When is all the bad stuff going to start happening? Market Crash, Hitler, Nuclear war? When?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Strawmen are happening right now.

Maybe someone can help this guy out.

What specifically has occurred in the past year that was the ARMAGEDDON that Progs scared 65 million fucktards into beliving?

I listed the predictions....list the BAD events that occurred as predicted by the left.
Has anyone asked Mark Cuban how much money he lost be "DOUBLE HEDGING" :)badgrin:) AGAINST THE MARKET" IF TRUMP WON?

Is he stupid or a liar?

About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Trump has been completely blocked on almost everything. Give him some time. He hasn’t even had a year! He only just passed tax reform, so his window for war and crashing the evonomy is now finally open.
The lefties did what they always do: lied out of their asses.

They make any lies and distortions necessary to get take from the wallets of working Americans.

Market crash is not out of the question at these PE's though.
We all remember laughing when Hillary warned us of all this when she was about 15 points behind Trump a few weeks before the election, and all of the snowflakes believed her
About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Trump has been completely blocked on almost everything. Give him some time. He hasn’t even had a year! He only just passed tax reform, so his window for war and crashing the evonomy is now finally open.

Not really,
we are out of Paris!!!!
We are out of TPP!!!!!
We are renegotiating NAFTA
We have tax cuts!!!!!
We have repealed the Obamacare Mandate
We have drilling in ANWAR
We have DAPL pipeline
We have Keystone pipeline
We no longer mandate birth control
We are giving less to the UN
We are decreasing regulation
We have the wall prototypes testing
We have criminal illegals deported or in jail (buh by MS13!!!!)
ISIS has been crushed
About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Trump has been completely blocked on almost everything. Give him some time. He hasn’t even had a year! He only just passed tax reform, so his window for war and crashing the evonomy is now finally open.
trump's been blocked? with having both houses of Congress?
get real.
About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Trump has been completely blocked on almost everything. Give him some time. He hasn’t even had a year! He only just passed tax reform, so his window for war and crashing the evonomy is now finally open.

Not really,
we are out of Paris!!!!
We are out of TPP!!!!!
We are renegotiating NAFTA
We have tax cuts!!!!!
We have repealed the Obamacare Mandate
We have drilling in ANWAR
We have DAPL pipeline
We have Keystone pipeline
We no longer mandate birth control
We are giving less to the UN
We are decreasing regulation
We have the wall prototypes testing
We have criminal illegals deported or in jail (buh by MS13!!!!)
ISIS has been crushed
Bullshit list.
Isis has been crushed? Anyone tell them yet?
About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Trump has been completely blocked on almost everything. Give him some time. He hasn’t even had a year! He only just passed tax reform, so his window for war and crashing the evonomy is now finally open.

Not really,
we are out of Paris!!!!
We are out of TPP!!!!!
We are renegotiating NAFTA
We have tax cuts!!!!!
We have repealed the Obamacare Mandate
We have drilling in ANWAR
We have DAPL pipeline
We have Keystone pipeline
We no longer mandate birth control
We are giving less to the UN
We are decreasing regulation
We have the wall prototypes testing
We have criminal illegals deported or in jail (buh by MS13!!!!)
ISIS has been crushed
Bullshit list.
Isis has been crushed? Anyone tell them yet?

Well alteast you know the others happened...and it's been an awesome year

as for ISIS
Verbatim what I said

Isis crushed in Iraq and Syria, says Theresa May
No Progs in this thread.

You all know you were full of shit, huh?


You guys are fucking devestated that America is doing well...admit it!

Last edited:
About 16,000,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results
If Donald Trump wins, it'll be a new age of darkness | Jonathan ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Were Trump to win, they would have the endorsement of the most powerful office in the world. For eight years, Barack Obama has been a cautionary voice, counselling against the global rush towards xenophobia and insularity. If Trump replaces him, white nationalism will have command of the world's ...
Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins
A website to encourage people who are considering a move to Canada to think Cape Breton!
With Donald Trump as President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. ...
Here are some insights into what the U.S. economy and markets look like under President Trump if he is able to push his agenda through Congress. Trump's Expensive Immigration Plan. Trump's immigration plans cost him a handful of business deals, but they might cost the United States much more. The American Action ...
Three Things That Will Immediately Happen if Trump Wins | National ...
Nov 7, 2016 - What happens if Trump wins? Three things, right away ...
If Trump Wins, Here's How The Map Might Look | FiveThirtyEight
If Trump Wins, Here’s How The Map Might Look
Oct 19, 2016 - It's very, very difficult to imagine a win for Trump if he doesn't win all of these: A Trump win without Ohio occurs less than 1 percent of the time in the model simulations, and a win without Nevada only about 2 percent of the time. There are six more states that appear on around half or more of the victory maps ...
What Happens If Trump Wins? | The Weekly Standard
Sep 23, 2016 - If they do manage to hold the upper chamber, they will still have to tussle with Chuck Schumer, an inventive and relentless leader who will employ all the tools available to him. He will assuredly filibuster whomever Trump nominates to the Supreme Court. If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go ...
What If Trump Wins on Obamacare and Taxes? | RealClearPolitics
Oct 18, 2017 - The Democrats have lost the narrative war, regardless of what they say.NYTs johnny-come-lately article trying to blame a drunken comment by Papadopoulos for the investigation is an obvious hail-mary.We want to see the FISA warrant, and when we do and it says the FBI used the Steele dossier to justify ...
This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins
Nov 2, 2016 - Wall Street's view that Clinton would win the election has been replaced by fear that Trumpcould, which probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks.
What Happens to the Markets if Donald Trump Wins? - The New York ...
Nov 1, 2016 - A Trump victory probably would lead to an immediate market sell-off, the direction in the days and weeks that follow is not clear.
US election: Celebs moving if Donald Trump wins - CNN - CNN.com
Nov 8, 2016 - Let's see if they really do it! Here's a list of celebrities who vow to leave the US if DonaldTrump wins the presidential election.

We were told a NUMBER fo bad things would happen to ALL OF US if Trump won....including, but not limited to....

- Stock Market Crash (Mark Cuban said he would DOUBLE HEDGE AGAINST THE MARKET...if he wasn't lying, he lost his ASS.)

-Trump is Hitler
a) Hitler had death camps where all minorities and opposition were executed....including 6 million Jews.
b) Hitler disarmed the German citizens, so he could implement is fascism....so when is Trump going to repeal the 2nd ammendment?

-Trump was going to blow up planet earth with Nukes

-Gays were going to be murdered in the street (Joy Behar)

When, specifically, are we all going to die?
Trump has been completely blocked on almost everything. Give him some time. He hasn’t even had a year! He only just passed tax reform, so his window for war and crashing the evonomy is now finally open.

Not really,
we are out of Paris!!!!
We are out of TPP!!!!!
We are renegotiating NAFTA
We have tax cuts!!!!!
We have repealed the Obamacare Mandate
We have drilling in ANWAR
We have DAPL pipeline
We have Keystone pipeline
We no longer mandate birth control
We are giving less to the UN
We are decreasing regulation
We have the wall prototypes testing
We have criminal illegals deported or in jail (buh by MS13!!!!)
ISIS has been crushed
Bullshit list.
Isis has been crushed? Anyone tell them yet?

Well alteast you know the others happened...and it's been an awesome year

as for ISIS
Verbatim what I said

Isis crushed in Iraq and Syria, says Theresa May
speechless are ya?

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