When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

The North Korean media filmed him doing it and that's where it's playing. You do not salute a North Korean General, even if that North Korean general used an unfair jedi mind trick by saluting first.

It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

When did you serve? Oh wait, you didn't. Shut up.

"In the military, returning a salute from a military officer of a friendly foreign nation is common practice for US military officers and considered a display of military professionalism. There is no rule that a US president is obliged to return a salute, which is considered a sign of mutual respect."

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Now shut up and get back in your kitchen, you're too stupid for anything else.

Is North Korea a friendly foreign nation?
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.
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It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

First off, Trump is a civilian, as his "bone spurs" kept his sorry ass out of Vietnam.

Secondly, the President is never required to return a salute, he only does it as a matter of courtesy.

Third, and most importantly, he is an enemy General of a rogue nation, and the whole visit was designed to increase Kim's standing and legitimate his murderous regime, which he did in spades, because he met with the Dotard and played him like a fiddle.

This salute was the icing on the cake to a propaganda bonanza. America loses again under Trump.
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

...then after leaving office, the first thing he does is go to Wall Street to garner huge payoffs. He could always be counted on to protect the .01%.
First off, Trump is a civilian, as his "bone spurs" kept his sorry ass out of Vietnam.

Secondly, the President is never required to return a salute, he only does it as a matter of courtesy.

Third, and most importantly, he is an enemy General of a rogue nation, and the whole visit was designed to increase Kim's standing and legitimate his murderous regime, which he did in spades, because he met with the Dotard and played him like a fiddle.

This salute was the icing on the cake to a propaganda bonanza. America loses again under Trump.
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

LOL...you crazy loon, government spending can't save an economy.

It saved this one.
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

Bullshit. Once you experience the military life you never forget it.

As usual. You are full of shit.


Trump forgot his military values the second he left military school
I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

Bullshit. Once you experience the military life you never forget it.

As usual. You are full of shit.


Trump forgot his military values the second he left military school

Says you who know him so well.

As usual. You are full of shit.
ok------so trump made a mistake------BEYOND the usual hoof in mouth.
He can learn

Which mistake would that be...

Promising to stop working with South Korea Militarily getting nothing from NK....

Calling Kim a 'very smart', a war criminal who sells sex slaves to China while killing his own people...

Oh yeah, he saluted a General in another army...

Trump got played by Kim, Isrealis said so too
Secret Israeli Memo Cast Doubt That Trump’s Korea Summit Accomplished Anything

Getting nothing? Didn't the NORKs agree to destroy a missile testing facility?

No, a mountain had destroyed it for them. So, we already had that.

North Korea nuclear test site has collapsed and may be out of action – China study

FYI, the exercises are not until August , so there is still time if Kim reneges.

If Kim reneges on what? He didn't give us anything to renege on.
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

LOL...you crazy loon, government spending can't save an economy.

It saved this one.

Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

I'm sure Trump was briefed on protocols, which is why Trump attempted a handshake first...dumbass.
As usual
Trump screwed up what he was told.

Saluting a N Korean General sends a message, complimenting a brutal dictator sends a message.
First off, Trump is a civilian, as his "bone spurs" kept his sorry ass out of Vietnam.

Secondly, the President is never required to return a salute, he only does it as a matter of courtesy.

Third, and most importantly, he is an enemy General of a rogue nation, and the whole visit was designed to increase Kim's standing and legitimate his murderous regime, which he did in spades, because he met with the Dotard and played him like a fiddle.

This salute was the icing on the cake to a propaganda bonanza. America loses again under Trump.
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

...then after leaving office, the first thing he does is go to Wall Street to garner huge payoffs. He could always be counted on to protect the .01%.

He saved this nation from a depression. What he is doing now as a private citizen doesn't matter. But I really don't think he working on Wall Street.
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

I'm sure Trump was briefed on protocols, which is why Trump attempted a handshake first...dumbass.
As usual
Trump screwed up what he was told.

Saluting a N Korean General sends a message, complimenting a brutal dictator sends a message.
as usual - it doesn't matter what trump does you're going to call it bad.
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

LOL...you crazy loon, government spending can't save an economy.

It saved this one.


Whatever, that's what happened.
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

Bullshit. Once you experience the military life you never forget it.

As usual. You are full of shit.


Trump forgot his military values the second he left military school

Says you who know him so well.

As usual. You are full of shit.
Living in the NY area, I have watched Trump for over 35 years.
He shows no military values in his personal or business life
It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

Google is your friend.

I don't have time to waste educating someone who will never accept any proof they are wrong because they are a libtard.

I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

I am not a libtard. I don't have to lie to justify my reasoning. You do. My 40+ years associated with the military is sufficient for most people. Libtards don't count as people.
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

I'm sure Trump was briefed on protocols, which is why Trump attempted a handshake first...dumbass.
As usual
Trump screwed up what he was told.

Saluting a N Korean General sends a message, complimenting a brutal dictator sends a message.

Hmmm...did you read the whole sentence or just the first 5 words?
geezus christ people want to make dolly parton tits out of carpenters dream girlfriends.

Do soldiers salute officers from opposing armies? Does navy salute army?

this is zero big deal unless your panties are wadded up too tight.

I agree and if Obama had done it they would be crowing about what a great man he is.

It is a zero big deal but the lefty loons on this board have to have something to bitch about.
using the bowing as a guide, i don't recall them going GO OBAMA GO but i do recall the right going apeshit in much the same way the left is doing it now.

people just need to bitch.

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