When Mike is on the minds of republicans, its a sure bet win for us!!

Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.

President Trump doesn't have to worry about Mini-Mike...Warren gave him the multi-million dollar ass whuppin' he paid for, destroying his chances.
Best line of the evening:
Warren: "Let's talk about all of the paid off non disclosures you have on women that worked for you"

Mikey: "They probably didn't like a joke or something" --- GOLD!!!
View attachment 307689
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.

Think about this for a moment, you got a bunch of black men running for office in the south, where blacks can't vote....dude, miss me on this shit......or come deep with some real sell out negro shit.
/——/ Ebonics???
View attachment 307689
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.

Think about this for a moment, you got a bunch of black men running for office in the south, where blacks can't vote....dude, miss me on this shit......or come deep with some real sell out negro shit.
/——/ Ebonics???

I’m multilingual...he's speaking section 8 or Walmart for sure.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.
Fear Mini Mike? Surely you just. He's nothing more than yet another democratic carnival sideshow in the grand scheme of things. They're all fighting for the chance to be the chosen democratic sacrificial lamb and that idiot is pissing away billions of his own money in the process.
In the final analysis, we think he's funny in a pathetic sort of way.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.
Wingers always most viciously attack those they fear the most.

I'll bet you Bloomberg is thinking of going Indy.

I don't know what that would mean for the election, but I can't imagine he'll put up with much more of this.
Mike got into this race because he knows Trump and he is seeing what most of the country has seen is a man destroying this country bit by bit by bit and it is insane for any of these candidates to attack someone who sees the Hillary writing on the wall. I don't get the double standard, Rudy was once america's mayor, now he's seen as the most corrupt pile of shit in Mayor history. Point being, PEOPLE CHANGE FOR GOOD AND FOR BAD. only mike can beat trump and the ego maniacs should all step aside and let the man destroy trump
/——/ Mike got in the race because he’s a power hungry elitist. If he were still a Republican, you’d be foaming at the mouth over his racist quotes.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.

Bloomberg is the WORST possible choice. Not just to beat Trump, but definitely as President. Racist, misogynistic, and out of touch with the real world, rich. He wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for President.

ANY of the top 5 Democrats can beat Trump, but the last thing the government needs is another old white racist billionaire in the oval office. Both Trump and Bloomberg are opposite sides of the same worthless coin.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.

Bloomberg is the WORST possible choice. Not just to beat Trump, but definitely as President. Racist, misogynistic, and out of touch with the real world, rich. He wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for President.

ANY of the top 5 Democrats can beat Trump, but the last thing the government needs is another old white racist billionaire in the oval office. Both Trump and Bloomberg are opposite sides of the same worthless coin.

My, my, my, looks like the DNC has an awful decision to make.
Money Mike and his $billions or Bernie and his energetic hoards, or Joe Biden and his over-the-hill union gang, or Pocahontas and her crazy ideas, or Buttplug and his inexperience, or Snow Queen Amy.
Who does the DNC tell the super-delegates to vote for so that they don't piss-off any of their factions?
Little Mike is a joke, that's why he is on the minds of republicans. Hypocrites on the left who used to criticize corporate wealth let Little Mike buy his way in to the debate and he did poorly.
Little Mike is a joke, that's why he is on the minds of republicans. Hypocrites on the left who used to criticize corporate wealth let Little Mike buy his way in to the debate and he did poorly.

Mike can spend way over a $billion in the democrat primaries and still lose!!
He should have run as a Republican when he was younger.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.

Bloomberg is the WORST possible choice. Not just to beat Trump, but definitely as President. Racist, misogynistic, and out of touch with the real world, rich. He wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for President.

ANY of the top 5 Democrats can beat Trump, but the last thing the government needs is another old white racist billionaire in the oval office. Both Trump and Bloomberg are opposite sides of the same worthless coin.

My, my, my, looks like the DNC has an awful decision to make.
Money Mike and his $billions or Bernie and his energetic hoards, or Joe Biden and his over-the-hill union gang, or Pocahontas and her crazy ideas, or Buttplug and his inexperience, or Snow Queen Amy.
Who does the DNC tell the super-delegates to vote for so that they don't piss-off any of their factions?
/——-/ Manchella- who else?
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.
tRump is quiet because he's want to run against Bloomberg. He's got more baggage than a fully loaded 747.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.
Wingers always most viciously attack those they fear the most.

I'll bet you Bloomberg is thinking of going Indy.

I don't know what that would mean for the election, but I can't imagine he'll put up with much more of this.
Actually, if Bloomberg gets on the ticket as an Independent, it will split the no-longer Democratic party and ensure Trumps victory.
Other than calling Mike little.....has anyone noticed how silent the Trump twitter knobs has been when it comes to Mike? Sure a lot of negative yesterday shit is coming out about Mike, but Trump ain't saying shit and hoping the smear from the past saves his white ass from Mike....Michael Bloomberg is the one guy that Trump fears and if Democrat voters thinking a free ride off of Uncle Sam is the ticket to a Nov. win,,,,look for Hillary with a old dick to be on the ballot in Nov.
/----/ "past saves his white ass "
Aren't all the democRAT candidates White Asses? Didn't you send all the minority candidates back to the Dem Plantation?

BTW your hero Little Mike:
"Bloomberg says black neighborhoods are 'where the real crime is' in newly surfaced audio"

These quotes by Bloomberg are great, as the one where he defends capitalism, this one is true as well. Black communities have almost 10x higher crime rates.

But the democrat party isn't used to dealing with truth.

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