When oil was under 45 dollars a gallon under Reagan, what was the price at the pump

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

Let's not use the price when Bush left office as it was low due to no demand because of the crashing economy. I mean we could get the price down to that today if we laid off 5 million people.
right lest not use the price it was cause ........inconvenient......doesnt lend itself to propaganda...?????

No, because the reason behind the low price at the time was due to the economy that Bush helped to destroy. What was the price before the crash started? Oh yea, it was $4.50 per gallon. Why not talk about that? Because it doesn't lend itself to propaganda ??????
Crazy how it jumped from $1.681 to $4.114 in just one administration.
Was back down close to that when he left ........
No it wasn't. Put the Kool Aid down.
Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Trick question Who had higher gas prices Obama or Bush - San Jose Mercury News Dumbass

Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

Let's not use the price when Bush left office as it was low due to no demand because of the crashing economy. I mean we could get the price down to that today if we laid off 5 million people.
right lest not use the price it was cause ........inconvenient......doesnt lend itself to propaganda...?????

No, because the reason behind the low price at the time was due to the economy that Bush helped to destroy. What was the price before the crash started? Oh yea, it was $4.50 per gallon. Why not talk about that? Because it doesn't lend itself to propaganda ??????
Was a short period of time.......wasnt it......bet you've paid more in total last 6 yrs but heh we're saved right....economy is tip top.....riiiighhhttt
Crazy how it jumped from $1.681 to $4.114 in just one administration.
Was back down close to that when he left ........
No it wasn't. Put the Kool Aid down.
Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Trick question Who had higher gas prices Obama or Bush - San Jose Mercury News Dumbass

Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone

CAFE standards keeps rising on the harmonic mean fuel economy expressed in mpg which Obama reset in 2012, to a goal of 54.5mpg by 2025.
Was back down close to that when he left ........
No it wasn't. Put the Kool Aid down.
Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Trick question Who had higher gas prices Obama or Bush - San Jose Mercury News Dumbass

Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone

CAFE standards keeps rising on the harmonic mean fuel economy expressed in mpg which Obama reset in 2012, to a goal of 54.5mpg by 2025.
explain the rest of the yrs......maybe its all those unemployed who never found jobs and disappeared conveniently from Fed radar
Very true, there hasn't been a major new refinery built since 1976.

But there have been some major refitting and increases in the capacity of the existing ones.

Yes, the flood of light crude oil from Texas, Oklahoma and North Dakota has caused them to adapt to new engineering methods to take advantage in the increase flows of crude.
No it wasn't. Put the Kool Aid down.
Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Trick question Who had higher gas prices Obama or Bush - San Jose Mercury News Dumbass

Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone

CAFE standards keeps rising on the harmonic mean fuel economy expressed in mpg which Obama reset in 2012, to a goal of 54.5mpg by 2025.
explain the rest of the yrs......maybe its all those unemployed who never found jobs and disappeared conveniently from Fed radar

CAFE standards have been around since 1978, that's during the Carter administration.
well if the price is the same for a barrel why is the price at the pump higher under obama

Because the suppliers know how much you will pay for a gallon of gas......the turn around is just fantastic for them. Also, let us not forget the green initiative!!

Ha Ha--the GREEN initiative!
Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Trick question Who had higher gas prices Obama or Bush - San Jose Mercury News Dumbass

Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone

CAFE standards keeps rising on the harmonic mean fuel economy expressed in mpg which Obama reset in 2012, to a goal of 54.5mpg by 2025.
explain the rest of the yrs......maybe its all those unemployed who never found jobs and disappeared conveniently from Fed radar

CAFE standards have been around since 1978, that's during the Carter administration.
And you said he revised them 2012 which accounted for less usage.......not thaT I BUY THAT, would take few yrs to impact usage............so next
Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone

CAFE standards keeps rising on the harmonic mean fuel economy expressed in mpg which Obama reset in 2012, to a goal of 54.5mpg by 2025.
explain the rest of the yrs......maybe its all those unemployed who never found jobs and disappeared conveniently from Fed radar

CAFE standards have been around since 1978, that's during the Carter administration.
And you said he revised them 2012 which accounted for less usage.......not thaT I BUY THAT, would take few yrs to impact usage............so next
Obama did revise them in 2012 to a very dramatic number, but the process has been on-going for 37 years to guarantee both our security as a nation and to save the consumer a buck at the pump.
Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?
and yet oil consumption is still down in driving public....anything classs....anyone

CAFE standards keeps rising on the harmonic mean fuel economy expressed in mpg which Obama reset in 2012, to a goal of 54.5mpg by 2025.
explain the rest of the yrs......maybe its all those unemployed who never found jobs and disappeared conveniently from Fed radar

CAFE standards have been around since 1978, that's during the Carter administration.
And you said he revised them 2012 which accounted for less usage.......not thaT I BUY THAT, would take few yrs to impact usage............so next

I think the basics of economics have escaped a few posters or more likely the momentary lack of reason is partisan in nature...just sayin'...

Above, Manonthestreet wrote:
"Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Trick question Who had higher gas prices Obama or Bush - San Jose Mercury News Dumbass"

To which BlindBoo responded with:
"Doesn't get more disingenuous than that. Hmmm, anything going on with the economy to make the price fall from over $4.00 a gallon during the summer of 2008 to it a low below $2.00 in 2009?

Anything at all?"

Gosh, is there any chance at all the price of crude fluctuated? Here is a brief table showing the high and low Spot price published by the EIA during 2008-2009:

$/ Barrel--------Date--------Refinery Utilization--------Crude Inputs (thousand barrels)

$145.51-----July 2008------------88.6%---------------------15.49k bbl

$34.67-----Feb 2009------------81.4%----------------------14.13k bbl

Now is there any possibility at all that the reason the drop in the price per gallon of fuel over the period noted is because the Spot Price of crude dropped by a factor of 4.2 or $110.84/bbl in that period? Does any President have the power to raise, drop or manipulate the global spot price of crude...HELL NO!
just curious
It was under $20 a barrel during Clinton's term.

The day Clinton left office it was $1.09 a gallon in Florida and $0.99 in Georgia.

Then two Texas oilmen were selected POTUS/VP and prices went through the roof.
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

Let's not use the price when Bush left office as it was low due to no demand because of the crashing economy. I mean we could get the price down to that today if we laid off 5 million people.
right lest not use the price it was cause ........inconvenient......doesnt lend itself to propaganda...?????

No, because the reason behind the low price at the time was due to the economy that Bush helped to destroy. What was the price before the crash started? Oh yea, it was $4.50 per gallon. Why not talk about that? Because it doesn't lend itself to propaganda ??????
Was a short period of time.......wasnt it......bet you've paid more in total last 6 yrs but heh we're saved right....economy is tip top.....riiiighhhttt

Actually yes, the economy is in much better shape. Where have you been? Sorry if you happened to miss the boat.
Taxes on gas also effect the price. And once the state imposes a tax, it adds to the price and no state is going to reduce the tax.

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