When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

I'd never deny that democrats and progressives are rather lazy when it comes to showing up to vote and actively determine the type of governance we should live under........but right wingers are fully delusional when they see themselves as representing the "will of the majority of Americans."'

I always like to point out the map by population versus the outdated electoral college.

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So, if Freedom of Speech outdated too?

The lefty thugs in Berkeley seem to think so, as do the campus administrators that let the rioters riot.

How the fuck did you arrive at the moronic "conclusion" that I was stating something against freedom of speech????

Thugs at Berkeley were wrong in destroying property.....BUT the demonstrations prior to the brawl at night were peaceful and pointed out that Nazi-like speech and speakers are a dumb way to protect the 1st amendment......Those few GOPers at Berkeley GOT exactly what they were looking for in that invitation of a moron.
17 promises he didn't keep, 11 he did, and 12 he compromised. I looked up Trump and he has already kept his promises or they are in the works. So your credibility doesn't mean shit. Move along now.

Notice that Obama chose to compromise with congress.......

How many of Trump's promises were compromises with congress???
The approval rating that really counts occurred on November 9, 2016. Get over it.

As expected......



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17 promises he didn't keep, 11 he did, and 12 he compromised. I looked up Trump and he has already kept his promises or they are in the works. So your credibility doesn't mean shit. Move along now.

Notice that Obama chose to compromise with congress.......

How many of Trump's promises were compromises with congress???
Lol, yeah Obama compromised after telling them to get in the back seat. You're funny.
17 promises he didn't keep, 11 he did, and 12 he compromised. I looked up Trump and he has already kept his promises or they are in the works. So your credibility doesn't mean shit. Move along now.

Notice that Obama chose to compromise with congress.......

How many of Trump's promises were compromises with congress???
Notice that Obama chose to compromise with congress.......

Was that before or after he told the nation he had a pen and a phone, and wasn't afraid to use them?
How long will it take for one of the brainwashed cult followers to whine "fake news" or call the OP butthurt?
We aren't the ones that are getting violent and burning things. Liberal are, so who is butthurt? I'm happy as I can be, Obama is being signed away daily!
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.

Why would you lie about his approval rating? Oh...maybe yours is a week or two ago and it has increased since.

President Trump Job Approval
  • Approve . . . . 45.9
  • Disapprove, , 48.6
Disapprove +2.7

I don't know about anyone else but I do not place much stock in the popularity of a president.

Job approval is nothing more than a popularity poll. I never questioned that petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama seemed to be a good father and husband. Unfortunately, he was a failed leader and president. A more reliable guide is whether the voters think the country is going in the right or the wrong direction.

Toward the end of President Obama's reign, it was dropping below 25% never rising above 30%.

Here is today's

Direction of Country
  • Right Direction . . 34.5
  • Wrong Track . . . . 56.1
Wrong Track +21.6
How long will it take for liberals to admit that Trump won the election?

It's quite a feat considering the trashing he's subjected to daily.
Wasn't Hillary going to win Texas?

NO, TX will turn blue in a decade or so given the Latino/Hispanic voters' increase and the dying out of rednecks.
With the way you snowflakes are acting. You will never be in power again. People get tired of violence and burning of private property. In the midterms if I was a republican I would use this picture.

Or this one.
How long will it take for liberals to admit that Trump won the election?

It's quite a feat considering the trashing he's subjected to daily.

Well, the question for you morons is simple....

Care to address that question?
I'd never deny that democrats and progressives are rather lazy when it comes to showing up to vote and actively determine the type of governance we should live under........but right wingers are fully delusional when they see themselves as representing the "will of the majority of Americans."'

I always like to point out the map by population versus the outdated electoral college.

View attachment 110616

Why do you believe it is a grand idea for a dozen or so cities control and make decisions for the rest of the nation? This is specifically why our founding fathers set up the electoral college.


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