When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

How about you stop being such a pussy and stop bringing her up as deflection to talking about Trump. She is finished in American politics. She is now completely irrelevant. Now you need to grow some balls and admit how much of a piece of shit Trump isz

Well pal, we only had two candidates to choose from: Hil-Liar and Trump. Of course she's part of the discussion.
Don't be a wuss. Either defend Trump or condemn him. Leave Hillary or any democrat out of your answer.

Like I said, we had two choices to give that nuke button to. How can Hil-Liar not be part of this discussion?
Oh please. When it comes to good vs evil, liberals always side with evil. Democrats are Satin's solders on this planet.

Yet you can't show anything evil I'm done, or evil that any liberal here has done. Satan, the lord of lies, has his hooks in you.

In contrast, I can show many, many cases of your allies on this board calling for the mass-murder of their own countrymen, among other things.

And you suck the asses of those people. That makes you their partner in evil.

I'm just making it clear where we both stand. You ally yourself with openly evil human beings, and I don't. That makes me morally superior to you. I know it's PC to say all belief systems are equally valid, but I'm not PC. Your belief system is evil.

You can't shake the devil's hand and then say you were only joking. If you want to avoid hell, you need to disavow and condemn all the scum of your party, especially all of Trump's alt-right pals. That will be a start.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

Who would you rather have the "nuclear codes"?

A) A sober person.

B) A lush who drinks way too much.

I think any reasonable and rational person would choose B.

However, I seriously doubt that anyone has ever accused you of being a reasonable and rational person. So I predict that you would pick B.
Oh please. He's been as successful as an ice cream stand in Hell, businesswise. Stop talking nonsense.

Our four most recent presidents have all been Progressive globalists. Time for a nice impolite change, judging by the results.
Lol you're such a stooge. He got millions of dollars from his rich da-da to start his businesses. He's gone into bankruptcy several times. He likely isn't even worth 1 billion.

Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Why is him winning the election the ONLY selling point you have on him? You can't defend him based on his own merits and you know it.

Oh please. He's been as successful as an ice cream stand in Hell, businesswise. Stop talking nonsense.

Our four most recent presidents have all been Progressive globalists. Time for a nice impolite change, judging by the results.
Lol you're such a stooge. He got millions of dollars from his rich da-da to start his businesses. He's gone into bankruptcy several times. He likely isn't even worth 1 billion.

Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
You've stumbled onto the real issue here, Billy.
Oh please. He's been as successful as an ice cream stand in Hell, businesswise. Stop talking nonsense.

Our four most recent presidents have all been Progressive globalists. Time for a nice impolite change, judging by the results.
Lol you're such a stooge. He got millions of dollars from his rich da-da to start his businesses. He's gone into bankruptcy several times. He likely isn't even worth 1 billion.

Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

So he didn't help you. Now I understand.
Here's an idea. You Liberals have been working very hard. You really need to pace yourselves. Take a break for 99 days and then comment on what Trump did or did not get accomplished in his first 100 days plan.

You see, typically a President is evaluated on his performance AS PRESIDENT rather than your speculation about how bad he is going to be.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

How is he not a self-made man? Do you know how many people had money or business handed to them that went belly up? Just because you have a good start in life doesn't mean guaranteed success. You have to work hard for success and make the money you have grow.

Can you turn $10,000 into $500,000? If not, you have no room to bash anybody especially Trump.
Trump got 1 million in the 80s from his dad. That is 6.5 million today adjusted for inflation. Are you suggesting he is some great businessman despite all those failing business ideas?
Lol you're such a stooge. He got millions of dollars from his rich da-da to start his businesses. He's gone into bankruptcy several times. He likely isn't even worth 1 billion.

Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

So he didn't help you. Now I understand.
Yeah I'm a self made man. Good for me huh?
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.
Couple things about this post.
First, the Derp, Derp, Derp makes the person that wrote it sound as if they have missed their medications and the result being that they have gone full retard. Really detracts from the rest of the message, if there actually is one.
Lets move on to the next issue in your post, you state that the truth is that Trump would be better than any other politician, in the first place I dont think you qualify to state what any other poster or citizen actually thinks, no more than I would qualify to make a similar statement. The truth is, we really dont know what someone else things, we guess, dont express these guesses of yours as fact. Again, it detracts from any message that you might have. However allow me to point out that there were 13 candidates competing for the Republican nomination when all of this started, had the right felt that anyone would have been better than Trump, could it be safe to assume that someone other than Trump might have won the nomination instead? this very real possibility takes the wind out of your sail.
Then we get to the "Hate it when liberals are right" when in the last 8 years has that actually happened? we said that obamacare would fail, it failed, as a matter of fact, nothing that the left did actually worked.
So when you question why the Right would pick someone other than a career politician that would just continue on the same destructive course, consider that this country is in a rapid downward spiral, something different is needed, a different approach, someone that is going to try to do what he can to make the country more inviting to business, less dependent on other countries, less accepting to the invasion that we are seeing from the South American countries, and a better place for citizens, all citizens to achieve a level of prosperity That we have not seen since the 60s.
And finally, its obvious that you personally felt hillary was the better choice of the two, at least when it was just the two of them at the end. I cant speak for your thoughts between hillary and Bernie, and I wont.
However, if you felt that a lying cheating racist homophobic traitor to the country was in fact a better choice, its possible that you might want to sit back and re-evaluate your actual thoughts about this country and if it is in fact the best choice for you as far as living in.
Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

So he didn't help you. Now I understand.
Yeah I'm a self made man. Good for me huh?

Chief fry cook at Burger King is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

How is he not a self-made man? Do you know how many people had money or business handed to them that went belly up? Just because you have a good start in life doesn't mean guaranteed success. You have to work hard for success and make the money you have grow.

Can you turn $10,000 into $500,000? If not, you have no room to bash anybody especially Trump.
Trump got 1 million in the 80s from his dad. That is 6.5 million today adjusted for inflation. Are you suggesting he is some great businessman despite all those failing business ideas?
jealousy is a terrible thing.
Instead of complaining to us on this board, perhaps you should take your concerns to your parents?
Lol you're such a stooge. He got millions of dollars from his rich da-da to start his businesses. He's gone into bankruptcy several times. He likely isn't even worth 1 billion.

Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Lol no he isn't. Stop pretending he is.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

So he didn't help you. Now I understand.
Yeah I'm a self made man. Good for me huh?

Chief fry cook at Burger King is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
any job that you get up and go to, make it to work on time, do the best you can at whatever task they assign you is nothing to be ashamed of.
Shame would come from waiting at the mailbox for the government check you get because you dont have the initiative to get up and go to work each and every day.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

So he didn't help you. Now I understand.
Yeah I'm a self made man. Good for me huh?

Chief fry cook at Burger King is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
Well I'm glad you find comfort in that shitty job yours.
Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Lol no he isn't. Stop pretending he is.
bet he is successful enough to buy your house and ban you from your neighborhood.
Like it or not, he is way more successful than any of us here.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Lol no he isn't. Stop pretending he is.
bet he is successful enough to buy your house and ban you from your neighborhood.
Like it or not, he is way more successful than any of us here.
lol yes because he inherited millions from his da-da. Man you're clueless.
Oh please. When it comes to good vs evil, liberals always side with evil. Democrats are Satin's solders on this planet.

Yet you can't show anything evil I'm done, or evil that any liberal here has done. Satan, the lord of lies, has his hooks in you.

In contrast, I can show many, many cases of your allies on this board calling for the mass-murder of their own countrymen, among other things.

And you suck the asses of those people. That makes you their partner in evil.

I'm just making it clear where we both stand. You ally yourself with openly evil human beings, and I don't. That makes me morally superior to you. I know it's PC to say all belief systems are equally valid, but I'm not PC. Your belief system is evil.

You can't shake the devil's hand and then say you were only joking. If you want to avoid hell, you need to disavow and condemn all the scum of your party, especially all of Trump's alt-right pals. That will be a start.

Okay, let's look at that:

Kill babies or execute vicious murderers in prison: liberals vote to kill babies and let murderers live.

Side with our police who protect our lives, or side with criminals: liberals side with criminals.

Side with our military, or side with terrorists that want to kill us: Liberals side with the terrorists.

Disarm the public so criminals can have their way, or allow the public to be armed to fight evil: Liberals want to disarm the innocent so evil criminals have the upper hand.

Let men be restricted to using mens rooms, or allow weirdos to enter the restrooms and showers of our daughters and wives: liberals want to let weirdos into our daughters and wives dressing rooms.

Keep God in our society, or extract God and Jesus from society: liberals side with the removal of religion from society.

In almost every situation, liberals side with evil.
His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

So he didn't help you. Now I understand.
Yeah I'm a self made man. Good for me huh?

Chief fry cook at Burger King is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
Well I'm glad you find comfort in that shitty job yours.

Mine? I'm on my third successful career, this one self-driven. I'll hit retirement age this year, but will never retire. How boring.

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