When President Biden was an old-school Democrat? In 2006 President Biden said a marriage is between a man and a woman.

You could've voted for him in 1988 if he didn't drop out after getting busted for plagiarism & other lies during his presidential campaign.

You could have voted for him instead of Obama in 2008.
Remember when he said Barry was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

Joe has been a liar & a useful idiot his entire career. Even Barry knew that

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I think I voted for Gary Johnson back in 2008. I was too young to vote in 1988 brother

But I forgot that comment you bring up but yeah wow that’s one for sure. Here if is

My take on the situation is that from time to time men say things they might lead to regret. Black men and white men do this. They might even make a sort of the racially motivated comment. But the bottom line is what kind of person are they and when it comes to core issues such as are they willing to hire the best person for the job regardless of skin color ….that’s all that counts.

I wasn’t really into politics as much in the late 2000s but I’m looking at some of these old videos of Joe Biden talking and wow he sounds different than he does today. And I like a lot of what he says back in the day. I’ve watched certainly a good number of videos of Democrats speaking in the 90s and early 2000s in the past few weeks I like a lot of what I see especially from Robert Byrd
A far left limousine liberal New York Democrat.

And he still is.

Far left protectionist tariffs.

Trillion dollar deficits.

Sucking up to Russia.

Madly in love with the North Korean mass murdering communist dictator.
I know that the economy was much better under Donald Trump. How about that.

I don’t like North Korea but I am for diplomacy. And looking back at things Trump brought together North Korea and America and he brought together Israel and Bahrain and other Muslim majority countries. Maybe diplomacy is a good thing?
I don’t know if that’s the case brother. 16 years ago wasn’t that long ago. But the bottom line is it was just 16 years ago and if that was Donald Trump making that comment 16 years ago it will be getting much more attention ..so that’s the hypocrisy from how the media covers the situation’s

16 years ago, no state recognized same sex marriage.
Today, it is the law of the land.

16 years ago, the public opposed the idea that gays could marry. Today, few think it is a big deal anymore

16 years ago, Trump was a Democrat
16 years ago, no state recognized same sex marriage.
Today, it is the law of the land.

16 years ago, the public opposed the idea that gays could marry. Today, few think it is a big deal anymore

16 years ago, Trump was a Democrat
That is a good point there my friend.

Well even back in 2006 let’s look at this thing from a global perspective… the United States was perhaps the most liberal country in the world at that time.

As we go into the future the questions will be asked what do we think about LGBT folks adopting kids how will our society unfold. What do we think about the transgender surgeries. Note I am for equal rights for everybody. What I am saying here is what will the future bring about because we are dealing with some firsts in American history with regards to the things you talk about above…. and what I talk about with regards to transgender folks. LGBT people have long been a part of history but certainly in terms of American history in the past 20 years and as we go to the future it is an evolving thing. It is not just how America deals with LGBT folks but also how we deal with race relations and other social issues my friend.

My hope is in going forward we have mutual respect … in the USA that Beats football coaches like Jack del Rio have a right to criticize BLM and people who are openly gay they have a right to play in the NFL. It’s really truly about mutual respect and Jack del Rio has his rights taken away so that’s the problem. We also have a bad economy right now. We also have had a lot of conservatives and good people banned from social media but it looks like the recent ownership change in Twitter is going to change those things and free speech will more so hopefully be respected in going forward.
I believe in equality for everyone. Let me say this though I can get some of President Biden’s old videos he was seeing a lot of things that traditional Democrats were talking about, hoping the working Man United healthcare being proud of this country. It’s really unfortunate he changed because I would’ve voted for him if he didn’t change

yet, you claim to believe in equality.

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