When President Trump leaves office in 2032

Oct 5, 2019
He should be allowed to take the resolute desk with him. It's only been three years and he clearly has already earned the right to bring the desk with him. By the time he's done being president he surely would have done even more to make and keep America great. We need to start working now to ensure that we have this all in place for when he leaves. If we start early then the demoncrats won't be able to do anything to sabotage him taking what the American people agree he earned. Remember, he didn't have to become president, but he did so because was willing sacrifice his great life in order to help America become better. We owe it to him.

If it were up to me, I would sign the white house property over to the Trump family, and make some other building the place for the next president (maybe Ivanka?) Sadly I don't think that would happen because there are too many demoncrats who would put up a fight and far too many weak willed fake republicans who would give in to their anti-trump hatred. So even though we may not be able to give him the white house, I think at least the American people would be willing to give him the resolute desk as signal of our gratitude.
I think if folks wish to be a troll, they should be funny.
He should be allowed to take the resolute desk with him. It's only been three years and he clearly has already earned the right to bring the desk with him. By the time he's done being president he surely would have done even more to make and keep America great. We need to start working now to ensure that we have this all in place for when he leaves. If we start early then the demoncrats won't be able to do anything to sabotage him taking what the American people agree he earned. Remember, he didn't have to become president, but he did so because was willing sacrifice his great life in order to help America become better. We owe it to him.

If it were up to me, I would sign the white house property over to the Trump family, and make some other building the place for the next president (maybe Ivanka?) Sadly I don't think that would happen because there are too many demoncrats who would put up a fight and far too many weak willed fake republicans who would give in to their anti-trump hatred. So even though we may not be able to give him the white house, I think at least the American people would be willing to give him the resolute desk as signal of our gratitude.

You need to navigate this to the "Political Satire" sub-forum.

Funny stuff. :thup:
I don't appreciate people calling my president a troll.

I hope you appreciate people calling you a troll...

Besides... if you can't see that Trump is one of the worlds best trolls, you haven't been paying attention.
--------------------------------------- yeah , this new guy isn't very clever eh ??

I am glad there is at least one person who is taking this seriously and doesn't see it as a joke. We owe this to our greatest president ever.
He should be allowed to take the resolute desk with him. It's only been three years and he clearly has already earned the right to bring the desk with him. By the time he's done being president he surely would have done even more to make and keep America great. We need to start working now to ensure that we have this all in place for when he leaves. If we start early then the demoncrats won't be able to do anything to sabotage him taking what the American people agree he earned. Remember, he didn't have to become president, but he did so because was willing sacrifice his great life in order to help America become better. We owe it to him.

If it were up to me, I would sign the white house property over to the Trump family, and make some other building the place for the next president (maybe Ivanka?) Sadly I don't think that would happen because there are too many demoncrats who would put up a fight and far too many weak willed fake republicans who would give in to their anti-trump hatred. So even though we may not be able to give him the white house, I think at least the American people would be willing to give him the resolute desk as signal of our gratitude.

At least he won't steal every fucking thing that isn't nailed down and trash out the White House, like the Clintons did.

That's the difference between a class-act like the Trumps, and a bunch of low-class Arkansas hillbilly trailer trash, like the Clintons.
--------------------------------------- yeah , this new guy isn't very clever eh ??

I am glad there is at least one person who is taking this seriously and doesn't see it as a joke. We owe this to our greatest president ever.
--------------------------------------- yep , he is a very good guy and quite popular in 'kurdistan' and quite popular among the 'kurds' with or without his desk 'ohSAP !!
--------------------------------------- yeah , this new guy isn't very clever eh ??

I am glad there is at least one person who is taking this seriously and doesn't see it as a joke. We owe this to our greatest president ever.
--------------------------------------- yep , he is a very good guy and quite popular in 'kurdistan' and quite popular among the 'kurds' 'ohSAP !!

Well there's a potential source of votes for the Democrats. Maybe they can get them signed up too, along with those felons, illegals, and dead people.
President Trump can't leave office that soon! I'll miss him :crybaby:

:lmao: Yep, the way one "misses" a case of scabies.

You have a refreshingly dry sense of humor. Good to see your thread made it to the Satire section. Looking forward to more.

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