When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Grudging admission? It’s simply obvious. Why would anyone say it’s okay for women to have kids she can’t afford? That’s simply not the point of OP. The point of OP is that regardless of how irresponsible the woman is, the child still needs support.

Because reducing irresponsible women having kids, is the solution. Everything else if treating the RESULTS of the problem, not addressing the CAUSE of the problem(s).

It is also worth noting, that REPUBLCIANS are your enemy, that you hate with a fiery passion, while single moms are....not.

What a coincidence that this issue allows you to talk shit about those you hate....

AND furthermore, you claim that it is "Easy" to talk shit on single moms. That is a lie. It is HARD to "talk shit" on them, because dishonest partisan hacks can easily spin and lie and use your words to attack YOU as "heartless" or some such shit.

It is, in this modern world, and act of Moral Courage, to call out bad behavior, and to put the blame for shit, where it actually belongs.
If you're on welfare you shouldn't be buying sodas at all.
It used to be that retail stores wouldn't by state law take food stamps for anything other than food.
Some of them used to come in and buy a large amount of meat with food stamps and then come back a couple of hours later for a cash refund....so they could buy beer, cigarettes and liquor.
It used to be that retail stores wouldn't by state law take food stamps for anything other than food.
Some of them used to come in and buy a large amount of meat with food stamps and then come back a couple of hours later for a cash refund....so they could buy beer, cigarettes and liquor.

The scam they use here is they stand in line and ask other customers if they can use their food stamps to buy some of your food. So they pay for 20 bucks of your food with the card, and at the end of the line, you give them 15 bucks cash for your items back. You save five bucks on your grocery bill and they have 15 dollars cash to do whatever they want.
The only reason to subsidize something is if you want more of it so what is the end goal of subsidizing poverty?

The survival of Big Brother are government dependents and victims. If we could find a way to eliminate both, the only time you'd hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
IF they could be motivated to an organized level of violence against armed men; they can surely be motivated to get a job. I don’t see the scenario where anyone fears a mob of welfare queens.

Odd. Aren’t these the same people who were so dangerous that the police were wise to abandon the station? Who do you think was in the crowd?

Then where would they go?
Anyway, even foster care is better than raising kids up without the resources and forcing them into generations of poverty. We need to do something to stop the cycle, other than just giving these people money for doing nothing.
Those moms aren't getting abortions because they need those little teensy money makers. And that welfare/ebt/whatever else they're getting is pretty substantial cause I"VE SEEN their grocery carts every month. but you go ahead. Keep spouting this bullshit.
And you know all about these people, their lives, and their intentions just by looking at a grocery cart? Amazing.
Anyway, even foster care is better than raising kids up without the resources and forcing them into generations of poverty. We need to do something to stop the cycle, other than just giving these people money for doing nothing.
Where would the kids go if not foster care?
Well according to the republicans they want these children poor so they can be in debt for the rest of their lives.

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