When Mueller report drops tomorrow or Friday, will it prove Trump and Putin stole the election?

Bill Clinton made an attempt to deceive the court, thereby stripping a US citizen of her right to a fair trial, was held in Contempt of Court, and had his license to practice law taken a way for a time due to his lack of Ethics. Democrats refused to vote for his Impeachment for all of this; yet, they want to Impeach Trump over no crime.

In Bill's defense, that whole thing was a bunch of bullshit and waste of time and taxpayer money. I don't care if he got a BJ in the Oval Office, make laws that benefit me or fuck off!

How much money did that stuff cost vs. the net gain?

He should have been impeached for Waco TX.
Bill Clinton made an attempt to deceive the court, thereby stripping a US citizen of her right to a fair trial, was held in Contempt of Court, and had his license to practice law taken a way for a time due to his lack of Ethics. Democrats refused to vote for his Impeachment for all of this; yet, they want to Impeach Trump over no crime.

In Bill's defense, that whole thing was a bunch of bullshit and waste of time and taxpayer money. I don't care if he got a BJ in the Oval Office, make laws that benefit me or fuck off!

How much money did that stuff cost vs. the net gain?

He should have been impeached for Waco TX.

Wasn't that Janet Reno's call?
It won’t, will it?

It will focus on obstruction.

Enough for Dimms to vote for impeachment?


Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.
It won’t, will it?

It will focus on obstruction.

Enough for Dimms to vote for impeachment?


Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.

LMAO! I'll believe it when I see it come out, then.
It won’t, will it?

It will focus on obstruction.

Enough for Dimms to vote for impeachment?


Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.

Wow, Brennan is a Trump sheep....who knew?

Libs again, light on facts and heavy on bullshit.

Brennan Predicts Mueller Report, More Indictments On Friday: "I Don't Have Inside Knowledge"
It won’t, will it?

It will focus on obstruction.

Enough for Dimms to vote for impeachment?


Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.

LMAO! I'll believe it when I see it come out, then.

Yeah, same here. Libs want this thing to extend into perpetuity. The depression among libs after it's released will be epic.
It won’t, will it?

It will focus on obstruction.

Enough for Dimms to vote for impeachment?


Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.

Wow, Brennan is a Trump sheep....who knew?

Libs again, light on facts and heavy on bullshit.

Brennan Predicts Mueller Report, More Indictments On Friday: "I Don't Have Inside Knowledge"

Brennan is a hack.
Bill Clinton made an attempt to deceive the court, thereby stripping a US citizen of her right to a fair trial, was held in Contempt of Court, and had his license to practice law taken a way for a time due to his lack of Ethics. Democrats refused to vote for his Impeachment for all of this; yet, they want to Impeach Trump over no crime.

In Bill's defense, that whole thing was a bunch of bullshit and waste of time and taxpayer money. I don't care if he got a BJ in the Oval Office, make laws that benefit me or fuck off!

How much money did that stuff cost vs. the net gain?

He should have been impeached for Waco TX.

Wasn't that Janet Reno's call?

Yeah, that was Reno's call to kill the kids by burning them out.
Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.

Wow, Brennan is a Trump sheep....who knew?

Libs again, light on facts and heavy on bullshit.

Brennan Predicts Mueller Report, More Indictments On Friday: "I Don't Have Inside Knowledge"

Brennan is a hack.

He straight up lied to Congress.

Brennan blatantly lies Senate | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

Piece of trash.
Bill Clinton made an attempt to deceive the court, thereby stripping a US citizen of her right to a fair trial, was held in Contempt of Court, and had his license to practice law taken a way for a time due to his lack of Ethics. Democrats refused to vote for his Impeachment for all of this; yet, they want to Impeach Trump over no crime.

In Bill's defense, that whole thing was a bunch of bullshit and waste of time and taxpayer money. I don't care if he got a BJ in the Oval Office, make laws that benefit me or fuck off!

How much money did that stuff cost vs. the net gain?

No one cared if he had gotten a BJ, except Hillary. What they cared about is that he committed perjury. I honestly believe that if he'd said, "Yeah, I did! I'm this old and she's in her twenties. Who wouldn't say yes?" he'd have won by 400 electoral votes.

He served 2 terms anyways. :rolleyes:

I perceived Clinton as doing a few good things. One was building a border wall.

That's ok. I don't hate the guy. I am just tired of "it was over a BJ" stuff.
It won’t, will it?

It will focus on obstruction.

Enough for Dimms to vote for impeachment?


Every week you sheep claim the report is about to drop and then the next week you ask where it is.

This is like the who's on first routine.
It would be funny...if it were't so fucking serious.

it is funny as hell. At the end of every week the Trump sheep claim the report is due out by the end of the week.

then on Monday they start a thread asking where the report it.

then they do it all over again at the end of the week.

Brennan on CNN is the one who made the claim of the report being out this week.

no link, did not happen.
Bill Clinton made an attempt to deceive the court, thereby stripping a US citizen of her right to a fair trial, was held in Contempt of Court, and had his license to practice law taken a way for a time due to his lack of Ethics. Democrats refused to vote for his Impeachment for all of this; yet, they want to Impeach Trump over no crime.

In Bill's defense, that whole thing was a bunch of bullshit and waste of time and taxpayer money. I don't care if he got a BJ in the Oval Office, make laws that benefit me or fuck off!

How much money did that stuff cost vs. the net gain?

No one cared if he had gotten a BJ, except Hillary. What they cared about is that he committed perjury. I honestly believe that if he'd said, "Yeah, I did! I'm this old and she's in her twenties. Who wouldn't say yes?" he'd have won by 400 electoral votes.

He served 2 terms anyways. :rolleyes:

I perceived Clinton as doing a few good things. One was building a border wall.

That's ok. I don't hate the guy. I am just tired of "it was over a BJ" stuff.

True, it was about lying about a blow job...that is much worse than the blow job itself
He served 2 terms anyways. :rolleyes:

I perceived Clinton as doing a few good things. One was building a border wall.

He only served two terms because of the lunatic Ross Pirogi, FACT.

Bill The Rapist's thunder thighs of a wife, Ubercunt, went across the Country threatening Colleges and Universities with Title IX. That's where it all begins, people. In Academia.

His Nazi AG was a child murderer responsible for Waco and sent Jamie Gorelick across the Country threatening Banks with the CRA, which is how the Great Recession was created. Completely and totally, 100% on The Rapist and the CRA. It was the fuse that lit the powder keg of the Great Recession. Without it, it just doesn't happen.

Bill Clinton was the 2nd scummiest scumbag motherfucker to ever infest the Ovule Office with his presence. There was NOTHING good about him.

And it was he who saddled the Army and our Intelligence Services with ROE that allowed Osama bin Floatin' to survive our Spec Ops killing him.

Whatever bad there ever was that has ever happened to this Country can be traced back to the dimocrap scum party.

THAT, my children is a goddamned fact.

Ross Perot meant well but he was an imbecile. Squeaky voiced twerp kept a decent man from winning and put a total SCUMBAG in Office.

I'm not a Republican so much as I completely and utterly despise, detest, loathe and truly hate the dimocrap scum party. It is the worst, most corrupt, most disgusting political party to ever exist. They have no redeeming qualities. At least the National Socialists and the Fascists made the trains run on time
True, it was about lying about a blow job...that is much worse than the blow job itself
Yeah, you snowflakes keep telling yourself that LIE....

Other Presidents have had affairs...big deal. Bill Clinton's Impeachment never had anything to do with Lewenski or his lying to the world about it.

Bill Clinton took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. He also took an oath as a lawyer and one when he was sworn in to testify during his Sexual Harassment law suit. He violated - broke every one of them when he attempted to mislead the court with testimony. The Judge in the case rebuked him for it, for his lack of Ethics, held him in Contempt, and stripped him of his license to practice law in Arkansas for a time.

It is no accident that you snowflakes always leave that part out when regurgitating the same old talking points / false narrative when trying to defend him.

It's one thing for a President to lie to and deceive the American people - all politicians do it. Barry lied his ass off about his Obamacare Bill, but politicians do not get into trouble for those types of lies. Bill Clinton lied / deceived under oath during a trial - he broke his oaths, and he broke the law. Bill Clinton was brought up for Impeachment and Impeached in the House for his crime / lying and deceiving under oath.

In order to protect their own, Democrats completely ignored what he had done under oath in that trial and made the false narrative about it being his stuffing a cigar up inside Monica Lewinski in the WH, and Gruber-Snowflakes were all too eager to pick up that narrative and continue to run with it today, as you have just proved.

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