When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Lol no he isn't. Stop pretending he is.
bet he is successful enough to buy your house and ban you from your neighborhood.
Like it or not, he is way more successful than any of us here.
lol yes because he inherited millions from his da-da. Man you're clueless.
actually Im not clueless. why are you so jealous that he received money from his father?
I paid for my daughters house, Well, I put the down payment on it and am making the mortgage for her until she is out of college and able to cover it herself, and her college, and her first car.
are you jealous of her too?
It has been a slippery slope for the Republicans. First, Palin. Then Trump. I am expecting Ted nugent and Charlie Sheen next.
Your documentation, please.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Lol no he isn't. Stop pretending he is.

Pretending? He owns Trump towers, multiple rental properties, golf courses, casino's, he flies around on his private jet liner, he's had several successful television shows.

If you consider that to be failure, WTF would you consider success?
Strings like this amuse me! No, seriously...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...let me repeat that...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...and knee jerk progressive shills like Billy000 have ALREADY declared him to be a failure! You need to stop smoking that shit out there in Colorado, Billy it's making you paranoid and stupid.
Strings like this amuse me! No, seriously...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...let me repeat that...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...and knee jerk progressive shills like Billy000 have ALREADY declared him to be a failure! You need to stop smoking that shit out there in Colorado, Billy it's making you paranoid and stupid.

Well, now, OS, how many of these things that he promised to do on day one have been accomplished?

Trump promised to do these 10 things on his first day as president
Strings like this amuse me! No, seriously...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...let me repeat that...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...and knee jerk progressive shills like Billy000 have ALREADY declared him to be a failure! You need to stop smoking that shit out there in Colorado, Billy it's making you paranoid and stupid.

We all know how that liberal crystal ball works out for them. It's been wrong almost every time they've tried to use it.
Ok but before I provide you with proof of both of my claims, you actually delude yourself into thinking he is a self-made man? God you're stupid. I just want to make sure you actually believe that.

His father helped him get started, as all fathers are prone to help their children.

Did yours not help you?
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.

In spite of his failures, he's still a very successful man; one of the wealthiest in this country.
Lol no he isn't. Stop pretending he is.

Pretending? He owns Trump towers, multiple rental properties, golf courses, casino's, he flies around on his private jet liner, he's had several successful television shows.

If you consider that to be failure, WTF would you consider success?
Lol at the very least not so many business failures. I'm more impressed by self made business men. He's not even close to that. Stop pretending that he is.
Who would you rather have the "nuclear codes"?

A) A sober person.

B) A lush who drinks way too much.

I think any reasonable and rational person would choose B.

Interesting. Mo chose the drunk.

Actually I voted for A, the candidate who doesn't drink. I bet you voted for B.

I would never want B to have access to the "nuclear codes".

Candidate B actually laughed about participating in a vodka drinking contest while on an important overseas trip that was paid for by the US taxpayers.
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Lol at the very least not so many business failures. I'm more impressed by self made business men. He's not even close to that. Stop pretending that he is.

Sorry but he is very much a self-made man. I've seen plenty of companies close down after the original owner handed it down to his children. There are books written about lottery winners who ended up spending multi-millions and ending up broke and even in debt.
Strings like this amuse me! No, seriously...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...let me repeat that...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...and knee jerk progressive shills like Billy000 have ALREADY declared him to be a failure! You need to stop smoking that shit out there in Colorado, Billy it's making you paranoid and stupid.

Well, now, OS, how many of these things that he promised to do on day one have been accomplished?

Trump promised to do these 10 things on his first day as president

What's even more amusing is to watch you folks on the left wind your panties in a knot assuming every statement that Trump made during the campaign was a policy plan! Here's a newsflash...he's a man who's prone to overstatement! Always has been...probably always will be! What he should have said is that these are the 10 things he's going to start working on his first day as President. Anyone who seriously thought those things could be DONE his first day is simply a moron!
Strings like this amuse me! No, seriously...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...let me repeat that...Donald Trump has been in office for a day...and knee jerk progressive shills like Billy000 have ALREADY declared him to be a failure! You need to stop smoking that shit out there in Colorado, Billy it's making you paranoid and stupid.

Well, now, OS, how many of these things that he promised to do on day one have been accomplished?

Trump promised to do these 10 things on his first day as president

What's even more amusing is to watch you folks on the left wind your panties in a knot assuming every statement that Trump made during the campaign was a policy plan! Here's a newsflash...he's a man who's prone to overstatement! Always has been...probably always will be! What he should have said is that these are the 10 things he's going to start working on his first day as President. Anyone who seriously thought those things could be DONE his first day is simply a moron!

No different than when DumBama promised us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, if you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital, healthcare insurance will go down--to the tune of $2,500 per family.
Kill babies

We don't kill babies. You're lying about that. You don't even think babies are being killed. You lie about it because it gives you an excuse to hate.

or execute vicious murderers in prison: liberals vote to kill babies and let murderers live

Killing is killing. You choose the immoral route again.

Side with our police who protect our lives, or side with criminals: liberals side with criminals.

You're lying again. Telling police to behave is not siding with criminals.

Side with our military, or side with terrorists that want to kill us: Liberals side with the terrorists

Nobody is siding with terrorists. You're just a staggeringly dishonest human being. Thanks for proving my point.

Disarm the public so criminals can have their way, or allow the public to be armed to fight evil: Liberals want to disarm the innocent so evil criminals have the upper hand

You're getting hysterical. Policy disagreement is not evil. One could note that the 'disarmed' western democracies are much safer than the USA, which makes you look like the butcher.

Let men be restricted to using mens rooms, or allow weirdos to enter the restrooms and showers of our daughters and wives: liberals want to let weirdos into our daughters and wives dressing rooms.

Your sick fantasies are creeping us out. Go jerk off somewhere else, perv.

Keep God in our society, or extract God and Jesus from society: liberals side with the removal of religion from society.

That's squealing victimhood crap, unworthy of a man with testicles.

In almost every situation, liberals side with evil.

You being a dishonest crybaby doesn't make us evil. It just further demonstrates your allegiance to Satan, the lord of lies.

And I notice you still haven't condemned your fellow genocidal righties. Jesus commands standing up to evil, not sucking up to evil. It's like you think "WWJD?", and then do the opposite.
Lol at the very least not so many business failures. I'm more impressed by self made business men. He's not even close to that. Stop pretending that he is.

Sorry but he is very much a self-made man. I've seen plenty of companies close down after the original owner handed it down to his children. There are books written about lottery winners who ended up spending multi-millions and ending up broke and even in debt.
lol oh my god. The level of denial you are in hilarious.
Oh please. When it comes to good vs evil, liberals always side with evil. Democrats are Satin's solders on this planet.

Yet you can't show anything evil I'm done, or evil that any liberal here has done. Satan, the lord of lies, has his hooks in you.

In contrast, I can show many, many cases of your allies on this board calling for the mass-murder of their own countrymen, among other things.

And you suck the asses of those people. That makes you their partner in evil.

I'm just making it clear where we both stand. You ally yourself with openly evil human beings, and I don't. That makes me morally superior to you. I know it's PC to say all belief systems are equally valid, but I'm not PC. Your belief system is evil.

You can't shake the devil's hand and then say you were only joking. If you want to avoid hell, you need to disavow and condemn all the scum of your party, especially all of Trump's alt-right pals. That will be a start.

Okay, let's look at that:

Kill babies or execute vicious murderers in prison: liberals vote to kill babies and let murderers live.

Side with our police who protect our lives, or side with criminals: liberals side with criminals.

Side with our military, or side with terrorists that want to kill us: Liberals side with the terrorists.

Disarm the public so criminals can have their way, or allow the public to be armed to fight evil: Liberals want to disarm the innocent so evil criminals have the upper hand.

Let men be restricted to using mens rooms, or allow weirdos to enter the restrooms and showers of our daughters and wives: liberals want to let weirdos into our daughters and wives dressing rooms.

Keep God in our society, or extract God and Jesus from society: liberals side with the removal of religion from society.

In almost every situation, liberals side with evil.
You forgot to mention legalized drugs and prostitution.
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.
Nor did the President's father. His father loaned him the money that he used to start an extremely successful business.

Are you intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between a gift and a loan? Or are you too stupid? Or just purposefully being disingenuous? Or what????
Lol my dad didn't give me a millions of dollars to start a bunch of failing business ventures.
Nor did the President's father. His father loaned him the money that he used to start an extremely successful business.

Are you intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between a gift and a loan? Or are you too stupid? Or just purposefully being disingenuous? Or what????
lol the only info you're basing that on is what Trump himself said. That's moronic.
I didn't even mention Clinton.

However I did show you evidence. Do you think the video was faked? Or what?

I think you're a liar for claiming that video of Clinton drinking means she's "a lush who drinks way too much".

Why don't you hold any other human being to the "if you drink at all, you're a drunk" standard? Why the double standard that everyone sees?

And why ignore Trump's coke problem? Hey, sauce for the goose. If rumors count, I get to use them too.

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