When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.
and then he was forced to salute. art of the deal. WINNING!

Sigh...another idiot.
huh, i am agreeing with you. it is not trump's fault. he attempted to initially shake hands. but then he somehow ended up saluting. it cannot be his fault, so he was somehow forced. on the other hand, i learnt that it is absolutely correct to salute enemy soldiers if you are trump. so WINNING!
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

Just shows how little some folks actually know about the military and it protocols.

My whole family was military until this generation and I've seen may a salute given and returned.

Ain't rocket science but you need to at least be familiar with how the military does things.

Well, no, it shows how little John Wayne knows and he's looking for any little tidbit that will demonstrate a U.S. President should salute a North Korean General and he's using WWII protocols for how a captured POW should salute their captors, however only if their rank is equal or higher. It's two completely different things, but leave to you twats to look for any excuse, including distorting history to rationalize Trump.

You can't even read your own source. Have you noticed that not a single person has come to your defense or assisted in your argument? It's because you can't read!

What of my source have I gotten wrong? And yeah, there are quite a few people in this thread who don't think it's appropriate and a propaganda win for a U.S. president to salute a North Korean General.
I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.

Yep, it showed me that Trump didn't know what the fuck to do and followed the NK general's lead. Just the same, he saluted him and it's currently being used in North Korea as propaganda.

Idiots, the lot of you.

the fucking idiotic thing to do when trying to negotiate out of 60 years of "war" would be to insult the other side vs. work to build some trust and mutual respect.

trump "dis'ing" the man would not go well when trying to come to a conclusion to this "war". but hey - you can bitch at trump and have a shiney new tonka toy in this action to stroll around the floor while singing "yes i know trump sucks today, doo-dah, doo-dah..."

and face it - if trump had NOT returned the salute, you'd be bitching at him for not trying to keep the peace movement going.
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Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.
and then he was forced to salute. art of the deal. WINNING!

Sigh...another idiot.
huh, i am agreeing with you. it is not trump's fault. he attempted to initially shake hands. but then he somehow ended up saluting. it cannot be his fault, so he was somehow forced. on the other hand, i learnt that it is absolutely correct to salute enemy soldiers if you are trump. so WINNING!


Shit, am I reading this right? :21:
If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.
and then he was forced to salute. art of the deal. WINNING!

Sigh...another idiot.
huh, i am agreeing with you. it is not trump's fault. he attempted to initially shake hands. but then he somehow ended up saluting. it cannot be his fault, so he was somehow forced. on the other hand, i learnt that it is absolutely correct to salute enemy soldiers if you are trump. so WINNING!


Shit, am I reading this right? :21:
it's awesome. LOL
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

So, basically you can't prove that it is military protocol for for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General. Instead you come back with POW's saluting their captors?

That is actually a separate deal between military POWs and their captors and has nothing to do with this situation with Trump.

If You Should Be Captured, These Are Your Rights - War Department Pamphlet No. 21-7 - May 1944 (Lone Sentry)

If you are an enlisted prisoner of war, you must salute all enemy officers. If you are an officer prisoner of war, you salute only enemy officers of equal or higher rank. You render your own salute, not the salute as executed by the enemy.

God damn, buddy, if you served then I can only imagine the disgust those you served with would feel about you.

You just proved me right, dumbass!

Can you PM me your personal address so that I can send the guys in the little white coats to come take you back to the home for the Terminally Bewildered?

What a loon!

Every person on this message board with an IQ above room temperature is laughing their ass off at your pathetic existence.

How were you proved right? You showed a very specific situation where POWs are told to salute their captors and only of equal or higher rank. Has nothing to do with the President saluting a General of a rogue state that we currently have sanctions against.

Are you saying the General is equal to the President? Are you saying the President is a POW? You're simply trying to fit a very square peg in a very round hole. You're a disgusting Trump apologist.

One more try!

It is the same fucking thing, dumbass!

The North Korean General saluted. The appropriate response is to return the salute. Returning a salute is required because to not do so is considered offensive. I am offering my respect to you by saluting. Your failure to return it is the same as saying "Fuck off and die, bitch!"

Note that your reference only refers to offering the salute, and does not say anything about returning a salute because that is always expected.

You want a John Wayne reference? In the movie Rio Grande, John Wayne plays a cavalry colonel whose own son is sent to his unit after he flunks out of West Point. They have not seen each other in 15 years, since the Civil War. When the new recruit is brought to his father, they discuss how things are going to be. When dismissed, his son salutes his father, at which point the colonel half heartedly waves a salute back at him from a seated position. When the recruit remains at attention, his father asks what he is waiting for. The recruit tells his father that his salute is to be properly returned, at which point the first sergeant chuckles, but draws a quick rebuke from the colonel, who rises, puts on his cover, and properly returns his son's salute. The recruit is then dismissed. Even Hollywood got it right, and that movie was made in 1950.
I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.

Yep, it showed me that Trump didn't know what the fuck to do and followed the NK general's lead. Just the same, he saluted him and it's currently being used in North Korea as propaganda.

Idiots, the lot of you.

the fucking idiotic thing to do when trying to negotiate out of 60 years of "war" would be to insult the other side vs. work to build some trust and mutual respect.

trump "dis'ing" the man would not go well when trying to come to a conclusion to this "war". but hey - you can bitch at trump and have a shiney new tonka toy in this action to stroll around the floor while singing "yes i know trump sucks today, doo-dah, doo-dah..."

yeah, insulting kim or an underling would be bad.

Donald Trump Praises Himself for Insulting Kim Jong-un

I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.

Yep, it showed me that Trump didn't know what the fuck to do and followed the NK general's lead. Just the same, he saluted him and it's currently being used in North Korea as propaganda.

Idiots, the lot of you.

the fucking idiotic thing to do when trying to negotiate out of 60 years of "war" would be to insult the other side vs. work to build some trust and mutual respect.

Who said anything about insult? He should have just shook the guys hand and moved on.

trump "dis'ing" the man would not go well when trying to come to a conclusion to this "war". but hey - you can bitch at trump and have a shiney new tonka toy in this action to stroll around the floor while singing "yes i know trump sucks today, doo-dah, doo-dah..."

Again, the possibilities are greater than saluting a north korean general and 'dis'ing' him and end up somehow in a war because of it. I bet the real author of The Art of the Deal knows this.
and then he was forced to salute. art of the deal. WINNING!

Sigh...another idiot.
huh, i am agreeing with you. it is not trump's fault. he attempted to initially shake hands. but then he somehow ended up saluting. it cannot be his fault, so he was somehow forced. on the other hand, i learnt that it is absolutely correct to salute enemy soldiers if you are trump. so WINNING!


Shit, am I reading this right? :21:
it's awesome. LOL

Guess I was right the first time.
Sigh...another idiot.
huh, i am agreeing with you. it is not trump's fault. he attempted to initially shake hands. but then he somehow ended up saluting. it cannot be his fault, so he was somehow forced. on the other hand, i learnt that it is absolutely correct to salute enemy soldiers if you are trump. so WINNING!


Shit, am I reading this right? :21:
it's awesome. LOL

Guess I was right the first time.
think about it some more, thinker. eventually you will get there.
You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

How about Desert Storm? Barry the Fairy was 30, well below the cut-off age. Add that to his claim his parents met at the Selma bridge in '65, 4 years after he was born.....which made him 26 when my son and others went over the berm into Kuwait....Barry never showed up.....President Chickenshit.
Where did you look....Huffy or moron.org? We aren't obligated to prove anything to you, fish..why waste the keystrokes?

Google. Can you find anything where it's OK for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General? You have the opportunity to prove John Wayne's point, why don't you?

If you watch the tape Trump attempts to initially shake hands. WTF is wrong with you loons.

Yep, it showed me that Trump didn't know what the fuck to do and followed the NK general's lead. Just the same, he saluted him and it's currently being used in North Korea as propaganda.

Idiots, the lot of you.

the fucking idiotic thing to do when trying to negotiate out of 60 years of "war" would be to insult the other side vs. work to build some trust and mutual respect.

Who said anything about insult? He should have just shook the guys hand and moved on.

trump "dis'ing" the man would not go well when trying to come to a conclusion to this "war". but hey - you can bitch at trump and have a shiney new tonka toy in this action to stroll around the floor while singing "yes i know trump sucks today, doo-dah, doo-dah..."

Again, the possibilities are greater than saluting a north korean general and 'dis'ing' him and end up somehow in a war because of it. I bet the real author of The Art of the Deal knows this.
i'll bet only trump haters give a shit about this.
i'll bet only trump haters are coming up with reasons why this is wrong.

i'll listen to the military family - not a whiner who would whine regardless of what trump did.
geezus christ people want to make dolly parton tits out of carpenters dream girlfriends.

Do soldiers salute officers from opposing armies? Does navy salute army?

this is zero big deal unless your panties are wadded up too tight.

I agree and if Obama had done it they would be crowing about what a great man he is.

It is a zero big deal but the lefty loons on this board have to have something to bitch about.

Had Obama done this you on the right would still be howling about it.

Nope. My whole family was military up until this generation. I know how the military works.

I would have applauded Obama for his returning a salute because I know Obama knows nothing about the military.

It was respect given and respect returned.

You lefties need to light a candle and move the fuck on.

Sure. OK.

You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

LMAO Obama had no love for the military. The only time he wanted to be around the military was for a photo op.

He couldn't wait to pose with SEAL team six when they took out UBL.

Other than that he had nothing but disdain for the military,.

Him in the military going to war?? LMAO
Conservative propaganda

It was Bush who showed no respect for the military and sent them into senseless wars

It was Trump who called POWs cowards
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")
Those same conservatives who condemned Obama for bowing to a foreign dignitary, celebrate Trump for saluting and honoring a N Korean General involved in genocide

Link to us celebrating darling?

Thousands of Conservatives were dancing in the streets of NJ when Trump saluted a tyrant General.......believe me

Link cupcake?
You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

How about Desert Storm? Barry the Fairy was 30, well below the cut-off age. Add that to his claim his parents met at the Selma bridge in '65, 4 years after he was born.....which made him 26 when my son and others went over the berm into Kuwait....Barry never showed up.....President Chickenshit.
The Great Obama never said his parents met at the Selma bridge

We had a volunteer force in Dessert Storm. Obama never faked heel spurs
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")
Those same conservatives who condemned Obama for bowing to a foreign dignitary, celebrate Trump for saluting and honoring a N Korean General involved in genocide

Link to us celebrating darling?

Thousands of Conservatives were dancing in the streets of NJ when Trump saluted a tyrant General.......believe me

Link cupcake?
I saw it on TV
I agree and if Obama had done it they would be crowing about what a great man he is.

It is a zero big deal but the lefty loons on this board have to have something to bitch about.

Had Obama done this you on the right would still be howling about it.

Nope. My whole family was military up until this generation. I know how the military works.

I would have applauded Obama for his returning a salute because I know Obama knows nothing about the military.

It was respect given and respect returned.

You lefties need to light a candle and move the fuck on.

Sure. OK.

You seem to forget that Trump ran from Vietnam and that there were no wars for Obama to serve in.

LMAO Obama had no love for the military. The only time he wanted to be around the military was for a photo op.

He couldn't wait to pose with SEAL team six when they took out UBL.

Other than that he had nothing but disdain for the military,.

Him in the military going to war?? LMAO
Conservative propaganda

It was Bush who showed no respect for the military and sent them into senseless wars

It was Trump who called POWs cowards

Bush?, both Bush's were in the military dumbass.

They always showed respect for the Military.

Obama?? None at all.
Conservative propaganda

It was Bush who showed no respect for the military and sent them into senseless wars

It was Trump who called POWs cowards

The DNC sure threw the lying feed-bag on ya today.....who let binny's boys train in the US the year before Bush took office? What would you have done after 9/11...apologized? What POW(s) did Trump call "cowards"....so many questions nobody can get you to answer.
Ohhh, now I see why (never in the military) John Wayne thinks it's OK to salute a North Korean General, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that's normal. What an idiot.

Did Allied POWs salute their German captors during WWII?


I guess this is photoshopped!

So, basically you can't prove that it is military protocol for for a U.S. President to salute a North Korean General. Instead you come back with POW's saluting their captors?

That is actually a separate deal between military POWs and their captors and has nothing to do with this situation with Trump.

If You Should Be Captured, These Are Your Rights - War Department Pamphlet No. 21-7 - May 1944 (Lone Sentry)

If you are an enlisted prisoner of war, you must salute all enemy officers. If you are an officer prisoner of war, you salute only enemy officers of equal or higher rank. You render your own salute, not the salute as executed by the enemy.

God damn, buddy, if you served then I can only imagine the disgust those you served with would feel about you.

You just proved me right, dumbass!

Can you PM me your personal address so that I can send the guys in the little white coats to come take you back to the home for the Terminally Bewildered?

What a loon!

Every person on this message board with an IQ above room temperature is laughing their ass off at your pathetic existence.

How were you proved right? You showed a very specific situation where POWs are told to salute their captors and only of equal or higher rank. Has nothing to do with the President saluting a General of a rogue state that we currently have sanctions against.

Are you saying the General is equal to the President? Are you saying the President is a POW? You're simply trying to fit a very square peg in a very round hole. You're a disgusting Trump apologist.

One more try!

It is the same fucking thing, dumbass!

Nope, It's part of a WWII field manual that POWs salute enemy captors of equal or higher rank. None of this applies to the President and Trump was specifically told not to salute. You're original point was that it was military protocol to return any salute, you have so far failed to prove this and it's because you're wrong, John Wayne, if you were right you would have had a source to back you up.

The North Korean General saluted. The appropriate response is to return the salute. Returning a salute is required because to not do so is considered offensive. I am offering my respect to you by saluting. Your failure to return it is the same as saying "Fuck off and die, bitch!"

Once again, prove it. What is your source that it is appropriate for a U.S. President....or anyone to salute a North Korean general? You do not have a source that states this is appropriate regardless of who saluted who first. And no, the General didn't even appear to be expecting a salute in return, not that it matters but a simple handshake would of sufficed. Hell, that didn't even look necessary but at least understanding.

Note that your reference only refers to offering the salute, and does not say anything about returning a salute because that is always expected.

Great, well as it should be obvious, that's your point to prove and you haven't linked to anything that backs you up. Are you serious?

You want a John Wayne reference? In the movie Rio Grande, John Wayne plays a cavalry colonel whose own son is sent to his unit after he flunks out of West Point. They have not seen each other in 15 years, since the Civil War. When the new recruit is brought to his father, they discuss how things are going to be. When dismissed, his son salutes his father, at which point the colonel half heartedly waves a salute back at him from a seated position. When the recruit remains at attention, his father asks what he is waiting for. The recruit tells his father that his salute is to be properly returned, at which point the first sergeant chuckles, but draws a quick rebuke from the colonel, who rises, puts on his cover, and properly returns his son's salute. The recruit is then dismissed. Even Hollywood got it right, and that movie was made in 1950.

Are you god damned kidding me? You're really using a John Wayne movie as a source?

Maybe we should see how Genghis Khan would have handled this. I know of this great totally real documentary on the Mongolian leader.


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