When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

No, according to Republicans you need to take responsibility for your actions. I understand that's asking a lot of Democrats these days, but it's what we believe.
She had the responsibility to handle her actions you just took it away. But but I thought that kid should live. 😂 Now you want them to starve.
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”

How long until we feed grandma dogfood or throw her off the cliff?

You idiots need some talking points that aren't 20 fucking years old
She had the responsibility to handle her actions you just took it away. But but I thought that kid should live. 😂 Now you want them to starve.

Maybe you don't understand what responsibility means. Getting YOURSELF out of a pickle is not taking responsibility. Not putting yourself in a pickle is.
Very high if they are hungry and their kids are starving.
We have spent tens of trillions of dollars and used pure Prog backed science and evolved into the 21st century with the Great Society as the lynchpin for near 60 years. Frankly it is tiresome to talk about these things when by definition there should be no poverty and no hunger.
Where would the kids go if not foster care?
Anyway, even foster care is better than raising kids up without the resources and forcing them into generations of poverty. We need to do something to stop the cycle, other than just giving these people money for doing nothing.
A buddy of mine owned a small store in a shitty area. Welfare whores would stand outside around the first of each month and sell their fucking Food Stamps for 50 cents on the dollar (half their face value).

There are loads of ways some of these folks scam the welfare system.

The first of each month was called Mother's Day for good reason.
The whores would get their welfare cash and go get drunk and party for a couple of days. Buying booze for their pals, too. Soon after, they were back to whining and begging. Their kids were ALWAYS an afterthought.

Best solution? Sterilize whores before they receive their first welfare handout.

Hardworking taxpayers should NOT be forced to throw their hard-earned money away supporting lazy, irresponsible assholes and their often repeated "mistakes." Force them to WORK and feed their own fucking "mistakes." That's the only way they'll learn to keep their knees together.

These ideas will offend some bleeding hearts. Tough shit.
It’s not irresponsible to seek relief from an unwanted outcome with some form of “once and once only” What is irresponsible is moving from woman to woman and impregnating and moving on yet somehow that’s never discussed. Wonder why?
We have spent tens of trillions of dollars and used pure Prog backed science and evolved into the 21st century with the Great Society as the lynchpin for near 60 years. Frankly it is tiresome to talk about these things when by definition there should be no poverty and no hunger.

Billions have been spent on researching Cancer. Yet, cancer still takes people every day. We spent trillions developing technology for space. Yet it remains unreachable.

We’ve spent trillions fighting enemies around the globe. To the point that one would wonder where these enemies keep coming from. Yet they remain.

Every summer wildfires rage across acreage and every year we pour millions into fighting the fires.

According to you, all those ongoing efforts are wasted. If you can’t spend the money once, and be done with it, don’t bother. So when will we stop wasting money on fighting the drug war? We’ve spent trillions on that, and have barely dented the import of drugs right?

How about fighting illegal immigration? We’ve spent more money on that and still have never come close to stopping it.

You want to know something sad? Thanks to Republicans, taxes of all shapes and types are going to increase over the next decade. Increase dramatically. It won’t be the Liberals, although the RW will blame them. It will be the Republicans who are responsible for taxes of all types being raised.
Billions have been spent on researching Cancer. Yet, cancer still takes people every day. We spent trillions developing technology for space. Yet it remains unreachable.

We’ve spent trillions fighting enemies around the globe. To the point that one would wonder where these enemies keep coming from. Yet they remain.

Every summer wildfires rage across acreage and every year we pour millions into fighting the fires.

According to you, all those ongoing efforts are wasted. If you can’t spend the money once, and be done with it, don’t bother. So when will we stop wasting money on fighting the drug war? We’ve spent trillions on that, and have barely dented the import of drugs right?

How about fighting illegal immigration? We’ve spent more money on that and still have never come close to stopping it.

You want to know something sad? Thanks to Republicans, taxes of all shapes and types are going to increase over the next decade. Increase dramatically. It won’t be the Liberals, although the RW will blame them. It will be the Republicans who are responsible for taxes of all types being raised.

I know how ya feel. We've spent trillions on the environment that I've witnessed for well over 50 years. The environmentalists are more pissed off today than they were 50 years ago, and obviously didn't do anything to make them happy.
Those moms aren't getting abortions because they need those little teensy money makers. And that welfare/ebt/whatever else they're getting is pretty substantial cause I"VE SEEN their grocery carts every month. but you go ahead. Keep spouting this bullshit.
The moms who have "teensy money makers" have nothing. "All that money and food" they actually get is frequently outdated packages/cans of food that grocers try to rid themselves of before the more educated mothers read the label and feel the outdatedness of the product lessens the vitamin count that are healing disease fighters. They get friends for being brave enough to keep their family's line alive, and they stay home to get involved in their children's educations, swimming practice in the summers, and make themselves useful by furnishing care to elderly people who can't even tie their shoes anymore, giving up a decent wardrobe so they can use the money to outfit their girls and boys. They frequently have old car issues with repairs that cost hundreds of dollars, which if unpaid for 12 days get sold, and the welfare mom loses her trips to the store, the doctor for the care of the kids, etc. The cost of medical care can deprive them of car repair money. Car registration fees can mean a week without food, and since they're helpless, rich people occasionally cancel services with no pay, no warning, and no severance benefits. High gas prices also take away groceries they can't get at the food service community centers because it's not uncommon for a car with an empty tank to sit around for a week until money can be spared to put enough gas in the tank to provide transportation to work, delivering children to schools, or repair household equipment as wear and tear take its tolls. Some of the moms lost marriages to a drug abuser which generally means the male children in the family have no manly role model on a regular basis. These moms do not deserve to hear their children called "teensy money makers." They're providing the nation with future citizens. Their families need adoptive friends because of changing family attitudes that do not favor a needy family member. Hopefully, we will do all we can to help these discredited mothers who fight the good fight for their children's welfare and keep the home fires burning as best they can without cooperation from the male family member who participated in creating the resultant future citizen children who undergo poverty they didn't bring upon themselves.
Billions have been spent on researching Cancer. Yet, cancer still takes people every day. We spent trillions developing technology for space. Yet it remains unreachable.

We’ve spent trillions fighting enemies around the globe. To the point that one would wonder where these enemies keep coming from. Yet they remain.

Every summer wildfires rage across acreage and every year we pour millions into fighting the fires.

According to you, all those ongoing efforts are wasted. If you can’t spend the money once, and be done with it, don’t bother. So when will we stop wasting money on fighting the drug war? We’ve spent trillions on that, and have barely dented the import of drugs right?

How about fighting illegal immigration? We’ve spent more money on that and still have never come close to stopping it.

You want to know something sad? Thanks to Republicans, taxes of all shapes and types are going to increase over the next decade. Increase dramatically. It won’t be the Liberals, although the RW will blame them. It will be the Republicans who are responsible for taxes of all types being raised.
Republicans had no hand in Biden's cancellation of the gas pipeline from Canada. It cost thousands of good-paying jobs, it put a dent in the stock market, and it hurt people living under the poverty line who lost jobs without transportation, raised taxes that doubled the number of people on welfare, and it put a spotlight on a very cutthroat Democrat leadership that has caused price-gauging, baby formula shortages, and farm expenses that use diesel for their tractors to help around the ranches and farms that feed America. Truckers are going bankrupt due to the cost of diesel fuel that used to move and fuel heavy equipment machinery.

The Republicans in Congress faithfully try to help the people who elected them. AOC goes out and buys a $10,000 dress with ugly messages on it for people in her district who are not Democrats or anyone who criticizes her pay-to-play deep state roulette. :cranky:
The moms who have "teensy money makers" have nothing. "All that money and food" they actually get is frequently outdated packages/cans of food that grocers try to rid themselves of before the more educated mothers read the label and feel the outdatedness of the product lessens the vitamin count that are healing disease fighters. They get friends for being brave enough to keep their family's line alive, and they stay home to get involved in their children's educations, swimming practice in the summers, and make themselves useful by furnishing care to elderly people who can't even tie their shoes anymore, giving up a decent wardrobe so they can use the money to outfit their girls and boys. They frequently have old car issues with repairs that cost hundreds of dollars, which if unpaid for 12 days get sold, and the welfare mom loses her trips to the store, the doctor for the care of the kids, etc. The cost of medical care can deprive them of car repair money. Car registration fees can mean a week without food, and since they're helpless, rich people occasionally cancel services with no pay, no warning, and no severance benefits. High gas prices also take away groceries they can't get at the food service community centers because it's not uncommon for a car with an empty tank to sit around for a week until money can be spared to put enough gas in the tank to provide transportation to work, delivering children to schools, or repair household equipment as wear and tear take its tolls. Some of the moms lost marriages to a drug abuser which generally means the male children in the family have no manly role model on a regular basis. These moms do not deserve to hear their children called "teensy money makers." They're providing the nation with future citizens. Their families need adoptive friends because of changing family attitudes that do not favor a needy family member. Hopefully, we will do all we can to help these discredited mothers who fight the good fight for their children's welfare and keep the home fires burning as best they can without cooperation from the male family member who participated in creating the resultant future citizen children who undergo poverty they didn't bring upon themselves.
That entire post is a crock of shit.

I was raised in a shithole of a neighborhood filled with pigs with round heels, and losers only too happy to keep knocking them up before moving on to the next easy lay.

Some of these whores drop babies like animals, with no thought about the consequences. Getting every possible welfare benefit quickly becomes a way of life. Work, or even the idea of supporting themselves seems never to enter their mind. Neither does the idea of keeping their knees together, in the future.

The first of each month, when welfare checks would arrive, was called "Mother's Day." I knew some who would take their friends out to get loaded and party for a few days, until the taxpayer dollars ran out.

I worked at a couple of stores and would see some of these losers sell their Food Stamps for fifty cents on the dollar. I never heard a single one of them mention any urgency about getting groceries for their kids.

I could fill pages describing some of the many scams these welfare losers engage in. Some of their behavior is disgusting and truly sick.

Certainly, not all welfare recipients are as disgusting and worthless as those I've described, but PLENTY of them are every bit this bad.

Imo, the best things that could be done include:

1) Sterilization, before giving the a single welfare benefit, after having their first little "welfare recipient."

2) Place strict limits on the time welfare benefits can be received.

3) Require job training. Help them find jobs, and follow their job hunting efforts closely.

A lot more could be done to help these women get a clue as to why dropping unplanned babies "might" be a horrible idea.

Some people will attack these ideas and statements as being too harsh. But it's important to keep in mind that a lot of these people are scammers who think nothing of hustling others out of their money, or anything else they can rip off.

It's also important to remember that a LOT of welfare scammers manage to stay on welfare for their entire lives. For several generations, in many cases. These folks become experts at milking the welfare system for all it's worth.
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The thread headline is false. It falsely presumes that “Republicans” don’t consider the children. Actually, we do. That’s why we have programs to help take care of people (not just children) who need the help.

The false, dishonest thread headline also kind of assumes that society at large, itself, should have the obligation to provide for the unfortunate children of parents who are not their own children. This is a categorically different consideration from whether we do provide such help.

Obviously we do provide such assistance. But maybe it isn’t truly my responsibility as a a tax payer to care for other people’s kids. Maybe that’s something that needs to be considered by charitable organizations and churches and mosques and synagogues and maybe by the various localities or the States.

Who are you to direct me to spend my money for other people’s children? Again, we’ve seemingly accepted that burden. It subsidizes the irresponsibility of people who could work but choose not to. We apparently accept that additional financial burden because we do care about the plight of hungry kids who aren’t responsible for parental irresponsibility. But whether it is proper to impose it on the taxpayers is a very different matter.

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