When is SCOTUS going to Federally outlaw abortion?

Biden banmed fracking and stopped the Keystone pipeline as soon as he took office.

What happened with the narrative that SCOTUS was going to make abortion illegal?

I did not say it....Liberals said it.

So when is it going to happen?

I never heard it.
Biden banmed fracking and stopped the Keystone pipeline as soon as he took office.

What happened with the narrative that SCOTUS was going to make abortion illegal?

I did not say it....Liberals said it.

So when is it going to happen?

I never heard it.

You never heard that if Barrett was confirmed, abortion would be outlawed?
The court, if they address the issue at all, unlikely, will defer to the state(s) to determine.
The court has held there is a right to terminate a pregnancy within the first trimester.
I believe that decision had to do with privacy between a doctor and patient, and not explicitly condoning the killing of an unborn human. Which decision are you referring to?
Roe v Wade.
In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. But it also ruled that this right is not absolute, and must be balanced against the government's interests in protecting women's health and protecting prenatal life.

FYI, I'm pro choice regarding abortion, masks, vaccines, and healthcare insurance.
The court has held there is a right to terminate a pregnancy within the first trimester.
I believe that decision had to do with privacy between a doctor and patient, and not explicitly condoning the killing of an unborn human. Which decision are you referring to?
Roe v Wade.
In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. But it also ruled that this right is not absolute, and must be balanced against the government's interests in protecting women's health and protecting prenatal life.
The Question the SC answered: Does the Constitution recognize a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?

The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects against state action the right to privacy, and a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion falls within that right to privacy. A state law that broadly prohibits abortion without respect to the stage of pregnancy or other interests violates that right. Although the state has legitimate interests in protecting the health of pregnant women and the “potentiality of human life,” the relative weight of each of these interests varies over the course of pregnancy, and the law must account for this variability.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the state may not regulate the abortion decision; only the pregnant woman and her attending physician can make that decision. In the second trimester, the state may impose regulations on abortion that are reasonably related to maternal health. In the third trimester, once the fetus reaches the point of “viability,” a state may regulate abortions or prohibit them entirely, so long as the laws contain exceptions for cases when abortion is necessary to save the life or health of the mother.
It should be a states rights issue. Libs will still be able to kill their babies.

No it should not be. There are certain unalienable rights that should not vary from state to state.

Seriously, are we going to leave other rights in our constitution to the states?

Should the Supreme Court just make weapons a state issue? There are many states that would either make weapons illegal or impose strict regulations on them so that it's impossible to own one.

Or should we just throw out everyone's right to free religion? Leave it up to the states to decide? There are some places that don't want far right evangelicals in their community. They will pass laws that heavily regulate religion and churches. The churches can say goodbye to their tax exempt status. Companies like Hobby Lobby would no longer be able discriminate women to deny them birth control be covered on their insurance in some states.

Should we throw the freedom of the press to the states too? There are many states that would start to heavily regulate the press. Many far right media outlets could be banned because of lying.

The fourth Amendment right to privacy with our bodies, homes and papers means the government and anyone else can't violate a woman's right to privacy with her medical records and what procedures she has. The government and anyone else can't violate a women's right to privacy with her own body.

I hope that the Supreme Court doesn't throw Roe V Wade out.
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It should be a states rights issue. Libs will still be able to kill their babies.

No it should not be. There are certain unalienable rights that should not vary from state to state.

Seriously, are we going to leave other rights in our constitution to the states?

Should the Supreme Court just make weapons a state issue? There are many states that would either make weapons illegal or impose strict regulations on them so that it's impossible to own one.

Or should we just throw out everyone's right to free religion? Leave it up to the states to decide? There are some places that don't want far right evangelicals in their community. They will pass laws that heavily regulate religion and churches. The churches can say goodbye to their tax exempt status. Companies like Hobby Lobby would no longer be able discriminate women to deny them birth control be covered on their insurance in some states.

Should we throw the freedom of the press to the states too? There are many states that would start to heavily regulate the press. Many far right media outlets could be banned because of lying.

The fourth Amendment right to privacy with our bodies, homes and papers means the government and anyone else can't violate a woman's right to privacy with her medical records and what procedures she has. The government and anyone else can't violate a women's right to privacy with her own body.

I hope that the Supreme Court doesn't throw Roe V Wade out.

Killing a baby is not a Constitutionally protected right.

It seems like you are living in the wrong country.
Biden banmed fracking and stopped the Keystone pipeline as soon as he took office.

What happened with the narrative that SCOTUS was going to make abortion illegal?

I did not say it....Liberals said it.

So when is it going to happen?

I never heard it.

You never heard that if Barrett was confirmed, abortion would be outlawed?
Sorry, I read it wrong.
It should be a states rights issue. Libs will still be able to kill their babies.

No it should not be. There are certain unalienable rights that should not vary from state to state.

Seriously, are we going to leave other rights in our constitution to the states?

Should the Supreme Court just make weapons a state issue? There are many states that would either make weapons illegal or impose strict regulations on them so that it's impossible to own one.

Or should we just throw out everyone's right to free religion? Leave it up to the states to decide? There are some places that don't want far right evangelicals in their community. They will pass laws that heavily regulate religion and churches. The churches can say goodbye to their tax exempt status. Companies like Hobby Lobby would no longer be able discriminate women to deny them birth control be covered on their insurance in some states.

Should we throw the freedom of the press to the states too? There are many states that would start to heavily regulate the press. Many far right media outlets could be banned because of lying.

The fourth Amendment right to privacy with our bodies, homes and papers means the government and anyone else can't violate a woman's right to privacy with her medical records and what procedures she has. The government and anyone else can't violate a women's right to privacy with her own body.

I hope that the Supreme Court doesn't throw Roe V Wade out.

Killing a baby is not a Constitutionally protected right.

It seems like you are living in the wrong country.

When is a life a life medically? I worl try to convince women to not have a abortion but I would not jail a person for doing it.
You can argue all day long. The reality is there needs to be alit more prevention of conception happening then abortion goes away. Push contraception alot harder along with the idea it is in fact a sound decision to not have kids if one doesn't want them.
It should be a states rights issue. Libs will still be able to kill their babies.

No it should not be. There are certain unalienable rights that should not vary from state to state.

Seriously, are we going to leave other rights in our constitution to the states?

Should the Supreme Court just make weapons a state issue? There are many states that would either make weapons illegal or impose strict regulations on them so that it's impossible to own one.

Or should we just throw out everyone's right to free religion? Leave it up to the states to decide? There are some places that don't want far right evangelicals in their community. They will pass laws that heavily regulate religion and churches. The churches can say goodbye to their tax exempt status. Companies like Hobby Lobby would no longer be able discriminate women to deny them birth control be covered on their insurance in some states.

Should we throw the freedom of the press to the states too? There are many states that would start to heavily regulate the press. Many far right media outlets could be banned because of lying.

The fourth Amendment right to privacy with our bodies, homes and papers means the government and anyone else can't violate a woman's right to privacy with her medical records and what procedures she has. The government and anyone else can't violate a women's right to privacy with her own body.

I hope that the Supreme Court doesn't throw Roe V Wade out.

Killing a baby is not a Constitutionally protected right.

It seems like you are living in the wrong country.

When is a life a life medically? I worl try to convince women to not have a abortion but I would not jail a person for doing it.

I dont know...but I do know liberals claimed abortion would be outlawed if Barrett was confirmed.
They were doing what they were told to do.
Just because they are conservative justices doesn't mean they are brainwashed functional morons like the GOP base. Lawyers aren't ignoramuses very often.
Wasnt that the freak out from the left about Barrett? Women will lose all rights?

When is it going to happen?

Dems werent just lying sacks of dirt, were they?

The ignorance you speak of is wide spread.

I don't know if you are in that group or not.

You are correct.....Barrett was going to be the reason for so-called "back alley abortions" and all kinds of other hysteria.

To your point:

1. They can only overturn it if there is a case brought before them. I can't say I am up on their dockett, so I don't know if such a case exists. I do think it is safe to say that the pro-choice crowd does not want a case in front of the SCOTUS for this very reason. And that is why they won't challenge states abortions limitations very agressively.
2. If the SCOTUS overturns Roe, it should go back to the states. Many don't realize abortion was legal in 5 states before Roe. I think the estimate is over 30 would make it legal (and that is old so I suspect it is even more).
3. Heaven forbid that the SCOTUS does outlaw (through some ruling...if that's even possible) abortion. Abortion is a state issue. Not a federal one.
Well, give it some time. Let's set aside all the legislation in various states that are already being put forward by Republicans to make it harder or outlaw it altogether.
The SC isn't far behind. The conservative members need to agree on a strategy and then get cases to rule on.

That legislation has been going since the day Roe was issued. Many states have hemmed in abortion on several sides. The left won't challenge it because they fear the court might overturn Roe (which it should....and not because of the subject....it is one of the worst written decisions ever handed down (Ginsburg even stated that back in the 70's).

That is why the left marches on the SCOTUS every year.

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