When evil can appear as good , or how evil can fool a good person.

Each has its specific issues in Biblical times and today. I agree with that.
Since you seem to be outside of all these problems...what do you suggest

4:1–3 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.

Some are being led by the Holy Spirit or... by some other spirit.
Is the person really of God and indwelt by the Spirit , or is the person of the world and misled by the spirit of this age?

Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.
Each has its specific issues in Biblical times and today. I agree with that.
Since you seem to be outside of all these problems...what do you suggest

4:1–3 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.

Some are being led by the Holy Spirit or... by some other spirit.
Is the person really of God and indwelt by the Spirit , or is the person of the world and misled by the spirit of this age?

Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.

Plagiarized from Isaiah 66:19?
Isaiah's Verse is speaking of the time to come procession:
If nobody has seen the(figurative) face of God before then Jesus can't be God.
If he can't be God then they have created the image of the son of perdition (lucifer).
Each has its specific issues in Biblical times and today. I agree with that.
Since you seem to be outside of all these problems...what do you suggest

4:1–3 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.

Some are being led by the Holy Spirit or... by some other spirit.
Is the person really of God and indwelt by the Spirit , or is the person of the world and misled by the spirit of this age?

Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.

I do too, but you left out a few things. =)

Thats a big misconception..your existence is enough. Kind of goes along with the PC attitude now a days. Do you really think an all knowing God would go along with bieng PC? Id rather just have compassion and love also but righteousness and judgment complete the picture.
" the Judgment Seat of Christ. Only believers stand at this judgment. "Each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he/she will be saved, yet so as through fire." (1 Cor. 3 :13-15) All who stand at this judgment are saved, not one is lost or condemned. They simply learn whether the works they did as a Christian were done with the right motive through faith."
.... Not sure I understand this completely but there is no "get away with anything card" for Christians.

The one sin for which Jesus could not pay is the sin of rejecting the free pardon for which He paid with His life. This one unpardonable sin that sends a person to eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire is reported by the Apostle John from Jesus' own words, "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God". (John 3:18 )
Each has its specific issues in Biblical times and today. I agree with that.
Since you seem to be outside of all these problems...what do you suggest

4:1–3 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.

Some are being led by the Holy Spirit or... by some other spirit.
Is the person really of God and indwelt by the Spirit , or is the person of the world and misled by the spirit of this age?

Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.

Plagiarized from Isaiah 66:19?
Isaiah's Verse is speaking of the time to come procession:
If nobody has seen the(figurative) face of God before then Jesus can't be God.
If he can't be God then they have created the image of the son of perdition (lucifer).

No one has seen God in his FULL glory
Satan tempted Jesus while here on earth. Satan is the great imitator, full of pride and deception. he wanted to be above God.
Each has its specific issues in Biblical times and today. I agree with that.
Since you seem to be outside of all these problems...what do you suggest

4:1–3 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.

Some are being led by the Holy Spirit or... by some other spirit.
Is the person really of God and indwelt by the Spirit , or is the person of the world and misled by the spirit of this age?

Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.

I do too, but you left out a few things. =)

Thats a big misconception..your existence is enough. Kind of goes along with the PC attitude now a days. Do you really think an all knowing God would go along with bieng PC? Id rather just have compassion and love also but righteousness and judgment complete the picture.
" the Judgment Seat of Christ. Only believers stand at this judgment. "Each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he/she will be saved, yet so as through fire." (1 Cor. 3 :13-15) All who stand at this judgment are saved, not one is lost or condemned. They simply learn whether the works they did as a Christian were done with the right motive through faith."
.... Not sure I understand this completely but there is no "get away with anything card" for Christians.

The one sin for which Jesus could not pay is the sin of rejecting the free pardon for which He paid with His life. This one unpardonable sin that sends a person to eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire is reported by the Apostle John from Jesus' own words, "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God". (John 3:18 )

I see and understand it far differently , in my view of Christ and God, we all make it, no one gets left out for any reason or sin. In John 17:2 Jesus reveals that the Father has given him power over ALL flesh, ( meaning everyone, especially those people that Christians love to exclude), to GIVE eternal life to as many as he wants to. Jesus wants to give it to ALL. In Col. 3:11 , " Christ is ALL and IN ALL!" No Christian can reduce this great salvation, but they try to; that's why I could never be Christian, they are too hell minded.
Each has its specific issues in Biblical times and today. I agree with that.
Since you seem to be outside of all these problems...what do you suggest

4:1–3 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.

Some are being led by the Holy Spirit or... by some other spirit.
Is the person really of God and indwelt by the Spirit , or is the person of the world and misled by the spirit of this age?

Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.

I do too, but you left out a few things. =)

Thats a big misconception..your existence is enough. Kind of goes along with the PC attitude now a days. Do you really think an all knowing God would go along with bieng PC? Id rather just have compassion and love also but righteousness and judgment complete the picture.
" the Judgment Seat of Christ. Only believers stand at this judgment. "Each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he/she will be saved, yet so as through fire." (1 Cor. 3 :13-15) All who stand at this judgment are saved, not one is lost or condemned. They simply learn whether the works they did as a Christian were done with the right motive through faith."
.... Not sure I understand this completely but there is no "get away with anything card" for Christians.

The one sin for which Jesus could not pay is the sin of rejecting the free pardon for which He paid with His life. This one unpardonable sin that sends a person to eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire is reported by the Apostle John from Jesus' own words, "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God". (John 3:18 )

I see and understand it far differently , in my view of Christ and God, we all make it, no one gets left out for any reason or sin. In John 17:2 Jesus reveals that the Father has given him power over ALL flesh, ( meaning everyone, especially those people that Christians love to exclude), to GIVE eternal life to as many as he wants to. Jesus wants to give it to ALL. In Col. 3:11 , " Christ is ALL and IN ALL!" No Christian can reduce this great salvation, but they try to; that's why I could never be Christian, they are too hell minded.

Look, I know there are some hell fire preachers out there...Ive never experienced that. My experiences are much more focused on love, compassion and inclusion. How do you explain Matthew 25:46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life"

yes it is available to all, but some reject it.
Also when dealing with other people, or " Spirits", then you : Try the spirit by the spirit". That means whatever amount of Spirit is in you, that is your " Radar" , you have to " Sense things at how they are affecting your spirit. If your radar does not like something, or something seems wrong, well then it may be. How do we use our spirit to help us " Discern?" Well look for love, peace in the person; joy; kindness, are they kind. Do they seem like a " Good" person.

These things are the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23. Whenever you try a spirit, use the fruits of the spirit.

True...love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, self control.
The holy spirit is also called a "counselor" & works (convicts) through our conscience ...makes us aware of the sin in our lives.
Its different than justifying your actions and claiming "my conscience told me"

John 3:3 Truly, Truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Good measure. pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap, For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you".

In my view, everybody will see God and his Kingdom. In Rev. 1:7 it says EVERY eye shall see him. Oh I like that.

I do too, but you left out a few things. =)

Thats a big misconception..your existence is enough. Kind of goes along with the PC attitude now a days. Do you really think an all knowing God would go along with bieng PC? Id rather just have compassion and love also but righteousness and judgment complete the picture.
" the Judgment Seat of Christ. Only believers stand at this judgment. "Each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he/she will be saved, yet so as through fire." (1 Cor. 3 :13-15) All who stand at this judgment are saved, not one is lost or condemned. They simply learn whether the works they did as a Christian were done with the right motive through faith."
.... Not sure I understand this completely but there is no "get away with anything card" for Christians.

The one sin for which Jesus could not pay is the sin of rejecting the free pardon for which He paid with His life. This one unpardonable sin that sends a person to eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire is reported by the Apostle John from Jesus' own words, "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God". (John 3:18 )

I see and understand it far differently , in my view of Christ and God, we all make it, no one gets left out for any reason or sin. In John 17:2 Jesus reveals that the Father has given him power over ALL flesh, ( meaning everyone, especially those people that Christians love to exclude), to GIVE eternal life to as many as he wants to. Jesus wants to give it to ALL. In Col. 3:11 , " Christ is ALL and IN ALL!" No Christian can reduce this great salvation, but they try to; that's why I could never be Christian, they are too hell minded.

Look, I know there are some hell fire preachers out there...Ive never experienced that. My experiences are much more focused on love, compassion and inclusion. How do you explain Matthew 25:46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life"

yes it is available to all, but some reject it.

I have accepted long ago that I cannot explain anything to a Christian, only God can do that; your group is set in stone. But I will answer. Who can trump Christ in the bible? I mean who's word is greater than Christ? Well God the Father of course. Jesus said Matt. 25:46, God said in Isaiah 45:23 that EVERY knee shall bow to him and EVERY human shall confess to him. That is the future of humanity, according to God, what he has said, is GREATER than anything Christ has said; Jesus said the Father is GREATER than him.

That is the answer to your question; but I seriously doubt that you can see it. Because you are a Christian; Christians are hell mongers, they do not believe in unlimited Salvation.

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