When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

geezus christ people want to make dolly parton tits out of carpenters dream girlfriends.

Do soldiers salute officers from opposing armies? Does navy salute army?

this is zero big deal unless your panties are wadded up too tight.

I agree and if Obama had done it they would be crowing about what a great man he is.

It is a zero big deal but the lefty loons on this board have to have something to bitch about.

Had Obama done this you on the right would still be howling about it.

Nope. My whole family was military up until this generation. I know how the military works.

I would have applauded Obama for his returning a salute because I know Obama knows nothing about the military.

It was respect given and respect returned.

You lefties need to light a candle and move the fuck on.

Sure. OK.

You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

LMAO Obama had no love for the military. The only time he wanted to be around the military was for a photo op.

He couldn't wait to pose with SEAL team six when they took out UBL.

Other than that he had nothing but disdain for the military,.

Him in the military going to war?? LMAO
The Great Obama had to apologize for the excesses of Bush

Wait till you see the apologies that will be necessary for Trump

Certainly don't recall hearing The Great BSer (Obama) apologize for his excessive spending.

That spending saved the economy.

...then after leaving office, the first thing he does is go to Wall Street to garner huge payoffs. He could always be counted on to protect the .01%.

He saved this nation from a depression. What he is doing now as a private citizen doesn't matter. But I really don't think he working on Wall Street.
That's hilarious...but you being a racist, makes sense.

BO is just as much a corporatist, warmonger, lying scumbag as the worse politician in American history. Too bad you are blind in both eyes and can't see the truth.

Another person obsessed with race so much you bring it up when race is not the subject or the section to discuss race in.
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

So, basically you can't prove that it is military protocol for for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General. Instead you come back with POW's saluting their captors?

That is actually a separate deal between military POWs and their captors and has nothing to do with this situation with Trump.

If You Should Be Captured, These Are Your Rights - War Department Pamphlet No. 21-7 - May 1944 (Lone Sentry)

If you are an enlisted prisoner of war, you must salute all enemy officers. If you are an officer prisoner of war, you salute only enemy officers of equal or higher rank. You render your own salute, not the salute as executed by the enemy.

God damn, buddy, if you served then I can only imagine the disgust those you served with would feel about you.

You just proved me right, dumbass!

Can you PM me your personal address so that I can send the guys in the little white coats to come take you back to the home for the Terminally Bewildered?

What a loon!

Every person on this message board with an IQ above room temperature is laughing their ass off at your pathetic existence.
I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.

Yep, it showed me that Trump didn't know what the fuck to do and followed the NK general's lead. Just the same, he saluted him and it's currently being used in North Korea as propaganda.

Idiots, the lot of you.
I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.
and then he was forced to salute. art of the deal. WINNING!
It is amazing how similar partisans on the left and right are.

When BO bowed to dictators and shit on America in foriegn nations, the right went nuts.

Now we have the Left doing the same thing...though it does appear the Left is inflamed over stupid shit often times. This thread would seem to provide evidence of this.
Your attempt at trying to appear objective has failed..

I don't recall any people on the left being outraged over Trump's tan suit -- or over Trump giving his wife a "terrorist fist bump"

Trump lovers will never be in a position to "both sides do it" when it comes to their sycophancy of Trump.

and what is new to the list -- the fact that trump illegally funneled almost 3 million dollars of charity donations meant for Vets into his own campaign...but that's ok because Obama is black
Oh brother. You really think Big Ears was treated worse than Trump....LMFAO. It has been proven several times now that Trump gets 95% negative reports by the MSM and BO got 95% positive reports from the MSM.

Yet...you think I AM NOT OBJECTIVE. LMFAO!

Get a grip.

Shut up fake libertarian
It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

When did you serve? Oh wait, you didn't. Shut up.

"In the military, returning a salute from a military officer of a friendly foreign nation is common practice for US military officers and considered a display of military professionalism. There is no rule that a US president is obliged to return a salute, which is considered a sign of mutual respect."

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Now shut up and get back in your kitchen, you're too stupid for anything else.

Really? North Korea is not a 'friendly foreign nation' and you missed the part of your article where Trump was advised not to salute.

You kind of just proved yourself wrong. For the love of all you hold dear, choke, swallow, spit, I don't care but after that at some point you're going to have to pull Trump's wee-wee out of your mouth so that you can breathe.

I didn't miss anything numb skull, it was a Mission of detente and the General saluted the President. Common courtesy calls for a return salute. God you're stupid kid.
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

So, basically you can't prove that it is military protocol for for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General. Instead you come back with POW's saluting their captors?

That is actually a separate deal between military POWs and their captors and has nothing to do with this situation with Trump.

If You Should Be Captured, These Are Your Rights - War Department Pamphlet No. 21-7 - May 1944 (Lone Sentry)

If you are an enlisted prisoner of war, you must salute all enemy officers. If you are an officer prisoner of war, you salute only enemy officers of equal or higher rank. You render your own salute, not the salute as executed by the enemy.

God damn, buddy, if you served then I can only imagine the disgust those you served with would feel about you.

You just proved me right, dumbass!

Can you PM me your personal address so that I can send the guys in the little white coats to come take you back to the home for the Terminally Bewildered?

What a loon!

Every person on this message board with an IQ above room temperature is laughing their ass off at your pathetic existence.

LMLAO I agree. He should go back to his mommy's basement with his coloring books, blankey and teddy bear. Good Lord can anyone be as dumb as him.
geezus christ people want to make dolly parton tits out of carpenters dream girlfriends.

Do soldiers salute officers from opposing armies? Does navy salute army?

this is zero big deal unless your panties are wadded up too tight.

I agree and if Obama had done it they would be crowing about what a great man he is.

It is a zero big deal but the lefty loons on this board have to have something to bitch about.

Had Obama done this you on the right would still be howling about it.

Nope. My whole family was military up until this generation. I know how the military works.

I would have applauded Obama for his returning a salute because I know Obama knows nothing about the military.

It was respect given and respect returned.

You lefties need to light a candle and move the fuck on.

Sure. OK.

You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

LMAO Obama had no love for the military. The only time he wanted to be around the military was for a photo op.

He couldn't wait to pose with SEAL team six when they took out UBL.

Other than that he had nothing but disdain for the military,.

Him in the military going to war?? LMAO

You don't know that. Try to not repeat what you get told on Fox News.
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

Just shows how little some folks actually know about the military and it protocols.

My whole family was military until this generation and I've seen may a salute given and returned.

Ain't rocket science but you need to at least be familiar with how the military does things.

Well, no, it shows how little John Wayne knows and he's looking for any little tidbit that will demonstrate a U.S. President should salute a North Korean General and he's using WWII protocols for how a captured POW should salute their captors, however only if their rank is equal or higher. It's two completely different things, but leave to you twats to look for any excuse, including distorting history to rationalize Trump.

You can't even read your own source. Have you noticed that not a single person has come to your defense or assisted in your argument? It's because you can't read!
It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it.

The CNN-paid generals by saying otherwise should be publicly castigated for their ignorance.

Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

When did you serve? Oh wait, you didn't. Shut up.

"In the military, returning a salute from a military officer of a friendly foreign nation is common practice for US military officers and considered a display of military professionalism. There is no rule that a US president is obliged to return a salute, which is considered a sign of mutual respect."

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Now shut up and get back in your kitchen, you're too stupid for anything else.

Really? North Korea is not a 'friendly foreign nation' and you missed the part of your article where Trump was advised not to salute.

You kind of just proved yourself wrong. For the love of all you hold dear, choke, swallow, spit, I don't care but after that at some point you're going to have to pull Trump's wee-wee out of your mouth so that you can breathe.

I am betting you defended the Magic Negro for actually BOWING to a Saudi. No worries, I defended your right to be stupid. Thank me.
I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.
and then he was forced to salute. art of the deal. WINNING!

Sigh...another idiot.
I agree and if Obama had done it they would be crowing about what a great man he is.

It is a zero big deal but the lefty loons on this board have to have something to bitch about.

Had Obama done this you on the right would still be howling about it.

Nope. My whole family was military up until this generation. I know how the military works.

I would have applauded Obama for his returning a salute because I know Obama knows nothing about the military.

It was respect given and respect returned.

You lefties need to light a candle and move the fuck on.

Sure. OK.

You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

LMAO Obama had no love for the military. The only time he wanted to be around the military was for a photo op.

He couldn't wait to pose with SEAL team six when they took out UBL.

Other than that he had nothing but disdain for the military,.

Him in the military going to war?? LMAO

You don't know that. Try to not repeat what you get told on Fox News.

Just because you couldn't see it doesn't mean it isn't so.

Oh and I don't watch FOX news. How bout you? You must be glued to CNN and MSNBC. In fact you are probably their only customers. LOL
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

So, basically you can't prove that it is military protocol for for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General. Instead you come back with POW's saluting their captors?

That is actually a separate deal between military POWs and their captors and has nothing to do with this situation with Trump.

If You Should Be Captured, These Are Your Rights - War Department Pamphlet No. 21-7 - May 1944 (Lone Sentry)

If you are an enlisted prisoner of war, you must salute all enemy officers. If you are an officer prisoner of war, you salute only enemy officers of equal or higher rank. You render your own salute, not the salute as executed by the enemy.

God damn, buddy, if you served then I can only imagine the disgust those you served with would feel about you.

You just proved me right, dumbass!

Can you PM me your personal address so that I can send the guys in the little white coats to come take you back to the home for the Terminally Bewildered?

What a loon!

Every person on this message board with an IQ above room temperature is laughing their ass off at your pathetic existence.

How were you proved right? You showed a very specific situation where POWs are told to salute their captors and only of equal or higher rank. Has nothing to do with the President saluting a General of a rogue state that we currently have sanctions against.

Are you saying the General is equal to the President? Are you saying the President is a POW? You're simply trying to fit a very square peg in a very round hole. You're a disgusting Trump apologist.
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.

He went to military school over 50 years ago

Prior to meeting Kim, he should have been briefed about protocols and the impact of certain optics

As usual, Trump was asleep

I'm sure Trump was briefed on protocols, which is why Trump attempted a handshake first...dumbass.
As usual
Trump screwed up what he was told.

Saluting a N Korean General sends a message, complimenting a brutal dictator sends a message.
as usual - it doesn't matter what trump does you're going to call it bad.
I have already complimented Trump on numerous threads about meeting Kim Jong Un. I think he did OK for a first meeting and established lines of communication.

But it is obvious he didn’t prepare adequately for the meeting and has made some blunders that will affect our relations with allies and embolden Kim
Not many people know that when the Japaneses surrendered to McAurther that the commanding officer saluted him and surrendered his sword. If they surrender their nukes as we believe will happen quickly it will be that same surrender. You all are going to be real upset that the Korean war will now be officially over..

You're dumber than Trump.

Where did you learn military honors and ceremonies? The Girl Scouts?

6 years in the U.S. Army, 1986-1992.

Took part in the same exercises your dumbass President is trying to cancel to impress his new BFF.

OK, now I see the problem. I served before you, after you and still work for the military. You should have stayed in the Girl Scouts instead of having your testicles removed.

And you’re still as dumb as you were on the day you first enlisted. I’ll give you points for consistency.

And it’s grest to hear you have a picture of Trump on your wall......

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha......!!!!!!!
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!

Watching wingnuts cover for Trump.......priceless.
Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

When did you serve? Oh wait, you didn't. Shut up.

"In the military, returning a salute from a military officer of a friendly foreign nation is common practice for US military officers and considered a display of military professionalism. There is no rule that a US president is obliged to return a salute, which is considered a sign of mutual respect."

Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit, state media footage reveals - CNNPolitics

Now shut up and get back in your kitchen, you're too stupid for anything else.

Really? North Korea is not a 'friendly foreign nation' and you missed the part of your article where Trump was advised not to salute.

You kind of just proved yourself wrong. For the love of all you hold dear, choke, swallow, spit, I don't care but after that at some point you're going to have to pull Trump's wee-wee out of your mouth so that you can breathe.

I didn't miss anything numb skull, it was a Mission of detente and the General saluted the President. Common courtesy calls for a return salute. God you're stupid kid.

No, common courtesy does not call for anything of the kind. Especially when you have a North Korean cameraman just steps away form the president. In your own CNN article that you linked to it states that the president was advised to specifically not salute, you didn't quote that part of the article though.

It's a sad day when the President of the United States salutes anyone from such a hostile lying regime as NK. How much lower do we need to go?
I love it when Non Military people try to tell military people what should and shouldn't be done by protocol. You Libs are idiots.

Like you are? Shut your pie hole REMF.
Oh for Christ's sakes.

The Korean General saluted and Trump, who did go to a military college and knows the response, saluted back.

Big Fucking No Deal.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!

Watching wingnuts cover for Trump.......priceless.

The only wingnuts I see are you losers.

If Trump were a Dem you'd be telling everyone what a great job he did in NK. What a great leader he is.

Because he's a Rep everything he did was a bad and returning a salute was a crime.

You losers sure are consistent with your stupidity.

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