When obama actually did collude with the Iranian government to undermine the country. It did happen.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
obama, before he became President actively colluded with the Iranian government to undermine the U.S. abiltity to get the Iranians to stop their move to get nuclear weapons...

Where was the special prosecutor to look into his real collusion with an active enemy of the United STates...

How Barack Obama Conspired With an Enemy to Undermine US Foreign Policy

In 2008, the Bush administration, along with the “six powers,” was negotiating with Iran concerning that country’s nuclear arms program. The Bush administration’s objective was to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. On July 20, 2008, the New York Timesheadlined: “Nuclear Talks With Iran End in a Deadlock.” What caused the talks to founder? The Times explained:

Iran responded with a written document that failed to address the main issue: international demands that it stop enriching uranium. And Iranian diplomats reiterated before the talks that they considered the issue nonnegotiable.

The Iranians held firm to their position, perhaps because they knew that help was on the way, in the form of a new president. Barack Obama had clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3. At some point either before or after that date, but prior to the election, he secretly let the Iranians know that he would be much easier to bargain with than President Bush. Michael Ledeen reported the story last year:

During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.

So Obama secretly told the mullahs not to make a deal until he assumed the presidency, when they would be able to make a better agreement. Which is exactly what happened: Obama abandoned the requirement that Iran stop enriching uranium, so that Iran’s nuclear program has sped ahead over the months and years that negotiations have dragged on. When an interim agreement in the form of a “Joint Plan of Action” was announced in late 2013, Iran’s leaders exulted in the fact that the West had acknowledged its right to continue its uranium enrichment program:
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
HILLARY, HILLARY, HILLARY, eek!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA, OBAMA, OBAMA, eek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is the Trump admin which is under a criminal investigation by Special Prosecutor Mueller.
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15

You can't count illegal voters.....and since the Democrat National Committee paid bob craemer and scot foval to conduct massive voter fraud operations.......you lose...

Sure, 2aguy. Trump's own DOJ and the FBI and the intel agencies and Congress are investigating him, and it is the Dems' fault?
Sure, 2aguy. Trump's own DOJ and the FBI and the intel agencies and Congress are investigating him, and it is the Dems' fault?

Yep.......obama and hilary minions are all through those agencies...as we saw with loretta lynch meeting with bill the rapist, lois lerner at the CIA, and susan rice unmasking American citizens........and comey is a shumer minion....and Mccabe's wife is a minion of terry macauliffe, a clinton minion....

Sure, 2aguy. Trump's own DOJ and the FBI and the intel agencies and Congress are investigating him, and it is the Dems' fault?

Yep.......obama and hilary minions are all through those agencies...as we saw with loretta lynch meeting with bill the rapist, lois lerner at the CIA, and susan rice unmasking American citizens........and comey is a shumer minion....and Mccabe's wife is a minion of terry macauliffe, a clinton minion....

And the GOP controls them and Congress and the administration.

The mainstream GOP has turned to axe the Alt Right in government, beginning with Trump.
obama, before he became President actively colluded with the Iranian government to undermine the U.S. abiltity to get the Iranians to stop their move to get nuclear weapons...

Where was the special prosecutor to look into his real collusion with an active enemy of the United STates...

How Barack Obama Conspired With an Enemy to Undermine US Foreign Policy

In 2008, the Bush administration, along with the “six powers,” was negotiating with Iran concerning that country’s nuclear arms program. The Bush administration’s objective was to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. On July 20, 2008, the New York Timesheadlined: “Nuclear Talks With Iran End in a Deadlock.” What caused the talks to founder? The Times explained:

Iran responded with a written document that failed to address the main issue: international demands that it stop enriching uranium. And Iranian diplomats reiterated before the talks that they considered the issue nonnegotiable.

The Iranians held firm to their position, perhaps because they knew that help was on the way, in the form of a new president. Barack Obama had clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3. At some point either before or after that date, but prior to the election, he secretly let the Iranians know that he would be much easier to bargain with than President Bush. Michael Ledeen reported the story last year:

During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.

So Obama secretly told the mullahs not to make a deal until he assumed the presidency, when they would be able to make a better agreement. Which is exactly what happened: Obama abandoned the requirement that Iran stop enriching uranium, so that Iran’s nuclear program has sped ahead over the months and years that negotiations have dragged on. When an interim agreement in the form of a “Joint Plan of Action” was announced in late 2013, Iran’s leaders exulted in the fact that the West had acknowledged its right to continue its uranium enrichment program:
The left will never oppose Islam.
Sure, 2aguy. Trump's own DOJ and the FBI and the intel agencies and Congress are investigating him, and it is the Dems' fault?

Yep.......obama and hilary minions are all through those agencies...as we saw with loretta lynch meeting with bill the rapist, lois lerner at the CIA, and susan rice unmasking American citizens........and comey is a shumer minion....and Mccabe's wife is a minion of terry macauliffe, a clinton minion....

And the GOP controls them and Congress and the administration.

The mainstream GOP has turned to axe the Alt Right in government, beginning with Trump.
Senate just asked for the Comey memos related to Hillary.

Thank you lefties for opening this door.
If Clinton goes down too, bifecta.

If Obama goes down too, trifecta.

Clean ALL the garbage out.
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
He was the lesser of the evils. You had Hillary, corrupt serial lair elitist 1%er, then you have successful, yet shady, businessman Trump. Left wing got owned in all aspects of the election because of their horrible decision making (lost presidency, lost senate, and couldn't win house). Live and learn
The Dems gained seats in the House and the Senate.

They are working, when it suits them, with McConnell and Ryan.

And it suits the latter to work against Trump now.
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15

Trump won 30 of 50 states. There is no more legitimate President than him. Your idiotic poll numbers don't mean anything today any more than they did prior to election day. Your girl got crushed. Deal with it.
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15

Trump won 30 of 50 states. There is no more legitimate President than him. Your idiotic poll numbers don't mean anything today any more than they did prior to election day. Your girl got crushed. Deal with it.
That means nothing.

Legitimacy is your distraction, not mine.

The polls mean everything today far more than you whining.

Trump has lost several times the support of the 77K votes that got him over in MN and WI and MI.

You can yell and smell and deny and cry but when you ask why, you know the answer, "Trump is a fucking doofus." :lol:
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15

Trump won 30 of 50 states. There is no more legitimate President than him. Your idiotic poll numbers don't mean anything today any more than they did prior to election day. Your girl got crushed. Deal with it.
That means nothing.

Legitimacy is your distraction, not mine.

The polls mean everything today far more than you whining.

Trump has lost several times the 77K votes that got over in MN and WI and MI.

You can yell and smell and deny and cry but when you ask why, you know the answer," Trump is a fucking doofus." :lol;
Polls mean everything to you? Then you believe in deception, and you must have also believed Hillary would win the election.


As far as me whining? I wasn't the loser in this election... ;)
Sure, guys.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15

Trump won 30 of 50 states. There is no more legitimate President than him. Your idiotic poll numbers don't mean anything today any more than they did prior to election day. Your girl got crushed. Deal with it.
That means nothing.

Legitimacy is your distraction, not mine.

The polls mean everything today far more than you whining.

Trump has lost several times the 77K votes that got over in MN and WI and MI.

You can yell and smell and deny and cry but when you ask why, you know the answer," Trump is a fucking doofus." :lol;
Polls mean everything to you? Then you believe in deception, and you must have also believed Hillary would win the election.


As far as me whining? I wasn't the loser in this election... ;)
You yell to the skys when they support your positions, mkay? :lol:

You are the ultimate deception goon: they see you coming a mile off.

I voted for McMullin, but you voted for the progressive.
Hillary by a landslide
ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Trump than for him.

That coupled to his incompetence to function as President has led to his crumbling administration and demonstrated lack of people trusting him.

Thursday, May 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +18
Wednesday, May 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +15

Trump won 30 of 50 states. There is no more legitimate President than him. Your idiotic poll numbers don't mean anything today any more than they did prior to election day. Your girl got crushed. Deal with it.
That means nothing.

Legitimacy is your distraction, not mine.

The polls mean everything today far more than you whining.

Trump has lost several times the 77K votes that got over in MN and WI and MI.

You can yell and smell and deny and cry but when you ask why, you know the answer," Trump is a fucking doofus." :lol;
Polls mean everything to you? Then you believe in deception, and you must have also believed Hillary would win the election.


As far as me whining? I wasn't the loser in this election... ;)
You yell to the skys when they support your positions, mkay? :lol:

You are the ultimate deception goon: they see you coming a mile off.

I voted for McMullin, but you voted for the progressive.
I voted for the guy who didn't know what Aleppo was. I thought that was far less concerning than the left wing serial liar/corrupt politician and the business dude.

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