When Hillary paid foreigners for dirt on a rival it was OK.....

Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.
You know nothing. The only threats to the constitution came from Obama and his administration as is being proven every day. Your shrieks and teeth gnashing are the result of desperation. Here, read this a couple of times, and let it sink in, from investors daily. Of course you could try to round up some facts to rebut me, but I am not holding my breath

he Clintons and their foundation raked in a cool $145 million in donations and "speaking fees" just from Uranium One- and Rosatom-affiliated donors while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was supposedly keeping all Clinton Foundation business at "arm's-length." As we reported in July, Clinton official emails show extensive connections between Hillary, the Clinton Foundation and donors during her time as secretary of state, a kind of criminal conga-line of people asking for favors from Hillary and donating to the foundation.

Peter Schwiezer, the author of "Clinton Cash," questioned this "spontaneous outbreak of philanthropy among eight shareholders in Uranium One" who "decide now would be a great time to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation."

Nor was this just a Russian thing. It was a much-broader pay-for-play scheme by Hillary Clinton. Consider this: Of the 154 private interests that were given official access to Hillary Clinton during her tenure at the State Department, at least 85 donated to the Clinton Foundation or a program affiliated with it. The secretary of state's office in Foggy Bottom might as well have had "For Sale" painted on it.

That the Clintons and their eponymous foundation got away with their corrupt arrangement for so many years without interference or censure speaks to a deep political corruption in the Obama administration. It's strange that an investigation continues into the inconsequential ties between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian officials, while solid evidence of bribery of the Clinton family by the Russians and many others is completely ignored.
Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.

Which side wants to eliminate the EC?
Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.
How? How is he a threat to the constitution?

All he is doing is trying to show that the last administration(s) have been controlled by the intelligence agencies when it comes to foreign policy.

Do you have proof that they haven't been?

I see the way this "whistle" blower (a CIA stooge,) has been treated by the corporate CFR media which has intel agents embedded in it, as opposed to Winner, Assange and Snowden, and I can see clearly the politics of the Deep State subverting the will of the people, why can't you?

All they want is war and conflict, are you really this blind?

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
Putin loves you
When Trump asks foreign leaders to investigate corruption of our former leaders it's considered criminal.

How can ANYONE rationalize these two positions??? How can you condemn Trump while COMPLETELY excusing Hillary and expect ANYONE to take you seriously?

Hillary wasn't President or a member of the government. She was a private citizen.

Trump is using the power of the Presidency for personal gain.
Since when is the Secretary of State considered a private citizen?

Duh, when they ain't Secretary of State.
The DNC (not Hillary) paid an AMERICAN firm to do oppo research. THEY hired Steele.

Try again...Hillary laundered money thru the law firm "Perkins cooey" who paid christopher steel...which proves she knew all about it. She was trying to hide the payment & it was listed as a "legal expense" in her campaign finances...yet another crime she got away with.

Even leftist extraordinaire juan williams said when the hillary campaign coughed up THAT MUCH money...hillary HAD TO KNOW ABOUT IT.

Try to keep up.
As noted above several different times...The DNC (not Hillary) hired an AMERICAN oppo firm (the same one Rubio used)

That firm hired Steele and the RESULTS of that were NOT used in the election but were (as they should be) turned over to the FBI
Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.
How? How is he a threat to the constitution?

All he is doing is trying to show that the last administration(s) have been controlled by the intelligence agencies when it comes to foreign policy.

Do you have proof that they haven't been?

I see the way this "whistle" blower (a CIA stooge,) has been treated by the corporate CFR media which has intel agents embedded in it, as opposed to Winner, Assange and Snowden, and I can see clearly the politics of the Deep State subverting the will of the people, why can't you?

All they want is war and conflict, are you really this blind?

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
Putin loves you
That’s ridiculous.

When the MSM supports a government whistleblower, we can be assured the fix is in.

Manning and Assange are in prison, and the MSM doesn’t give a shit. Snowden would by too, if they could apprehend him.
Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.
How? How is he a threat to the constitution?

All he is doing is trying to show that the last administration(s) have been controlled by the intelligence agencies when it comes to foreign policy.

Do you have proof that they haven't been?

I see the way this "whistle" blower (a CIA stooge,) has been treated by the corporate CFR media which has intel agents embedded in it, as opposed to Winner, Assange and Snowden, and I can see clearly the politics of the Deep State subverting the will of the people, why can't you?

All they want is war and conflict, are you really this blind?

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
Putin loves you
For telling the truth?

Why should I give a shit what Putin likes or doesn't like?

. . . or are you one of these simple minded, useful idiots that have bought into this notion that Russia, or China, or Iran or any other various foreign entity is somehow. . . "out to get us?"

Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.
How? How is he a threat to the constitution?

All he is doing is trying to show that the last administration(s) have been controlled by the intelligence agencies when it comes to foreign policy.

Do you have proof that they haven't been?

I see the way this "whistle" blower (a CIA stooge,) has been treated by the corporate CFR media which has intel agents embedded in it, as opposed to Winner, Assange and Snowden, and I can see clearly the politics of the Deep State subverting the will of the people, why can't you?

All they want is war and conflict, are you really this blind?

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
Putin loves you
That’s ridiculous.

When the MSM supports a government whistleblower, we can be assured the fix is in.

Manning and Assange are in prison, and the MSM doesn’t give a shit. Snowden would by too, if they could apprehend him.
Did ANY of them go through the correct whistle blower process as the current WBs are?


They just leaked everything they could get their hands on?

I have a question.

You fuckers throw so much shit against the wall (hoping something sticks)...does it hurt your arm?

Does it make your clothes smell after a while?

I mean you can only be so careful...you're bound to get some on ya...
When Trump refuses to answer basic questions or allow witnesses to be interviewed, the American people can draw the reasonable inference that Trump is engaged in a cover up.
Tell me how receiving 150 million from one Russian source to sell them our uranium while she was sec. of state doesn’t dwarf any action by trump?

Will you DIMWITS ever stop "defending" your orange turd by attacking Clinton who is just a private citizen???

Fuck Hillary........but your cult leader is NOW the threat to our Constitution....Get that through your half-brain.
How? How is he a threat to the constitution?

All he is doing is trying to show that the last administration(s) have been controlled by the intelligence agencies when it comes to foreign policy.

Do you have proof that they haven't been?

I see the way this "whistle" blower (a CIA stooge,) has been treated by the corporate CFR media which has intel agents embedded in it, as opposed to Winner, Assange and Snowden, and I can see clearly the politics of the Deep State subverting the will of the people, why can't you?

All they want is war and conflict, are you really this blind?

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
Putin loves you
That’s ridiculous.

When the MSM supports a government whistleblower, we can be assured the fix is in.

Manning and Assange are in prison, and the MSM doesn’t give a shit. Snowden would by too, if they could apprehend him.
Did ANY of them go through the correct whistle blower process as the current WBs are?


They just leaked everything they could get their hands on?

You’re not informed. Our corrupt government doesn’t like whistleblowers. If you try to follow procedures, they ignore you or fire you.

See John kiriakou
I have a question.

You fuckers throw so much shit against the wall (hoping something sticks)...does it hurt your arm?

Does it make your clothes smell after a while?

I mean you can only be so careful...you're bound to get some on ya...
I agree,,, those leftist democrats throw a lot of shit and are bound to get some on themselves,,,it might explain the smell,,,
The DNC (not Hillary) paid an AMERICAN firm to do oppo research. THEY hired Steele.

Try again...Hillary laundered money thru the law firm "Perkins cooey" who paid christopher steel...which proves she knew all about it. She was trying to hide the payment & it was listed as a "legal expense" in her campaign finances...yet another crime she got away with.

Even leftist extraordinaire juan williams said when the hillary campaign coughed up THAT MUCH money...hillary HAD TO KNOW ABOUT IT.

Try to keep up.
As noted above several different times...The DNC (not Hillary) hired an AMERICAN oppo firm (the same one Rubio used)

That firm hired Steele and the RESULTS of that were NOT used in the election but were (as they should be) turned over to the FBI

You are so full of shit.

The DNC (not Hillary) paid an AMERICAN firm to do oppo research. THEY hired Steele.

Try again...Hillary laundered money thru the law firm "Perkins cooey" who paid christopher steel...which proves she knew all about it. She was trying to hide the payment & it was listed as a "legal expense" in her campaign finances...yet another crime she got away with.

Even leftist extraordinaire juan williams said when the hillary campaign coughed up THAT MUCH money...hillary HAD TO KNOW ABOUT IT.

Try to keep up.
As noted above several different times...The DNC (not Hillary) hired an AMERICAN oppo firm (the same one Rubio used)

That firm hired Steele and the RESULTS of that were NOT used in the election but were (as they should be) turned over to the FBI

You are so full of shit.

Cute...you posted your bosses.

I have a question.

You fuckers throw so much shit against the wall (hoping something sticks)...does it hurt your arm?

Does it make your clothes smell after a while?

I mean you can only be so careful...you're bound to get some on ya...
I agree,,, those leftist democrats throw a lot of shit and are bound to get some on themselves,,,it might explain the smell,,,
Are you fukkin eleven?
I have a question.

You fuckers throw so much shit against the wall (hoping something sticks)...does it hurt your arm?

Does it make your clothes smell after a while?

I mean you can only be so careful...you're bound to get some on ya...
I agree,,, those leftist democrats throw a lot of shit and are bound to get some on themselves,,,it might explain the smell,,,
Are you fukkin eleven?
JOHN KIRIAKOU: What was this CIA Officer Thinking?
JOHN KIRIAKOU: What was this CIA Officer Thinking?

". . . If he’s a whistleblower, and not a CIA plant whose task it is to take down the president, then his career is probably over. Intelligence agencies only pay lip service to whistleblowing. A potential whistleblower is supposed to go through the chain of command as the current whistleblower did. If an employee has evidence of waste, fraud, abuse, illegality, or threats to the public health or public safety, he is supposed to go to the Inspector General. The IG, then is supposed to go to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). And when the DNI investigates and finds the complaint credible, he then takes it to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. That sounds straightforward, but it’s not.

The Case of Thomas Drake

Look at the cautionary case of Thomas Drake, a senior NSA officer who blew the whistle on warrantless wiretapping of American citizens in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. Drake went to the NSA inspector general, where he got no satisfaction. He then went to the NSA general counsel and then to the Defense Department inspector general. The DOD IG actually destroyed the evidence that Tom had brought to them. So, when nothing happened there, he went to the House Intelligence Committee. All of this was done through the proper channels.

For his trouble, Drake was rewarded with 10 felony indictments, including five counts of espionage. Of course, he hadn’t committed espionage, and the case eventually fell apart, but not until his life was ruined — personally, professionally and financially.

So even if he is a legitimate whistleblower, the CIA officer who contacted the IG on Trump will never be trusted internally again. The view in Langley will be, “If he’s willing to rat out the president of the United States, he’d be willing to rat out all of us.”
I have a question.

You fuckers throw so much shit against the wall (hoping something sticks)...does it hurt your arm?

Does it make your clothes smell after a while?

I mean you can only be so careful...you're bound to get some on ya...
I agree,,, those leftist democrats throw a lot of shit and are bound to get some on themselves,,,it might explain the smell,,,
Are you fukkin eleven?

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