beings.

Capitalism often fails for a time.

It's done it before, it will do it again (If it survives)

But there is one system we know that fails every single time....

The one that dimocraps prefer. Every time. every.fucking.time.

Ours? Every fifteen or twenty years we take a kick in the nuts. Theirs? Never even gets off the ground.

As soon as they run out of the money they've stolen, they have no clue what to do

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