When does the Two Minute Hate end?

Because you want a better America.

How would being "civil" to "people" who are dedicated to undermining the traditions, culture and morality of the country make America better?

How does "compromising" with people who are deliberately working to bankrupt the country promote prosperity?

How do you "negotiate" with people who slander, condemn and marginalize their opponents with absolute prejudice?

Waste all the time you want with such silliness, I want these assholes DEFEATED. I don't care if they kill themselves, flee the country in terror, starve to death or accept defeat and humbly live out their lives in the liberty we dragged them kicking and screaming into.
The first three options would actually be preferable.
If Trump stopped blaming, he would have to take responsibility. Not something Republicans can ever do.

Deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich
What happened after Katrina
Letting Bin Laden go

Republicans are the party of "Not my fault".
Because you want a better America.
A better America would be an America with no Democrats.
So you have a choice I suppose: kill them all or show them the superiority of conservatism through behavior and policy.
"Kill them all" is the preferred option. You're delusional if you think setting a better example is ever going to change what they think.
That's not terribly American to me.
Check with the Founding Fathers. It's what they did.
They killed all the Native Americans. Politically they fought each other very hard. Even during both wars with the British they were using war to achieve political goals. Not to just exterminate their enemies. They didn't advocate killing all the British. They wanted home rule them they wanted land. When they got it they signed a treaty.

Now, today, we control all three branches of government and instead of using it to achieve the ultimate political victory you are advocating the ultimate solution on 60 million or so of your fellow Americans. Yikes.
The later doesn't work, that much we know. But you left out the one that does work. Beating them in the voting booth. We made good inroads so far and need more help from the establishment boys but forget trying to educate lefties.

Liberalism is a political religion. You are suggesting the equivalent of talking a fundamentalist Muslim out of Islam. It ain't happening.

The pile of corpses that had to be cleaned up after the People's Temple concluded another failed attempt at communism is a testament to the fact that leftists are either mindless zealots, or they're criminally insane sociopaths who manipulate the zealots.

Because you want a better America.

How would being "civil" to "people" who are dedicated to undermining the traditions, culture and morality of the country make America better?

How does "compromising" with people who are deliberately working to bankrupt the country promote prosperity?

How do you "negotiate" with people who slander, condemn and marginalize their opponents with absolute prejudice?

Waste all the time you want with such silliness, I want these assholes DEFEATED. I don't care if they kill themselves, flee the country in terror, starve to death or accept defeat and humbly live out their lives in the liberty we dragged them kicking and screaming into.
You clearly and dispassionately tell them the lines you will not cross and you don't cross them. You use the political power you won in the recent election to totally put in place your own conservative ideas. If they don't like it they can win the next election. Spending your time yelling detracts from the time you could take in pushing your republican member of congress to get some things done. I know, yelling about Hillary is more fun but it gets nothing done at all.
A better America would be an America with no Democrats.
So you have a choice I suppose: kill them all or show them the superiority of conservatism through behavior and policy.
"Kill them all" is the preferred option. You're delusional if you think setting a better example is ever going to change what they think.
That's not terribly American to me.
Check with the Founding Fathers. It's what they did.
They killed all the Native Americans. Politically they fought each other very hard. Even during both wars with the British they were using war to achieve political goals. Not to just exterminate their enemies. They didn't advocate killing all the British. They wanted home rule them they wanted land. When they got it they signed a treaty.

Now, today, we control all three branches of government and instead of using it to achieve the ultimate political victory you are advocating the ultimate solution on 60 million or so of your fellow Americans. Yikes.

We were the British in 1776, numskull. We fought a war over our differences with the royalists. One side defended the crown and the other side demanded independence. We fired weapons at them and killed them in great numbers. Apparently that's your conception of "showing them the superiority of their ideas."
ever? Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills?


Almost a DECADE after Bush completely left the political scene snowflakes were / are still invoking Bush's name, blaming him for every problem they can.

Barry and Hillary REFUSE to go away. Obama and his administration are in the paper almost every day, exposed as being behind / connected to almost every new anti-Trump scam that gets exposed / debunked....and Hillary is STILL on her "This Is Who I blame For My Losing The Election" Tour because she is trying to remain 'relevant' so she can try to become the 1st 3-Time LOSER in Presidential Election.

And poor wittle snowfwakes are crying, "When will the mean ol' Conservatives stop tawking 'bout Baa-wee and Hiwawy?!"

So you have a choice I suppose: kill them all or show them the superiority of conservatism through behavior and policy.
"Kill them all" is the preferred option. You're delusional if you think setting a better example is ever going to change what they think.
That's not terribly American to me.
Check with the Founding Fathers. It's what they did.
They killed all the Native Americans. Politically they fought each other very hard. Even during both wars with the British they were using war to achieve political goals. Not to just exterminate their enemies. They didn't advocate killing all the British. They wanted home rule them they wanted land. When they got it they signed a treaty.

Now, today, we control all three branches of government and instead of using it to achieve the ultimate political victory you are advocating the ultimate solution on 60 million or so of your fellow Americans. Yikes.

We were the British in 1776, numskull. We fought a war over our differences with the royalists. One side defended the crown and the other side demanded independence. We fired weapons at them and killed them in great numbers. Apparently that's your conception of "showing them the superiority of their ideas."
War is simply used for leverage. We defeated the British and most of the Loyalists were in Canada. We killed them not because of who they were but because we wanted the political leverage. You are simply advocating extermination of 60 million Americans. Some of them your neighbors and coworkers. I disagree with that position.
The later doesn't work, that much we know. But you left out the one that does work. Beating them in the voting booth. We made good inroads so far and need more help from the establishment boys but forget trying to educate lefties.

Liberalism is a political religion. You are suggesting the equivalent of talking a fundamentalist Muslim out of Islam. It ain't happening.

The pile of corpses that had to be cleaned up after the People's Temple concluded another failed attempt at communism is a testament to the fact that leftists are either mindless zealots, or they're criminally insane sociopaths who manipulate the zealots.

That's funny. A religious megalomaniac was responsible for that awful debacle, not a godless commie. Didn't the murder/suicide begin after they murdered Democratic Rep. Leo Ryan?
oh. That makes it ok for us to do the same. I see.
...but thank you for admitting you snowflakes DO actually do it.
I think it's hysterical being a decades long conservative who has actually worked and put conservative policies in place to be called a "troll" and a "snowflake" by people who I am guessing haven't done much politically except whine about Democratic policies and the media.
If Trump stopped blaming, he would have to take responsibility. Not something Republicans can ever do.

Deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich
What happened after Katrina
Letting Bin Laden go

Republicans are the party of "Not my fault".
This from the party that created Obamacare....
oh. That makes it ok for us to do the same. I see.
...but thank you for admitting you snowflakes DO actually do it.
I think it's hysterical being a decades long conservative who has actually worked and put conservative policies in place to be called a "troll" and a "snowflake" by people who I am guessing haven't done much politically except whine about Democratic policies and the media.
Look at the above post you copied, pasted, and responded to....

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIE? By your own post you prove I did not call you a 'troll'. But based on THIS and now that you have mentioned it.....?!
oh. That makes it ok for us to do the same. I see.
...but thank you for admitting you snowflakes DO actually do it.
I think it's hysterical being a decades long conservative who has actually worked and put conservative policies in place to be called a "troll" and a "snowflake" by people who I am guessing haven't done much politically except whine about Democratic policies and the media.
Look at the above post you copied, pasted, and responded to....

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIE? By your own post you prove I did not call you a 'troll'. But based on THIS and now that you have mentioned it.....?!
I was called a troll up above and you called me a snowflake. I am not lying. I was providing a summary of only two of the insults I received in this chain by "people." Your faux Outrage is misplaced. Read the posts. Good grief that's all you've got to say on this?
I was called a troll up above and you called me a snowflake. I am not lying. I was providing a summary of only two of the insults I received in this chain by "people." Your faux Outrage is misplaced. Read the posts. Good grief that's all you've got to say on this?
Sorry, I thought you were accusing me of calling you such a name. I'm not saying the name might not be warranted - that's not my call - but I did not call you a 'troll'.
I was called a troll up above and you called me a snowflake. I am not lying. I was providing a summary of only two of the insults I received in this chain by "people." Your faux Outrage is misplaced. Read the posts. Good grief that's all you've got to say on this?
Sorry, I thought you were accusing me of calling you such a name. I'm not saying the name might not be warranted - that's not my call - but I did not call you a 'troll'.
No worries. I appreciate the apology and the name these days appears to be warranted if only because I advocate civility.

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