When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.

Does it bother anyone that OBama couldn't wait until the body was cold?

EVERYONE in the public eye makes comments as soon as the news comes out.

How long did you mourn before you started posting about it?

Did you even bother to offer condolences before you politicized it? You ass.
All he cared about was to nominate a new justice before he gets out. That's what he has to say on the very day of the passing of a great mind. How sad!

It's the sitting President's job to appoint SC judges when there's a vacancy, you fool.

He won't present his choices for several weeks.
Dipshit in chief yammered about this faster than he did when Americans were killed by terrorists in San Bernadino
No way could I watch this android try and act like he was sympathetic towards the loss of Scalia. And yes, I could care less what anyone thinks, call me conspiracy theorist or whatever, I DON'T believe Scalia died "naturally"
Explains your limited knowledge of what's going on.
No way will the Republicans let Obama appoint and the Senate confirm an Obama judge.
Did he do an Oscar worthy performance?

I think one of the Republican candidates tried to throw in a few kind words about Scalia in the debate tonight and it seemed like no one heard. Can anyone name a Supreme Court judge who's death brought a tear rather than a glow of hope from the other party?
No way could I watch this android try and act like he was sympathetic towards the loss of Scalia. And yes, I could care less what anyone thinks, call me conspiracy theorist or whatever, I DON'T believe Scalia died "naturally"
I'm just glad the supreme Court is less conservative than it was yesterday. Now if Roberts and alito would die

Goodbye! Click!
No way could I watch this android try and act like he was sympathetic towards the loss of Scalia. And yes, I could care less what anyone thinks, call me conspiracy theorist or whatever, I DON'T believe Scalia died "naturally"
I'm just glad the supreme Court is less conservative than it was yesterday. Now if Roberts and alito would die[/QUOTE...
You are a barely walking upright obscenity.
Guess what, you stupid twat.....Obama is NOT going to get to ram some lefty onto the SCOTUS because the Senate will not allow it.
All he cared about was to nominate a new justice before he gets out. That's what he has to say on the very day of the passing of a great mind. How sad!
Obviously you didn't listen to the president's remarks, either – instead you decided to lie; that's what's sad.
A liberal Supreme Court for the next generation!!
Not necessarily – there remain four justices who will likely retire during the next president's tenure, particularly if that president is reelected in 2020.

And what constitutes 'liberal' or 'conservative' actually no longer applies.

For example, justices who follow settled and accepted privacy rights jurisprudence, Establishment Clause jurisprudence, and Commerce Clause jurisprudence would be considered conservative; those seeking to overturn that settled and accepted jurisprudence and allow the states to compel a woman to give birth against her will, or compel students to pray in public schools, or return to a pre-Lochner regulatory paradigm would be considered radical and extreme – there's nothing 'conservative' about advocating abandoning such precedent.
No way could I watch this android try and act like he was sympathetic towards the loss of Scalia. And yes, I could care less what anyone thinks, call me conspiracy theorist or whatever, I DON'T believe Scalia died "naturally"

Yay, another idiot posting asinine shit. BTW, unlike many of you flippant conservative morons, Obama was extremely cordial and sincere in his statement concerning the passing of Justice Scalia.
No way could I watch this android try and act like he was sympathetic towards the loss of Scalia. And yes, I could care less what anyone thinks, call me conspiracy theorist or whatever, I DON'T believe Scalia died "naturally"
I'm just glad the supreme Court is less conservative than it was yesterday. Now if Roberts and alito would die

See, you say sick and stupid shit just like the cons here do. Now you want other people to die because you don't like their politics. That 's a bit fucked up, don't you think? Antonin Scalia was a good man and served this country with great integrity. I didn't agree with him very often, but that doesn't make him some villain. BTW, he and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were best of friends despite the fact they rarely agreed on any case.
All he cared about was to nominate a new justice before he gets out. That's what he has to say on the very day of the passing of a great mind. How sad!

It's the sitting President's job to appoint SC judges when there's a vacancy, you fool.

He won't present his choices for several weeks.

If he presents his choices before the end of February, then we will know if this was all planed. Eh? :booze:

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