When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

Once you see the video and not the still picture it doesn't look like much.

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Less a Trump saluting the guy and more just one of those things like walking down a hall and running into someone and you both move right, then left, then right. But if the media filmed you doing that they would say you were dancing.

The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!
Once you see the video and not the still picture it doesn't look like much.

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Less a Trump saluting the guy and more just one of those things like walking down a hall and running into someone and you both move right, then left, then right. But if the media filmed you doing that they would say you were dancing.

The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.
I love it when Non Military people try to tell military people what should and shouldn't be done by protocol. You Libs are idiots.
ok------so trump made a mistake------BEYOND the usual hoof in mouth.
He can learn

Which mistake would that be...

Promising to stop working with South Korea Militarily getting nothing from NK....

Calling Kim a 'very smart', a war criminal who sells sex slaves to China while killing his own people...

Oh yeah, he saluted a General in another army...

Trump got played by Kim, Isrealis said so too
Secret Israeli Memo Cast Doubt That Trump’s Korea Summit Accomplished Anything

Getting nothing? Didn't the NORKs agree to destroy a missile testing facility?

FYI, the exercises are not until August , so there is still time if Kim reneges.

If it is a secret Israeli memo, how do we know about it? I guess you need to learn the definition of "secret".
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")

Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.

Did she get elected cupcake?

No, she didn't - because of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.
And the real reasons, she was a shitty candidate who couldn't stop insulting a large number of voters. Then there was the Obama legacy.
I love it when Non Military people try to tell military people what should and shouldn't be done by protocol. You Libs are idiots.

That's cool, what is the protocol for saluting a North Korean General, is it the same for saluting an Iranian General?
Once you see the video and not the still picture it doesn't look like much.

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Less a Trump saluting the guy and more just one of those things like walking down a hall and running into someone and you both move right, then left, then right. But if the media filmed you doing that they would say you were dancing.

The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

Google is your friend.

I don't have time to waste educating someone who will never accept any proof they are wrong because they are a libtard.
Once you see the video and not the still picture it doesn't look like much.

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Less a Trump saluting the guy and more just one of those things like walking down a hall and running into someone and you both move right, then left, then right. But if the media filmed you doing that they would say you were dancing.

The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

When did you serve? Oh wait, you didn't. Shut up.

"In the military, returning a salute from a military officer of a friendly foreign nation is common practice for US military officers and considered a display of military professionalism. There is no rule that a US president is obliged to return a salute, which is considered a sign of mutual respect."

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Now shut up and get back in your kitchen, you're too stupid for anything else.
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Actually it will be until January 20th, 2025, at which time he will pass the reins to Mike Pence.

Not going to happen.
The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

Google is your friend.

I don't have time to waste educating someone who will never accept any proof they are wrong because they are a libtard.

I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.
The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

When did you serve? Oh wait, you didn't. Shut up.

"In the military, returning a salute from a military officer of a friendly foreign nation is common practice for US military officers and considered a display of military professionalism. There is no rule that a US president is obliged to return a salute, which is considered a sign of mutual respect."

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Now shut up and get back in your kitchen, you're too stupid for anything else.

Kitchen?? Nah he should head for the basement with his coloring books, blankey and teddy bear. LOL
Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.

Did she get elected cupcake?

No, she didn't - because of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.
Why do you want a criminal in the WH?
We have one in Trump.
Yeah...but in your mind Obama and Hillary aren't criminals, but Trump is. LMFAO...you kooky partisans have lost your minds.

To you America was GREAT, but now it sucks because of Trump.
Sorry bout that,

1. But having reviewed the video its self evident the President tried to shake the NK Generals hand but the general saluted real quick instead, then held his hand out while The President returned his salute, then The President shook the generals hand, I see no wrong here just some pussies making unnecessary noise.
3. I think that The Presidents actions of getting NK to the table and agreeing to disarm is the story, not this BS.

Well. At the end of the day tariffs are just taxes. It's war on us.

Odd to salute a foreign enemy General, though.

That'll make for great North Korean proaganda, for sure.

Un will go home, we'll nation build there, and he'll claim credit for going to America and taming the tiger like no other person could.
Who cares what millions of starving 'Jim Jones' zombies thinks or what the Pervert shows them?
Millions of them are literally eating mud made to look like cookies.
The NK soldier who was recently shot while escaping from NK was from one of the best families in NK. When his stomach contents were looked at he had a tape worm three feet long in his stomach and a hand full of hard uncooked kernels of corn.
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The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

First off, Trump is a civilian, as his "bone spurs" kept his sorry ass out of Vietnam.

Secondly, the President is never required to return a salute, he only does it as a matter of courtesy.

Third, and most importantly, he is an enemy General of a rogue nation, and the whole visit was designed to increase Kim's standing and legitimate his murderous regime, which he did in spades, because he met with the Dotard and played him like a fiddle.

This salute was the icing on the cake to a propaganda bonanza. America loses again under Trump.
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Actually it will be until January 20th, 2025, at which time he will pass the reins to Mike Pence.

Not going to happen.
Yes it will, keep up the good work.
It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

First off, Trump is a civilian, as his "bone spurs" kept his sorry ass out of Vietnam.

Secondly, the President is never required to return a salute, he only does it as a matter of courtesy.

Third, and most importantly, he is an enemy General of a rogue nation, and the whole visit was designed to increase Kim's standing and legitimate his murderous regime, which he did in spades, because he met with the Dotard and played him like a fiddle.

This salute was the icing on the cake to a propaganda bonanza. America loses again under Trump.
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

LOL...you crazy loon, government spending can't save an economy.

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