When Our Government Allowed to Raid an Attorney’s Office

They do not owe us a damn thing, just to the guy that had it happen to him.

If they do the same to you then you are owed a reason why, but I am not owned one if they do it to you. It is none of my damn business.
You are no libertarian.

So, they can fuck over everybody's rights as long as they keep it a secret from everyone else.

Keep us all ignorant.

Are you crazy? You think it is a Libertarian principle to tell the whole world the private business of a individual?

Imagine this headline...”Bootney Lee Farnsworth had a warrant served on his place of business today under suspicion of child porn and kidnapping”

Now, even if it turns out to be 100% a false lead, you are forever now known as a pervert.

Is that really want you think our Govt should be doing?

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yes, that is exactly what we expect. why are you against it? you certainly aren't against illegal searches and warrants.

I am against it because I respect the individual and their privacy. Do bad all you give a shit about is defending Trump to your dying breath

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again, has nothing to do with Trump. I've said it over and over. it is about the rule of law and my country.
They do not owe us a damn thing, just to the guy that had it happen to him.

If they do the same to you then you are owed a reason why, but I am not owned one if they do it to you. It is none of my damn business.
You are no libertarian.

So, they can fuck over everybody's rights as long as they keep it a secret from everyone else.

Keep us all ignorant.

Are you crazy? You think it is a Libertarian principle to tell the whole world the private business of a individual?

Imagine this headline...”Bootney Lee Farnsworth had a warrant served on his place of business today under suspicion of child porn and kidnapping”

Now, even if it turns out to be 100% a false lead, you are forever now known as a pervert.

Is that really want you think our Govt should be doing?

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yes, that is exactly what we expect. why are you against it? you certainly aren't against illegal searches and warrants.

I am against it because I respect the individual and their privacy. Do bad all you give a shit about is defending Trump to your dying breath

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again, has nothing to do with Trump. I've said it over and over. it is about the rule of law and my country.

yet you cant quote the law that was broken and PROVE it was broken ..

My heavens. Can you imagine what liberals would be saying if the FBI had done this to Hillary during the "investigation" into her unsecured private server and e-mails?
My heavens. Can you imagine what liberals would be saying if the FBI had done this to Hillary during the "investigation" into her unsecured private server and e-mails?

THE EMAILS she gave the FBI ?

Comey said the FBI “found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them in some way.” In his July 5 press conference, Comey said “like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed.”
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They do not owe us a damn thing, just to the guy that had it happen to him.

If they do the same to you then you are owed a reason why, but I am not owned one if they do it to you. It is none of my damn business.
You are no libertarian.

So, they can fuck over everybody's rights as long as they keep it a secret from everyone else.

Keep us all ignorant.

Are you crazy? You think it is a Libertarian principle to tell the whole world the private business of a individual?

Imagine this headline...”Bootney Lee Farnsworth had a warrant served on his place of business today under suspicion of child porn and kidnapping”

Now, even if it turns out to be 100% a false lead, you are forever now known as a pervert.

Is that really want you think our Govt should be doing?

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yes, that is exactly what we expect. why are you against it? you certainly aren't against illegal searches and warrants.

I am against it because I respect the individual and their privacy. Do bad all you give a shit about is defending Trump to your dying breath

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again, has nothing to do with Trump. I've said it over and over. it is about the rule of law and my country.

And yet you keep bringing up Russia over and over again...seems you are not being honest with yourself
My heavens. Can you imagine what liberals would be saying if the FBI had done this to Hillary during the "investigation" into her unsecured private server and e-mails?

They would have had the same shit fit you Trump zealots are having and you Trump zealots would have been cheering.

There is little difference between a left zealot and a right zealot
Liberals trying to enact that if we the people vote in someone that they don't want then they will remove him
We won't let you
My heavens. Can you imagine what liberals would be saying if the FBI had done this to Hillary during the "investigation" into her unsecured private server and e-mails?

They would have had the same shit fit you Trump zealots are having and you Trump zealots would have been cheering.

There is little difference between a left zealot and a right zealot

I'm sure jc and fartsworth would have been crying like little girls because their rights were abused if Clintons lawyer had a warrant executed ... I'M SURE!
Okay dip shit, which has been charged with colluding with Russia to swing the election to Trump? Oh, none. Man you are a dumb fuck.
Oh now you move the goal posts. Of course :lol:

But that’s not what you said earlier, fuck-stick.

That was before I bitch slapped you with 19 indictments and 4 guilty pleas as a result of the investigation.

I own you. You’re my bottom bitch.
Wait, so you think because you and I were not given a copy of the warrant and told the crime that the warrant does not list one?

Do you hold that same view for the thousands of warrants issued every day all around the country? That with each of them you should personally be informed of the crime?

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you know, I hate when people like you that got nothing think you got the entire workbook. You have no idea of anything here, and you just admitted it. so you don't know that they provided a crime. Do you?

They had to to get a warrant, dope.

You're asserting a conspiracy wherin the judge signed off without just cause.
Prove that.
yep that is exactly what I am saying. You win for once in your life.

Prove it, dope.
prove what? let me see the request. I'm good let's see it. Why do they need to keep it secret?
prove what?
Loser. You can't even competently follow a three post conversation before you resume chasing squirrels.
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant

It becomes a tyranny when the judge is a kangaroo judge rubber stamping whatever the prosecution wants. Of course this nation is done. We've lost every protection we thought we had. The judges are as politicized as is possible to get.
My heavens. Can you imagine what liberals would be saying if the FBI had done this to Hillary during the "investigation" into her unsecured private server and e-mails?

THE EMAILS she gave the FBI ?

Comey said the FBI “found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them in some way.” In his July 5 press conference, Comey said “like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed.”

Comey! Did you say Comey?

The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
ok--still it is rare ....
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?
I agree--if it was serious, important, clear, etc, we should know SOMETHING--
but no one has any clue
and if they come up with something, it will be a loooooong stretch to find him guilty
I agree--if it was serious, important, clear, etc, we should know SOMETHING-
We do know something.
We know that it's serious for the president's attorney to be under criminal investigation.
Because it takes two separate branches of government to issue a warrant.
But it only takes one party within those two branches to Uganda-fuck somebody's rights.

A search and seizure was done in one of the most sensitive areas imaginable. We THE PEOPLE deserve to know why it was reasonable and justified.

I would be willing to bet that fucking District Judge/Magistrate just signed off on it without a thorough inquiry. If so, it's his ass.

Show proof of malfeasance or STFU.
SINCE trump's persistent bashing of the FBI, and justice dept, they have been dotting all i's, crossing all T's, and keeping their nose clean.... no one is going to go outside of the law for any searches related to trump, you can bet your booty on it!
So, we should just take their word for it?

Fuck that.

Release the warrant application to the public. Let us decide.
Release the warrant application to the public. Let us decide.
Decide what?
You are neither qualifed nor have the authority to decide anything related to this case.
You wouldn't even know what you were reading.
it has nothing to do with trump you stupid ass. it has to do with rule of fking law. what part of that don't you understand? throwing away what makes america america is throwing our values in the toilet. and that is what they just did.
Rule of law? If Michael Cohen committed wire fraud, banking fraud, and other crimes, it doesn't matter whose lawyer he is. They get a search warrant against him.
If....then the question is, how would they know he did any of that ahead of a warrant? meaning they didn't know he was doing that and illegally seized his personal property to find it. that isn't our law. you should read up on our constitution.

You are the one who needs to read the Constitution. The US Attorney's office in southern NY believed they had probable cause that Cohen was involved in multiple felonies. They took it to a judge and the judge agreed. That is our law and there was nothing illegal about it.
Correct I'm a private citizen of these United States as such I want to know my government hasn't been over run by foreign agents to take over my country, therefore , I am demanding to see the paperwork that justified a warrant. I don't want in the future it to be a family member or friend of mine. again, we have a constitution, let's follow it. I'm not asking for a lot.
I want to know my government hasn't been over run by foreign agents to take over my country, therefore , I am demanding to see the paperwork that justified a warrant

SINCE trump's persistent bashing of the FBI, and justice dept, they have been dotting all i's, crossing all T's, and keeping their nose clean.... no one is going to go outside of the law for any searches related to trump, you can bet your booty on it!
So, we should just take their word for it?

Fuck that.

Release the warrant application to the public. Let us decide.
they released a bunch of information tonight, watch the NEWS, not Fox! ;)
What's Russia got to do with it? You think Cohen is free to break any laws so long as Russia isn't involved?
sure, happens all the time in DC. let's get a special counsel and go after all the scum that is a politician in DC. Seth Rich was killed an not even an investigation. Dossier was illegally obtained and no investigation. here you got nothing and a fking raid. yeah, I'm not going with that. I'm calling it out jack.
Hillary's campaign disclosed payments her lawyers made for the dossier.
after they were caught, see how convenient you make it for the illegal act. funny ain't no different. where did they get their money from? it wasn't investigated computers weren't seized. not equal protection of the law in other words. I'm calling it out.
No no no. Hillary's campaign listed the payments for the dossier under legal fees. Which is right where Trump should have listed the payouts. That's the whole schtick. Trump didn't want to disclose it. Now Hillary didn't says "my lawyers paid for dossier" but that's not really necessary so long as the money is disclosed.
trump didn't pay out anything.
Sure he didnt
why was that important to russia russia exactly?
What's Russia got to do with it? You think Cohen is free to break any laws so long as Russia isn't involved?
sure, happens all the time in DC. let's get a special counsel and go after all the scum that is a politician in DC. Seth Rich was killed an not even an investigation. Dossier was illegally obtained and no investigation. here you got nothing and a fking raid. yeah, I'm not going with that. I'm calling it out jack.
Hillary's campaign disclosed payments her lawyers made for the dossier.
after they were caught, see how convenient you make it for the illegal act. funny ain't no different. where did they get their money from? it wasn't investigated computers weren't seized. not equal protection of the law in other words. I'm calling it out.
No no no. Hillary's campaign listed the payments for the dossier under legal fees. Which is right where Trump should have listed the payouts. That's the whole schtick. Trump didn't want to disclose it. Now Hillary didn't says "my lawyers paid for dossier" but that's not really necessary so long as the money is disclosed.
Hillary's campaign hired a lawyer and his team to do perfectly legal opposition research, and they hired Fusion GPS.

Every campaign does opposition research.
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

It’s kind of correct. Muller ain’t a special counsel. The lack of any crimes since he started this is proof. Na, Muller is nothing but a thug incharge of a goon squad. Look at his team, no one there has any type of stepper career. They were picked because they play dirty. They can convict or impeach Trump, so they will assassinate his charactor and make it impossible to repeal the half-negro and chiefs agenda.

So all those people that have been charged and pled guilty haven't committed crimes? What are they pleading guilty to?

Um, anything related to Russia and the 2016 election? Nope.

Um, yes...


And Flynn for lying to the FBI about what? Oh yeah...meeting with Russians.

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