When Liberals Are In Charge....

Republicans used to be for "the rule of law", but then they latched onto somebody who constantly broke the law, and suddenly it was about "the man" coming down on them, just because they broke a few laws.

Republicans never latched onto the Clintons or Bidens
I need an update:

AG Holder testified and turned over more that 7 thousand documents in the phony F-n-F witch hunt. Navarro's refusal was absolute whereas Holder's was over specific documents that eventually the court forced a resolution on both parties to neither sides satisfaction.

Obviously, you don't care to revise the bovine excrement you posted equating the two?
AG Holder testified and turned over more that 7 thousand documents in the phony F-n-F witch hunt. Navarro's refusal was absolute whereas Holder's was over specific documents that eventually the court forced a resolution on both parties to neither sides satisfaction.

Obviously, you don't care to revise the bovine excrement you posted equating the two?

Holder is fckn asshole
AG Holder testified and turned over more that 7 thousand documents in the phony F-n-F witch hunt. Navarro's refusal was absolute whereas Holder's was over specific documents that eventually the court forced a resolution on both parties to neither sides satisfaction.

Obviously, you don't care to revise the bovine excrement you posted equating the two?

Sooo.....you're afraid to answer the question?

C'mon.....you know how I enjoy rubbing your ugly face in your stupidity.

I need an update:

You wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:


No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 5

I just want to be certain you didn't import any IQ points.

AG Holder testified and turned over more that 7 thousand documents in the phony F-n-F witch hunt. Navarro's refusal was absolute whereas Holder's was over specific documents that eventually the court forced a resolution on both parties to neither sides satisfaction.

Obviously, you don't care to revise the bovine excrement you posted equating the two?

You lying scum......watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Holder held in contempt of Congress - POLITICO​

https://www.politico.com › story › 2012/06 › holder-he...

Jun 28, 2012 — The House has voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holderin contempt of Congress over his failure to turn over documents related to the Fast ...

House holds Holder in contempt | CNN Politics​

https://www.cnn.com › 2012/06/28 › holder-contempt

Jun 29, 2012 — Holder has repeatedly refused to turn over materials containing internal deliberations, and asked Obama last week to assert executive privilege ...

Holder Held in Contempt of Congress, Which Means ... - WIRED​

https://www.wired.com › Security › Cartel Chaos

Jun 28, 2012 — The House has voted, and Attorney General Eric Holder has been held in contempt for failing to hand over documents related to the disastrous ...

Holder Found In Contempt Of Congress : The Two-Way - NPR​

https://www.npr.org › sections › thetwo-way › 2012/06/28

Jun 28, 2012 — House Republicans say Holder and the Obama administration have withheld documents related to the failed Fast and Furious gun walking operation.

Justice won't prosecute Holder for contempt - The Salt Lake ...​

https://archive.sltrib.com › article

Jun 29, 2012 — The House voted Thursday afternoon to find Holder in criminal and civil contempt for refusing to turn over the documents.
Regardless of that opinion, he still cooperated with the House by testifying under oath and turning over thousands of requested documents.
The courts have often held in subpoenas issued by congress, that they would prefer that the two parties negotiate a settlement, instead of putting the courts in the middle of it.

The problem with Navarro, is that he absolutely refused to cooperate or negotiate in any way.
C'mon.....you know how I enjoy rubbing your ugly face in your stupidity.

I need an update:
Awe Stinky, how many times do you need it? Do you not remember what my answer has been every time you asked to avoid the fact that you're spreading false information?

I can't think of hardly anyone whom I wouldn't vote for over the traitorous 'Benedict Donald'.
I can't think of hardly anyone whom I wouldn't vote for over the traitorous 'Benedict Donald'.

I am sure that you wouldn't vote for "Hitler" over Trump.
But many republicans said they would vote for "Hitler" over Biden.

That's actually saying a lot about politics.
Regardless of that opinion, he still cooperated with the House by testifying under oath and turning over thousands of requested documents.

Nothing phony about the investigation.

Holder gave weapons to Mexican cartels, which were then used to kill American law enforcement.

... Attkisson won an Emmy for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for the "Gunwalker: Fast and Furious" story.... Attkisson received the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the same story.

Some detail, for context.

4. When the role of failed government policy resulted in the killing of Americans, "in which federal agents allowed guns to be sold and brought into Mexico so they could trace the weapons. But the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ended up losing track of some of the guns. Two were found at the crime scene where U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed on Dec. 14, 2010," the Liar-in-Chief said this: "Fast and Furious" began under the Bush administration.
Barack Obama on Thursday, September 20th, 2012 in an interview on Univision

Politifact correctly labeled it 'False." Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

a. "The guns that ultimately killed Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and ICE officer Jamie Zapata were traced back to straw purchasers related to Fast and Furious.: The 5 Biggest Differences Between Operation Fast and Furious and Operation Wide Receiver

Under Barack Hussein Obama.

5. There was a glaring difference between the Bush policy, and Obama's: "Wide Receiver, though flawed, was more of a gun-tracing operation than a gun-walking program. Gun-tracing involves putting specific safeguards in place to track firearms, such as RFID chips perhaps with video or aerial surveillance. Gun-walking is what happened in Fast and Furious, where ATF agents sold thousands of guns without a reliable way to recover them, apparently just hoping for the best."

a. There were reasons to conclude that the reason that the safeguards were absent in Obama's plan was that criminality traced to the missing guns would be used to implement anti-second amendment policies by Holder.

How would a fascist government respond to Attkisson's cutting edge reporting?

Just as Obama's did.

How many times a day do perfect strangers walk up to you and tell you you are lying scum??????
The courts have often held in subpoenas issued by congress, that they would prefer that the two parties negotiate a settlement, instead of putting the courts in the middle of it.

The problem with Navarro, is that he absolutely refused to cooperate or negotiate in any way.

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