When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

Bernie couldn't even crush Hillary.. Who lost to Obama..


Trump destroyed :




And Hillary

Kind of an impressive resume
Every single hypothetical match up poll showed that Bernie beat any of the repub candidates. Trump had the lowest and Bernie had the highest approval ratings out of all of the candidates. Eat a dick.

Are those the same polls that showed Hilary easily beating Trump?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

I think you Democrats came to the conclusion you nominated the wrong candidate.
You're right. Bernie would have crushed Trump.

I agree with that but your Democratic Party didn't want Sanders so the Dems screwed themselves.
Are those the same polls that showed Hilary easily beating Trump?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

Popular vote is for children Like you who wants to be a tramp at her highschool prom

Lol you are only pretending it doesn't matter because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it and you know it.
Earth to Billy

Trump won it all
He lost the popular vote.

So did Abraham Lincoln..
Every single hypothetical match up poll showed that Bernie beat any of the repub candidates. Trump had the lowest and Bernie had the highest approval ratings out of all of the candidates. Eat a dick.

Are those the same polls that showed Hilary easily beating Trump?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands

Damn this reminds me of a poker game I played against my Japanese coworker back in the 1980s..

We were stuck in Ohio.. On some winter night

We decided to play cards.

We both drew royal flush.. Me black him red.

We just looked at each other..

And said we'll fuck this
Every single hypothetical match up poll showed that Bernie beat any of the repub candidates. Trump had the lowest and Bernie had the highest approval ratings out of all of the candidates. Eat a dick.

Are those the same polls that showed Hilary easily beating Trump?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

I think you Democrats came to the conclusion you nominated the wrong candidate.
You're right. Bernie would have crushed Trump.

I agree with that but your Democratic Party didn't want Sanders so the Dems screwed themselves.
Yep they definitely screwed themselves.
Are those the same polls that showed Hilary easily beating Trump?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.
Are those the same polls that showed Hilary easily beating Trump?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

But we're not..
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.

Billy can't figure it out he is busy playing checkers instead of chess
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls that gave Trump the presidency.

You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.
lol Christ stop pretending Trump understands jack shit about strategy. He got lucky because 3 states went rogue. That's it.
Oh, God...we're back to trying to scare people with the "finger on the nuclear button" nonsense? You guys have got to come up with new material...that didn't work before the election and it's not going to work now.

Well, there are those that are not old enough to remember the Cuban missile crisis, when nuclear war was literally moments from reality; but, hey, all those missiles are in the hands of really sane people now, like Trump, so there is no need to worry! Pretend that you did not know that Trump asked his military advisors why, if we have nuclear weapons, we don't use them!

Ah, I hate to point out the obvious here, Vandal but the guy with his finger on the button back in the Cuban Missile Crisis was JFK...a liberal Democratic icon....just like the only President to ever use nuclear weapons was Truman...another Democratic icon! So why is it you folks on the left keep accusing Republicans of being the guys you have to worry about?

The fact that you consider nuclear war a partisan issue is a symptom of your lack of understanding. It is a problem that exists not because of politics, as much as it is a problem that a mentally unstable man can destroy the earth.

I'm more concerned with about a nuclear device falling into the hands of a terrorist than I am of Donald Trump using one, Vandal. Barack Obama's joke of a deal with Iran made that more possible than before. Do you worry about that?

I don't spend every waking day shaking in my boots that some islamic extremist from Iran is going to send a nuclear bomb to me in a FEDEX box. if that sort of thing keeps you awake at night, I am surprised that you don't spend your time obsessing about North Korea, which already has the bomb, and is about to launch an intercontinental missile. They are the poster children of what I have been talking about. A crazy man with his finger on the button. What started this whole topic was the fact that the Trumpetts seem to be in love with a man who has his finger on the button of nuclear missiles all over Russia that are programed and aimed at every American city, can be launched and detonated within 20 minutes, and they don't seem to care. From my point of view, I would not trust my neighbor who was talking friendship while pointing a rifle at my head. Such neighbor would do well to feel the same way about me. Why Trump feels that American voters should be investigated because he has some evidence free theory that they voted fraudulently, while not investigating Russian hacking, which has been verified by his own head of FBI, is beyond me.

North Korea uses nuclear threats as blackmail to coerce the West into giving them enough money so that they can survive. They have an incentive NOT to use nuclear weapons! Islamic terrorists on the other hand fervently believe that if they die killing infidels (that would by us, Vandal!) that they will immediately go right to "Paradise". Those are the people I worry about.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

I think you Democrats came to the conclusion you nominated the wrong candidate.
You're right. Bernie would have crushed Trump.

Sure Billy! Keep telling yourself that!
Having been born right before the first nuclear bomb was dropped, I had no idea just how lightly this generation takes thermonuclear war, which would totally destroy humanity.

That is both alarming, and sad.

Apparently you know little of what nuclear war would be or do.

Tell ya what. Go ahead and ask the Japanese about it. Of course, they only know about the atomic bomb. You will need to talk to someone else about the hydrogen bomb.

Atomic Bomb vs. Hydrogen Bomb - Compare Side by Side | reComparison

Sadly enough, only my children will have to live with the results of your recklessness. Being an old man. I will be gone before you can destroy mankind.

I don't recall saying the japs didn't know.

I said you didn't.......

For someone who claims to have been an "executive (who drew a paycheck from an industry you hated)", you sure don't make very good arguments.
The rw was a lot more honest with themselves about Trump than the left was with themselves about Hillary.

And as far as the codes, I would rather Trump have them than that psycho bitch.
No you don't. I'm sure you hate Hillary, but we both know you would still prefer her in charge of nukes.

This is a woman who threw punches at Robby Mook and Podesta after calling Trump to concede. Then she smashed a plasma screen TV and tipped over lavish tables of food. She was shrieking uncontrollably and had to physically restrained from doing further damage. She's crazier than a shit-house rat and has been for years.
You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.
lol Christ stop pretending Trump understands jack shit about strategy. He got lucky because 3 states went rogue. That's it.

Oh yes, those turncoats, huh?

Sorry, but that is great strategy. He did what he had to do to win the election, and obviously, he did a great job. Trump made seven appearances for every one of Hil-Liars. That isn't "lucky" that's determination.
You leftists have heads of stone, so one more time: Hillary didn't win anything. She didn't win the popular vote because there was never a popular vote election. There was no race for a popular vote.
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.

Billy can't figure it out he is busy playing checkers instead of chess

That's their new thing on the left: yeah I lost, but in a different game.........
Again you're only pretending the popular vote isn't telling because Hillary won it.

No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.
lol Christ stop pretending Trump understands jack shit about strategy. He got lucky because 3 states went rogue. That's it.

Oh yes, those turncoats, huh?

Sorry, but that is great strategy. He did what he had to do to win the election, and obviously, he did a great job. Trump made seven appearances for every one of Hil-Liars. That isn't "lucky" that's determination.
No he didn't. He campaigned over and over in red states simply because he liked the attention he got from the morons that lived there.
No, I'm telling you that since neither candidate was campaigning for the popular vote, you have no idea who would have won a popular vote contests. I'm sure there were many Trump supporters in states like CA and NY that didn't bother to vote because they knew it would be a waste of time.

What you are saying is that you are a better card player who lost a game of Rummy but you had great Poker hands
lol that is so stupid. The electoral college is still based on voting. When we are talking about a pure democratic process, Hillary won it.

The electoral college is based on strategy, that's it. Trump spent very little time in states he had no possibility of winning. If it were a popular vote race, he would have spent most of his time in highly populated areas to squeeze as many votes out as possible. Like I said, an entirely different game.

But because Trump was running to get the most electoral votes, he campaigned in places Hillary didn't go to very much. He focused his energy in swing states he knew he needed to get enough electoral votes.
lol Christ stop pretending Trump understands jack shit about strategy. He got lucky because 3 states went rogue. That's it.

Oh yes, those turncoats, huh?

Sorry, but that is great strategy. He did what he had to do to win the election, and obviously, he did a great job. Trump made seven appearances for every one of Hil-Liars. That isn't "lucky" that's determination.
No he didn't. He campaigned over and over in red states simply because he liked the attention he got from the morons that lived there.

You must really have yourself convinced over there. Of course you're wrong. Trump spent much of his campaign in swing states like mine. It was Hil-Liar who spent most of her time in blue states. When Hil-Liar finally did come here, she didn't make a very good impression on us folks. She coughed most of the time. She was supposed to return from a break and was 20 minutes late. The Cleveland Police asked to meet with her, and she refused. She did however gladly make time to meet with the head of the Cleveland Black Lies Matter group.

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