When I was in Texas

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
When I was in Texas Pt. CCL :smoke:

A friend of mine owns a medium size hotel, so it was at least 104 degrees and this man appeared and said he wanted rooms for four days and four nights, this because the air conditioning in his house had stopped and it was some type of holiday weekend and they could not fix it until the Tuesday.

Is this a normal happening, if your air conditioning stopped would you go to a hotel or stay in the house?
Some people will, some don't, for less dough window units could be rented..
I don't have A/C, so it's a moot question

I thought everyone in America had air conditioning and also basements, although someone told me that in some American States they don't have basements, but I can't remember which States they are.
You can get a window unit for a couple hundred bucks.
When I was in Texas Pt. CCL :smoke:

A friend of mine owns a medium size hotel, so it was at least 104 degrees and this man appeared and said he wanted rooms for four days and four nights, this because the air conditioning in his house had stopped and it was some type of holiday weekend and they could not fix it until the Tuesday.

Is this a normal happening, if your air conditioning stopped would you go to a hotel or stay in the house?

Perhaps, he runs the AC all the time and doesn't even own fans. Or, if he was spending any considerable amount of time at the house in the day, being in an AC room was a much better alternative. If I was working outside the house and only needed to sleep in the house, I'd probably suck it up. But if I had a better income, I could see splurging all the same.
I don't have A/C, so it's a moot question

I thought everyone in America had air conditioning and also basements, although someone told me that in some American States they don't have basements, but I can't remember which States they are.
Really old people with poor circulation can stand hotter temps..
Glad to know I'll suffer less from the heat when I reach your age
Just don't be mowing the lawn at noon...
You can get a window unit for a couple hundred bucks.

So he must have just been weird then, he decided to stay in a hotel for four days.

Maybe, he made a vacation of it. If I was in Dallas, I could see going to Austin for a few days of R&R.

It was in Dallas County.

Also the temperature, they keep saying things are getting hotter, but I was in Texas the whole month of August and that was six years ago and it didn't go cooler than 100 degrees a day, some days it was 104 and at 3AM it was still 90 degrees.

There also was no rain.
You can get a window unit for a couple hundred bucks.

So he must have just been weird then, he decided to stay in a hotel for four days.

Maybe, he made a vacation of it. If I was in Dallas, I could see going to Austin for a few days of R&R.

It was in Dallas County.

Also the temperature, they keep saying things are getting hotter, but I was in Texas the whole month of August and that was six years ago and it didn't go cooler than 100 degrees a day, some days it was 104 and at 3AM it was still 90 degrees.

There also was no rain.
Typical weather for Hell....OKC was no different...Instead of mowing the grass, you mowed the dirt...
I don't have A/C, so it's a moot question

I thought everyone in America had air conditioning and also basements, although someone told me that in some American States they don't have basements, but I can't remember which States they are.
In Texas I had a swamp cooler and two window units when it got over 95 degrees, my parents house in Colorado just had a swamp cooler until my dad installed air conditioning a year before he died. The house here in Albuquerque has central air and heat. Lots of people specifically in rural areas have no air conditioning at all and many still use wood or coal to heat their homes.
Oh and I haven't lived in a house with a basement for over three years, lots of houses out here have no basements and probably a quarter of all houses out here are "mobile" or manufactured homes, most have no basement. There are even areas where there is no plumbing in the house or the waste lines run directly into a creek.
really off topic but go to Death Valley Lucy . We saw temps of 128 degrees at about 6 in the evening in July of 2004 . Its also amazing to see the caves and huts and holes plus tents that the miners lived in after working all day in little mines and then eating a plate of beans and maybe some jackrabbit or slab bacon and all for pennies in about the 1860 to the mid 1900s . After that , maybe some whiskey and pass out for the night . ---------------------------- i grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . No AC in most private homes in the 60s to 80s but temps mostly moderate and then in winter way below zero . Coldest i ever saw was 78 below zero with windchill on Lake Superior . We had a full huge basement with attached greenhouse , kitchen and bedrooms plus toilet and shower . ------------------ Like i said , way off topic i think .
I don't have A/C, so it's a moot question

I thought everyone in America had air conditioning and also basements, although someone told me that in some American States they don't have basements, but I can't remember which States they are.

That depends on the locale and the geography. Where I lived in the Northeast everybody had a basement. In New Orleans nobody does.

I don't have air conditioning here either (don't need it) but in New Orleans I definitely did. But just as Moon Unit noted above, there ain't no reason in the world to lock yourself into the narrow-thought mode idea that ALL A/C has to be central. That's a grossly inefficent way to cool anyway because you're almost always cooling areas not being used by anybody. So you install a window unit.

At one house where I lived in New Orleans the roommate I moved in with didn't believe in A/C. So we made a deal that I would buy a window unit so I could sleep at night, and would pay whatever the difference was in the higher electricity cost. It turned out to be seven dollars a month.
I don't have A/C, so it's a moot question

I thought everyone in America had air conditioning and also basements, although someone told me that in some American States they don't have basements, but I can't remember which States they are.
In Texas I had a swamp cooler and two window units when it got over 95 degrees, my parents house in Colorado just had a swamp cooler until my dad installed air conditioning a year before he died. The house here in Albuquerque has central air and heat. Lots of people specifically in rural areas have no air conditioning at all and many still use wood or coal to heat their homes.
Oh and I haven't lived in a house with a basement for over three years, lots of houses out here have no basements and probably a quarter of all houses out here are "mobile" or manufactured homes, most have no basement. There are even areas where there is no plumbing in the house or the waste lines run directly into a creek.
Sounds like Texass...

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