When Pubs take over Congress in 2023, for what should they impeach Biden?

When Pubs take over Congress in 2023, for what should they impeach Biden?

  • Afghanistan

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Allegedly being on CCP payroll

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ukraine quid pro quo

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Mishandling COVID

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not securing the border

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Tara Reade

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • More than 1

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • All, but one at a time

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
Biden should be out of office by March 2023.

Then Harris should be out of office by June 2023.

I thought Biden was going to be removed from office 6 months ago. That's what the tard herd was saying when he won the election.
When Pubs take over Congress in 2023, for what should they impeach Biden?

Afghanistan seems like a layup to me.

Each of them, one at a time. They should do nothing the next two years but impeach Biden.
Pelosi announced her 2022 retirement in 2018.
Get the dirt on her family. And broadcast it. She screwed us over. She deserves the same back. Progs have set the bar. And Repubs gotta stop playing little goody two shoes. Every day we move further left. When are they gonna start acting like Progs who have found massive success in their agendas.
They won't do anything. The best of them are only good at posturing during useless hearings.
the republican congress during Obama years had around 6 years to impeach Obama, but never did.
I would guess the future wouldnt be any different.
You can guess all you'd like. Fact is, the repubs didn't move on repealing the filibuster for judicial nominees for 200 years until Harry Reid did it first. You reap what you sow.
Trump would have to be dumber than even I think he is to accept a position as House Speaker.

In fact, any Republicans who would nominate him to that position would have to be the dumbest retards in the history of that institution.
Your palpable fear is enough to convince me that it would be a good move. Thanks!
Your palpable fear is enough to convince me that it would be a good move. Thanks!
Trump does not have the intelligence necessary to understand the minutiae of the legislative process, retard. He'd be breaking the rules every five minutes and would end up a laughingstock. Again.
Trump does not have the intelligence necessary to understand the minutiae of the legislative process, retard. He'd be breaking the rules every five minutes and would end up a laughingstock. Again.
You still haven't changed my mind. Quite the opposite, actually. Let's hope he does, then we're both happy.
You still haven't changed my mind. Quite the opposite, actually. Let's hope he does, then we're both happy.
Trump as House Speaker:

"The first order of business is to get rid of the House Ethics Committee."

"What do you mean I can't limit all bills to be no more than 280 characters?"

"What do you mean I can't abolish the filibuster for bills I want passed?"

"What do you mean the Speaker of the House isn't allowed to issue Executive Orders?"

"The Senate is a bunch of losers. The House has higher ratings."

"What do you mean I can't be the only one who decides what laws get changed?"

"What do you mean I can't fire any Congressman I don't like?"

"What the hell does reconciliation mean? I don't do reconciliation for nobody!"

"Can I appoint Alex Jones as my Parliamentarian?"
Feels like Republicans ought to allow The American Communist (Democrat) Party to eliminate the filibuster.

The liberals will be out on their ass come November. Eliminating the filibuster will keep them in check when the new session opens. And, when they whine, bitch, kick their little heels and shit themselves it'll be so much find to remind them that they brought it on themselves!


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