When Does the Conservative "Insurgency" Begin?


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
After months (years, really) of listening to every hyperbolic conservative conspiracy theory imaginable, Obama has finally single-handedly outlawed the private ownership of any and all firearms by law-abiding private citizens. Of course that statement is not true, but people will attempt to sell Obama's actions that way (as somehow being the first step in the supposedly inevitable process of disarming all Americans, thereby leaving them helpless in the face of Obama's alleged 'tyranny').

After all these months (like I said, years) of listening to all this rhetoric about Obama being a Marxist, blah, blah, blah, who's out to destroy America, AND capitalism, AND the US Constitution, blah, blah, blah, now conservatives finally have the rallying cry of the fear of disarmament to bind them together. What's next, then? Revolution? Frankly, when the rhetoric is already at a fever pitch with Representatives like Steve Stockman already amped up like a mouse on meth, it's difficult (but NOT impossible) to see how it can't get worse. The question is whether or not people will understand that this is all meant to be rhetorical flourish as opposed to a genuine (and literal) call to arms.

So, what's next? An insurgency ala Red Dawn? And if attacks against our gov't (otherwise known as terrorism, by the way) begin partly as a result of all this rhetoric, will conservatives in positions of responsibility both in and out of gov't do the responsible thing and try to diffuse the fuse that they help to light? Or will they disavow any responsibility? Or duty?
A mouse on meth. Perfect description of demagogues like Stockman.

I don't know, Mustang. I've been waiting for the fever to break for several years. I'm starting to lose hope we can save the patient.

There was a time I thought the lunatics who hijacked the Right would be run off, but the damnable things multiplied like rabbits instead.

So now I just pine for a new viable third party to arise from the ashes of the scorched earth left behind by the maniacs.
Shhh. Celebrities are eating bugs on TV.

Between that and Jersey Shore, I guess I can see how conservatives could get distracted from the imminent collapse of America as Obama signs an executive order outlawing the Bill of Rights.
Do you honestly think these people will do anything more than just bitch and whine? Hell even if there was some grand conspiracy against them and they were being pushed into the ovens, for all their big talk still all they'd be capable of doing is bitching and whining.
A mouse on meth. Perfect description of demagogues like Stockman.

I don't know, Mustang. I've been waiting for the fever to break for several years. I'm starting to lose hope we can save the patient.

There was a time I thought the lunatics who hijacked the Right would be run off, but the damnable things multiplied like rabbits instead.

So now I just pine for a new viable third party to arise from the ashes of the scorched earth left behind by the maniacs.

I'm currently reading Mike Lofgren's new book, "The Party is Over" where he recounts what he witnessed over his 28 year career as a Republican staff member. Early on, he holds virtually no hope of a 3rd party emerging if for no other reason than the way our system is structured and the laws already in place.
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Hmmmmmm. No Nutter's here yet.

Not surprising. They always scurry like cockroaches in the light.

Let's see how many OMG! OBAMA! 2nd Amendment threads get started now that it's clear he's not coming for our guns. We've been treated to dozens of them over the past few weeks.
Hmmmmmm. No Nutter's here yet.

Not surprising. They always scurry like cockroaches in the light.

Let's see how many OMG! OBAMA! 2nd Amendment threads get started now that it's clear he's not coming for our guns. We've been treated to dozens of them over the past few weeks.

Maybe he is afraid to after guns, he might fail again like he did with fast and furious.
I am sitting here on my patio smoking a cigar and drinking a dry martini with three HUGE olives stuffed with bleu cheese.....waiting for one of the dogs to signal the arrival of a nutter with a three-corner hat and an AR-15.

How long should I plan to wait?
Hmmmmmm. No Nutter's here yet.

Not surprising. They always scurry like cockroaches in the light.

Let's see how many OMG! OBAMA! 2nd Amendment threads get started now that it's clear he's not coming for our guns. We've been treated to dozens of them over the past few weeks.

Fear is a great motivator. It's certainly motivated people to buy more guns, more ammo, and reportedly join the NRA in droves. It's good for business. So, from their point of view, why should those people who benefit from that fear stop fanning the flames?
I am sitting here on my patio smoking a cigar and drinking a dry martini with three HUGE olives stuffed with bleu cheese.....waiting for one of the dogs to signal the arrival of a nutter with a three-corner hat and an AR-15.

How long should I plan to wait?

2016? :clap2:
The Rightwing rebel army is still picking out its uniform.

So far, they've decided on the sweatpants that look like blue jeans, and navy blue 'I'm with Stupid' tee shirts.
The Rightwing rebel army is still picking out its uniform.

So far, they've decided on the sweatpants that look like blue jeans, and navy blue 'I'm with Stupid' tee shirts.

And the flag? Don't Tread on Me? Or some version of the Confederate Flag?

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