When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

Your idea of "range time" is probably cooking dinner for your husband.

Shut up stupid.

I have trying to get stupid to shut up ever since you showed up, but you just wont cooperate.

Why is your own screen name misspelled? You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

Why the fuck do you care, asshole?

I actually did it on purpose to see how many people were morons and had nothing better to argue about. Congratulations! You won!

I just want to know what was your account name before you were banned.

I was never banned, why would you think I was banned? Because I own you already? Sorry, but you're easy pickings. But as a gesture of good faith, I will be nicer to you from now on.

But if you get out of line, I'll continue putting beatdowns on you.

Up yours!

The only thing you ever owned was a good case of an STI!
Shut up stupid.

I have trying to get stupid to shut up ever since you showed up, but you just wont cooperate.

Why is your own screen name misspelled? You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

Why the fuck do you care, asshole?

I actually did it on purpose to see how many people were morons and had nothing better to argue about. Congratulations! You won!

I just want to know what was your account name before you were banned.

I was never banned, why would you think I was banned? Because I own you already? Sorry, but you're easy pickings. But as a gesture of good faith, I will be nicer to you from now on.

But if you get out of line, I'll continue putting beatdowns on you.

Up yours!

The only thing you ever owned was a good case of an STI!

I see a new friendship on the horizon. Talk to you later friend!
Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.
dear Lakhota
Nobody knows the true tally on individual votes where states stop the count after electoral votes are decided.

If you want to insist on counting the popular vote instead of electoral, then announce that and set it up where all states count all votes and all people know to go vote individually and not rely on the electoral vote.

Thats a different system and you'd get a different response if you base it on counting popular votes instead of electoral.

Which states don't count their votes?

14 of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast allegedly won had no voter ID laws......

50 out of 50 states do not have an illegal voting problem.

But yet leftards fight voter ID laws at every turn and we know from Project Veritas that leftards were going to bus people from one polling place to another....but nothing to see here, folks...vote early and often! It's the leftard way.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


I was not too thrilled with the photo but then again, I don’t recall seeing a US President with a General of an enemy we are trying to make peace so I am not sure of the protocol.

I’d be more concerned if Trump had a history with American Communists in his youth, committed to the “fundamental transformation of America” and then was seen saluting a military member of a Communist regime.
aint that the truth

the other day the leftists had been complaining about NK and US flags sizes

when was the last time the leftards cared about US flags

they are usually spending time trashing it or burning it

their cries fall on deaf ears here

You're a barely literate idiot.

Which is much better than you being a totally ignorant idiot.

another butthurt leftist idiot comes out of the wood work --LOL - dime a dozen around here

WTF, you don't feel a barely literate idiot is better than a totally ignorant idiot?

Two barely literate idiots having a conversation. I think your brain cells, combined, might hit double digits.

another leftist troll gone to ignore


the fucktard will eventually show up under another sock

So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")

Trump went to shake his hand, but the general saluted first and the president just reacted by returning his salute; then they shook hands. It was just an awkward moment.

Anyone have those pictures of Obama bowing before the Saudi king and other heads of state? That wasn't a knee-jerk reaction, it was planned and repeated numerous times. President Obama was so humiliating you'd think you lefties would be embarrassed to bring this salute up.

But then....you're like children. :206:

And Bush held hands with the Saudi prince......both he and Obama followed protocols they were advised before hand

Trump is clueless on social graces. He doesn’t even know how to shake hands
Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

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Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

He was our ally at the time and was killing Germans for us
Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

He was our ally at the time and was killing Germans for us

You dumb Moon Bat. You dimwit Moon Bats don't don't know a damn thing about history, do you?

Trump was meeting with the NORKs to get them to discuss peace including denuclearization..

When that picture was taken with that asshole FDR they were discussing how to divide up Europe so that the Soviets could impose authoritative rule over East Europe and continue to brutalized the Russian people, which led to the Cold War, brutal Communism expansion and conflict for almost 50 years.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

He was our ally at the time and was killing Germans for us

You dumb Moon Bat. You dimwit Moon Bats don't don't know a damn thing about history, do you?

Trump was meeting with the NORKs to get them to discuss peace including denuclearization..

When that picture was taken with that asshole FDR they were discussing how to divide up Europe so that the Soviets could impose authoritative rule over East Europe and continue to brutalized the Russian people, which led to the Cold War, brutal Communism expansion and conflict for almost 50 years.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat.
When that picture was taken, the Soviets already had their Army in Eastern Europe. We were not going to get them out
We got Western Europe ......we made out better
Bone spurs go away. My wife had them. The condition is actually not pain caused by the bone spurs themselves but by the inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of the foot.
I bet your wife remembered what heel was giving her the trouble
/----/ I had bone spurs in both heels. 15 years of pounding the pavement of NYC as a sales rep wearing mandatory wingtips.

/----/ Just sayin. I know how painful they are. I had to hide it from my boss because it meant I couldn't cover my territory. My Chiropractor told me to get the heel insoles with a split in them to take the pressure off and I was able to work. It took a year for them to heal.

But some moron on this thread said there was no cure! I guess you and my wife were simply lying when you said they had healed.
/——/ Yeah. We’re shameless.
Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

He was our ally at the time and was killing Germans for us

You dumb Moon Bat. You dimwit Moon Bats don't don't know a damn thing about history, do you?

Trump was meeting with the NORKs to get them to discuss peace including denuclearization..

When that picture was taken with that asshole FDR they were discussing how to divide up Europe so that the Soviets could impose authoritative rule over East Europe and continue to brutalized the Russian people, which led to the Cold War, brutal Communism expansion and conflict for almost 50 years.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat.
When that picture was taken, the Soviets already had their Army in Eastern Europe. We were not going to get them out
We got Western Europe ......we made out better
/——/ We could have driven the Soviets out of Eastern Europe if Truman had only listened to Patton.
Bone spurs go away. My wife had them. The condition is actually not pain caused by the bone spurs themselves but by the inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of the foot.
I bet your wife remembered what heel was giving her the trouble
/----/ I had bone spurs in both heels. 15 years of pounding the pavement of NYC as a sales rep wearing mandatory wingtips.

/----/ Just sayin. I know how painful they are. I had to hide it from my boss because it meant I couldn't cover my territory. My Chiropractor told me to get the heel insoles with a split in them to take the pressure off and I was able to work. It took a year for them to heal.

Except Trump didn't have "bone spurs", he's never had any trouble with his heels, and he couldn't even remember which one he supposedly had trouble with so he could duck the draft.

He is also a pathological liar, and his adoring cult believes every word he says. The Dumbing Down of America on steroids.
/——/ How do you know what Trump’s medical condition was? And why didn’t Obozo serve?
Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

He was our ally at the time and was killing Germans for us

You dumb Moon Bat. You dimwit Moon Bats don't don't know a damn thing about history, do you?

Trump was meeting with the NORKs to get them to discuss peace including denuclearization..

When that picture was taken with that asshole FDR they were discussing how to divide up Europe so that the Soviets could impose authoritative rule over East Europe and continue to brutalized the Russian people, which led to the Cold War, brutal Communism expansion and conflict for almost 50 years.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat.
When that picture was taken, the Soviets already had their Army in Eastern Europe. We were not going to get them out
We got Western Europe ......we made out better
/——/ We could have driven the Soviets out of Eastern Europe if Truman had only listened to Patton.

We also wouldn't have had the Great Depression last so long if that idiot FDR hadn't imposed Left Wing economic policies.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."

Thank god for Trump turning around the US economy after the Obama disaster and pursuing peace in Korea.
aint that the truth

the other day the leftists had been complaining about NK and US flags sizes

when was the last time the leftards cared about US flags

they are usually spending time trashing it or burning it

their cries fall on deaf ears here

You're a barely literate idiot.

Which is much better than you being a totally ignorant idiot.

another butthurt leftist idiot comes out of the wood work --LOL - dime a dozen around here

WTF, you don't feel a barely literate idiot is better than a totally ignorant idiot?

Two barely literate idiots having a conversation. I think your brain cells, combined, might hit double digits.

Like I mentioned, I'd rather be a barely literate idiot than a totally ignorant idiot...such as yourself.
You're a barely literate idiot.

Which is much better than you being a totally ignorant idiot.

another butthurt leftist idiot comes out of the wood work --LOL - dime a dozen around here

WTF, you don't feel a barely literate idiot is better than a totally ignorant idiot?

Two barely literate idiots having a conversation. I think your brain cells, combined, might hit double digits.

Like I mentioned, I'd rather be a barely literate idiot than a totally ignorant idiot...such as yourself.
/------ And I'd rather be a well-read literate than a barely literate idiot... such as yourself. (This can go on all day)
Which is much better than you being a totally ignorant idiot.

another butthurt leftist idiot comes out of the wood work --LOL - dime a dozen around here

WTF, you don't feel a barely literate idiot is better than a totally ignorant idiot?

Two barely literate idiots having a conversation. I think your brain cells, combined, might hit double digits.

Like I mentioned, I'd rather be a barely literate idiot than a totally ignorant idiot...such as yourself.
/------ And I'd rather be a well-read literate than a barely literate idiot... such as yourself. (This can go on all day)

Since we usually seem to be on the same side I'll let that one slide.
another butthurt leftist idiot comes out of the wood work --LOL - dime a dozen around here

WTF, you don't feel a barely literate idiot is better than a totally ignorant idiot?

Two barely literate idiots having a conversation. I think your brain cells, combined, might hit double digits.

Like I mentioned, I'd rather be a barely literate idiot than a totally ignorant idiot...such as yourself.
/------ And I'd rather be a well-read literate than a barely literate idiot... such as yourself. (This can go on all day)

Since we usually seem to be on the same side I'll let that one slide.
/----/ It was a joke....
Here is a picture of the darling of the Left laughing it up with what is arguably the worst despot the world has ever seen.

He was our ally at the time and was killing Germans for us

You dumb Moon Bat. You dimwit Moon Bats don't don't know a damn thing about history, do you?

Trump was meeting with the NORKs to get them to discuss peace including denuclearization..

When that picture was taken with that asshole FDR they were discussing how to divide up Europe so that the Soviets could impose authoritative rule over East Europe and continue to brutalized the Russian people, which led to the Cold War, brutal Communism expansion and conflict for almost 50 years.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat.
When that picture was taken, the Soviets already had their Army in Eastern Europe. We were not going to get them out
We got Western Europe ......we made out better
/——/ We could have driven the Soviets out of Eastern Europe if Truman had only listened to Patton.

You're a fool to believe such nonsense.

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