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When is the time to talk about gun violence?

And the Oregon shooter was a "law abiding" person. So, now what?

As were many of the shooters. You can't stop them, not even in Britain, Australia or the rest of Europe…..their guys can get guns just as easily…..what you need is to get rid of gun free zones..these guys do not go to places where people have guns…we know this from the shooters who left messages before the event.

That is why licensing gun owners…would not have stopped this guy. Registering guns…would not have stopped this guy. Univrsal background checks…would not have stoppe this guy….

Someone in that classroom or in an adjacent classroom with a gun..might have saved lives….
Or, and much safer, there could have been no guns, a thought that scares the panties off of you.

How would you make guns cease to exist….? Magic?
Hard work. Other nations have managed to do so eh?

You mean like Sweden…

read these and rewrite your post….

Sweden s 3rd largest city hit by multiple blasts police plead for help to tackle violence spike RT News

on Sweden being the rape capitol of Europe...


June 2015 violence in Sweden...

Violence Erupts in Sweden as Ethnic Groups Clash in Race Riots

Serial shooter from 09-10 in Sweden..


The cause of violence in Sweden....immigration from violent 3rd world countries...

Another shooting in Roseng rd. Was Fox News right about Malm 12 years ago Swedish Surveyor

2015-06-04 -On Wednesday night, at 19.30 a 35-year-old man was found by emergency services in a car after having been shot in the head in Rosengård, one of Malmös “no-go zones“.

The man was transported to the hospital and the police have labelled the crime attempted murder/manslaughter.

On a more positive note: 6 men (ethnicity withheld) were indicted this Tuesday for the bombings which plagued Malmö last year.

[…] Rosengard was once one of the programme’s proudest achievements: a high-rise development that was close to the centre of Malmö, one of Sweden’s industrial powerhouses, but surrounded by open space. Today over 80% of its population of 24,000 are immigrants. The local shops have names such as Babylon and Lebanon. Women in hijabs and headscarves cart their shopping through the freezing rain. Men sit in cafés drinking strong coffee and keeping dry. A truck sells falafel sandwiches.

[…] Mass immigration is posing serious problems for the region. For the Nordic countries to be able to afford their welfare states they need to have 80% of their adults in the workforce, but labour-force participation among non-European immigrants is much lower than that. In Sweden only 51% of non-Europeans have a job, compared with over 84% of native Swedes. The Nordic countries need to persuade their citizens that they are getting a good return on their taxes, but mass immigration is creating a class of people who are permanently dependent on the state.

the Economist, Feb 2nd 2013

A look at the muslim violence in Sweden...

Warring Migrant Tribes, Grenade Attacks, Authorities That Don't Give a Damn...What Is Going On In Sweden? - Breitbart

Swedish rape problem...

The Swedes and the Clash of Civilizations

On the shooting in Sweden 2 guys shot watching soccer game

Sweden shooting puts focus on life in 'ghettoes without hope'

This is an update on violence in Sweden...

The anti gun extremists,always tell us that Europe is a gun grabbers paradise, and that we should be more like them. the problem....their criminals get guns as easily as ours do...and worse, in Sweden, they like to throw grenades at each other....2014 and 2015 have seen record numbers of grenade attacks in Sweden as violent games shoot at each other and toss grenades, funny that we in the U.S. Haven't been clued in to this violence. Of course, that info would go against the anti gun extremist meme about Europe. and the idea that Europe is a gun free paradise is slowly giving way to the truth, that criminals in Europe get guns as easily as they do here in the States, and they have a fondness for fully automatic, military rifles, and grenades....

'You get street smart when you live in Malmö' - The Local

It is early morning on a sunny day and Malmö is just coming to life. Sweden's third biggest city is slowly getting back on its feet after a long summer of tensions, including numerous shootings, dozens of hand grenade attacks and car burnings. Yet, there is a surreal feeling of normality.

However, the statistics suggest that violent crime in the form of explosions is rocketing in the city. In 2014 a total of 25 blasts took place in Malmö. This year, the tally is at 33 and counting. Malmö's deputy police chief makes no secret of the fact that his organization almost found itself stretched to the limit this summer. But he believes they have turned a corner.


“It's bad enough when they use guns, because they've got such poor aim, but grenades are really worrying. They have a 360-degree reach,” explains Mats Karlsson. But he adds a caveat: “I don't want to question people who say they are afraid, but you should filter the things you read. Media reports are skewed towards Malmö, but when something happens elsewhere it barely gets a mention. I am not scared.”


But this idyllic image sharply contrasts with another: the park is also the hotspot for Malmö's underground drugs trade. Two worlds operating side by side.

“You do get a bit street smart. If you see a gang you don't walk right into them. It's not okay that they shoot out in the street among people, and you think a lot about the drugs and the weapons. When you walk past a gang you know that at least one of them is carrying a gun,” adds Malin Karlsson, who lives with her young baby and family not far from Folkets Park.
Gun violence in Sweden.........
Good quotes in here about Malmo and Guthenberg and increased gang shootings.

Malmö police worry about wave of violence - The Local

One person was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries after a Midsummer Day shooting in the Söderkulla square in Malmö. A 24-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after he reportedly handed himself over to the police on Monday afternoon.

No new details have emerged about two hand grenades being thrown at an apartment block in the southern Swedish city on the same day, June 20th.

Officers are also investigating a separate shooting on Ramel's street in the Rosengård area of Malmö on Monday morning. No one was believed to have been injured.

Malmö has experienced growing violence in recent years. Some of its inner-city areas and suburbs have a reputation for gun and gang-related crimes as well as race-related violence between different immigrant groups.

As a result, the force has stepped up its presence in known trouble-hit areas such as Rosengård and Seved, where around 30 people believed to be from criminal backgrounds are being tracked by officers.

“The availability [of weapons] is something which worries us a lot, that it really is this simple to get hold of them,” Patrik Johansson of the Malmö police told Swedish news wire TT on Monday.

Although police were unable to comment on this weekend's incidents, they have in general been able to link many of the shootings and explosions.

“We have seen certain connections,” Ewa-Gun Westford, police press spokeswoman, told TT, but added that not all the incidents were related to each other.

According to Daniel Vesterhav, interim departmental head of Sweden's crime statistics agency Brottsförebyggande Rådet (Brå), public shoot-outs between criminal gangs have become increasingly common in the past decade.

“We're talking about easily offended individuals who, when they perceive themselves to be offended, take action to protect their honour. It could be a car deal that has gone awry, unpaid narcotics debts or something really trivial like someone spending too long talking to someone else's girlfriend,” he told TT.

Sweden's second-biggest city, Gothenburg, has also been hit by dozens of shootings involving criminal gangs in recent years.

“Today, the gang environment is…I don't want to exactly call it the Wild West, but something in that direction,” Amir Rostami, a leading authority on Sweden's organized crime groups told The Local after two people died in a shooting in the suburb of Hisingen in March.

Rare Gun Violence Erupts In Stockholm: 1 Dead, 3 Injured In Shooting And Stabbing In Sweden


A Tale of Two Cities: Retired Police Chief Talks Malmo to Breitbart London

Recalling his early days on the force, Elofsson said the nature and volume of crime in Malmo had changed significantly, going from the organised crime perpetrated by biker gangs decades ago to the migrant crime boom of modern Sweden. Despite the population of Malmo growing by a 50 per cent in 20 years, the amount of crimes committed has increased out of all proportion – and the number of officers available to police the streets has halved.

The reasons for this are complex, Elofsson explains. As Malmo becomes a less easy place to police, officers with any experience request to transfer elsewhere, leaving the force with mainly young, rookie cops. These officers are at the typical time of life to get married and have children, and generous Swedish child care leave laws can take professionals, both male and female, away from their jobs for months at a time. This “negative circle”, as Elofsson calls it, combined with again generous annual leave allowance can render much of Malmo with no police officers at all over the summer, as Breitbart London discovered when it called on an empty police station this week.


“We are part of the Schengen treaty, so you have that freedom of movement which has also brought criminality here… Gun and drug related crime has definitely increased. Until recently the possession of guns by criminals was very rare – now finding people with firearms is a daily occurrence here… most of the guns we seize are used in criminal activity, are held illegally, and are smuggled into Sweden.

“Slovakia is very interesting right now – it is very easy to buy deactivated guns there but they are converted back when they are imported here”.
Gun laws, liberals believe they can control humans. take away the gun and they cure the man. Funny stuff. Just read it all in this thread. what a bunch of k00ks
I hear people on both sides of the aisle saying, now is not the time to talk about guns. Well, when is the time? What is the answer?

Is it more guns? Is it less guns? Is it more gun restrictions or is it less gun laws?

because anyone can nuts at anytime. Someone may be completely sane pass every piece of gun law legislation and then one day lose it. How do you suppose anyone know this? What is with people like you who think the government can protect everyone from everything? People lose it, there is no magic eight ball to let anyone know who is going nuts today, tomorrow, or next week. Why can't you people understand this? my lord.
When the guy who loses it has to use a kitchen knife or a baseball bat, we'll deal with it.
how will you do that? what if he grabs a car, a bomb, a drone, dude you think man can be managed and you're just a f00l.
Humanity is a disease. Clear enough for you now?
I hear people on both sides of the aisle saying, now is not the time to talk about guns. Well, when is the time? What is the answer?

Is it more guns? Is it less guns? Is it more gun restrictions or is it less gun laws?

because anyone can nuts at anytime. Someone may be completely sane pass every piece of gun law legislation and then one day lose it. How do you suppose anyone know this? What is with people like you who think the government can protect everyone from everything? People lose it, there is no magic eight ball to let anyone know who is going nuts today, tomorrow, or next week. Why can't you people understand this? my lord.
When the guy who loses it has to use a kitchen knife or a baseball bat, we'll deal with it.
how will you do that? what if he grabs a car, a bomb, a drone, dude you think man can be managed and you're just a f00l.

When bombs, drones, or cars start killing more people than guns, they will need to be studied.
Far more babies and killed in abortion each then people are by gun shots...... can we talk about that?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I hear people on both sides of the aisle saying, now is not the time to talk about guns. Well, when is the time? What is the answer?

Is it more guns? Is it less guns? Is it more gun restrictions or is it less gun laws?

because anyone can nuts at anytime. Someone may be completely sane pass every piece of gun law legislation and then one day lose it. How do you suppose anyone know this? What is with people like you who think the government can protect everyone from everything? People lose it, there is no magic eight ball to let anyone know who is going nuts today, tomorrow, or next week. Why can't you people understand this? my lord.
When the guy who loses it has to use a kitchen knife or a baseball bat, we'll deal with it.
how will you do that? what if he grabs a car, a bomb, a drone, dude you think man can be managed and you're just a f00l.
Humanity is a disease. Clear enough for you now?
no, you hate humans, so why are you here exactly? Gun laws do absolutely nothing. I have evidence out the arse that shows this. Remember the Brady law? how about the law wait 72 hours? has it stopped people violence? no.
Maybe we should try focusing on what is driving people to commit these acts of violence instead of focusing so much attention on the weapon they use.

Agree but....How are we going to filter these crazy people?
We can't, so we don't bother. No handguns or large-capacity long guns. That will mostly fix this issue, mostly.
and you know this how?
Because it's entirely rational, and it's been done.
When is the time to talk about gun violence?

Before it happens, obviously, but Americans love their deadly toys and shit like this only makes them more stubborn about what is, in nearly all cases, no longer necessary.
huh? Don't cars kill? Don't knives kill? Are those toys, I supposed for the car maybe, and for a cook maybe, but dude, you got a crystal ball or magic eight ball to know who's brain malfunctions when and where. Total bogus post. Thanks for playing.
See #79.
i did, so 79 said nothing.
Gun laws, liberals believe they can control humans. take away the gun and they cure the man. Funny stuff. Just read it all in this thread. what a bunch of k00ks
Take away the guns and we solve gun violence. Dead stop. pun intended.
holy crap are you a naive person. Take away guns and all violence stops. Wow,
I hear people on both sides of the aisle saying, now is not the time to talk about guns. Well, when is the time? What is the answer?

Is it more guns? Is it less guns? Is it more gun restrictions or is it less gun laws?

because anyone can nuts at anytime. Someone may be completely sane pass every piece of gun law legislation and then one day lose it. How do you suppose anyone know this? What is with people like you who think the government can protect everyone from everything? People lose it, there is no magic eight ball to let anyone know who is going nuts today, tomorrow, or next week. Why can't you people understand this? my lord.
When the guy who loses it has to use a kitchen knife or a baseball bat, we'll deal with it.
how will you do that? what if he grabs a car, a bomb, a drone, dude you think man can be managed and you're just a f00l.
Humanity is a disease. Clear enough for you now?
no, you hate humans, so why are you here exactly? Gun laws do absolutely nothing. I have evidence out the arse that shows this. Remember the Brady law? how about the law wait 72 hours? has it stopped people violence? no.
See Japan, where guns are banned. Laws work, if strictly enforced. No one dies here because a nuke got loose. They are under lock and key, as the guns should be.
Maybe we should try focusing on what is driving people to commit these acts of violence instead of focusing so much attention on the weapon they use.

Agree but....How are we going to filter these crazy people?
We can't, so we don't bother. No handguns or large-capacity long guns. That will mostly fix this issue, mostly.
and you know this how?
Because it's entirely rational, and it's been done.
what has been done and where has it been done?
because anyone can nuts at anytime. Someone may be completely sane pass every piece of gun law legislation and then one day lose it. How do you suppose anyone know this? What is with people like you who think the government can protect everyone from everything? People lose it, there is no magic eight ball to let anyone know who is going nuts today, tomorrow, or next week. Why can't you people understand this? my lord.
When the guy who loses it has to use a kitchen knife or a baseball bat, we'll deal with it.
how will you do that? what if he grabs a car, a bomb, a drone, dude you think man can be managed and you're just a f00l.
Humanity is a disease. Clear enough for you now?
no, you hate humans, so why are you here exactly? Gun laws do absolutely nothing. I have evidence out the arse that shows this. Remember the Brady law? how about the law wait 72 hours? has it stopped people violence? no.
See Japan, where guns are banned. Laws work, if strictly enforced. No one dies where because a nuke got loose. They are under lock and key, as the guns should be.
Lmao are you saying there is no gun violence in Japan? You are a damn liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I hear people on both sides of the aisle saying, now is not the time to talk about guns. Well, when is the time? What is the answer?

Is it more guns? Is it less guns? Is it more gun restrictions or is it less gun laws?

Other then banning firearms what EXACTLY should we do? background checks are the law, no insane people allowed to own firearms is the law, what EXACTLY should we do?
Maybe we should try focusing on what is driving people to commit these acts of violence instead of focusing so much attention on the weapon they use.

Agree but....How are we going to filter these crazy people?
We can't, so we don't bother. No handguns or large-capacity long guns. That will mostly fix this issue, mostly.
and you know this how?
Because it's entirely rational, and it's been done.
what has been done and where has it been done?
Banning all guns and banning handguns have both been done. Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The US Military doesn't believe in gun control for no reason. It works.
because anyone can nuts at anytime. Someone may be completely sane pass every piece of gun law legislation and then one day lose it. How do you suppose anyone know this? What is with people like you who think the government can protect everyone from everything? People lose it, there is no magic eight ball to let anyone know who is going nuts today, tomorrow, or next week. Why can't you people understand this? my lord.
When the guy who loses it has to use a kitchen knife or a baseball bat, we'll deal with it.
how will you do that? what if he grabs a car, a bomb, a drone, dude you think man can be managed and you're just a f00l.
Humanity is a disease. Clear enough for you now?
no, you hate humans, so why are you here exactly? Gun laws do absolutely nothing. I have evidence out the arse that shows this. Remember the Brady law? how about the law wait 72 hours? has it stopped people violence? no.
See Japan, where guns are banned. Laws work, if strictly enforced. No one dies here because a nuke got loose. They are under lock and key, as the guns should be.
really, guns are banned so if I google japan gun deaths I'll get zip? Nope,

Credit: the Atlantic;

How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths

"In part by forbidding almost all forms of firearm ownership, the country has as few as two gun-related homicides a year." Still people are killed with guns. hahahahha, you can't even get that right.

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