When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Perhaps we should investigate why a woman would have a fatherless child.
Thats only happened once. The women today have children who were fathered, they just won't name them, or don't know which guy it was.
The ruling has yet to come down and all we know is what a leaked version of the ruling might have said, so they could have aborted the child but didn’t…

You are trying very hard to excuse the parent for their poor choices in life while demanding society pay for their poor choices in life.

The usage of EBT should be limited and the mother should be put in a Job Training program so she could obtain a higher paying job.

I have been an advocate for JTPA’s and requiring people on any form of welfare that are able to work to be trained in a skilled field so they would not be dependent on welfare.

Now you next argument will be how will the mother pay for childcare, so we should offer pre-school for single mother’s and child daycare so the mother can work and earn and at those facilities the child will be given their meals so the mother will not have to worry…
The mother should have to pitch in something for that pre schooling, and she` should be required to name the father and he should be required to help support his kid until it is 18 years old. But I don't trust our government with our kids either, they already want to groom little boys to cut off their dingers and that America is bad.
they already want to groom little boys to cut off their dingers and that America is bad.
We can correct that. The problem is that for decades conservatives by their very nature were not very outspoken and weren't the boat rockers.

I guess it's time we became the radicals.
Thats only happened once. The women today have children who were fathered, they just won't name them, or don't know which guy it was.
Sorry, I refuse to call a sperm donor a 'father' and a baby receptacle a 'mother.' God was an absent father a look what happened to his son. (that was a joke BTW)
Very little soars over my head, particularly humor which seems to totally fly over yours.
I just read your history of posts here, sorry about that. I always admit when I make a mistake and this one concerns me, it's awfully early in the year to make my one allowed mistake, and that can really skew an average.
Legally, the sperm donor is the father.
Father is just the legal label for a sperm donor. To be a real father, one has to actually love, plan for, care for and raise offspring in a loving family. But I think deep down inside you knew that anyway. You just like to bust balls and troll I guess.
Father is just the legal label for a sperm donor. To be a real father, one has to actually love, plan for, care for and raise offspring in a loving family. But I think deep down inside you knew that anyway. You just like to bust balls and troll I guess.
Stating a fact is in no way trolling.

"Father" has a lot of meanings. I'm not a Catholic Priest or a sperm donor but I'm certainly a Father.

One can "father a child", that'll never alone make you a dad.
Stating a fact is in no way trolling.

"Father" has a lot of meanings. I'm not a Catholic Priest or a sperm donor but I'm certainly a Father.

One can "father a child", that'll never alone make you a dad.
I give up, you won.
Who said anything about foster care? Anyway, even foster care is better than raising kids up without the resources and forcing them into generations of poverty. We need to do something to stop the cycle, other than just giving these people money for doing nothing.

I feel the same way. That's why I say in order to be applicable for government assistance, you don't get one dime until you're fixed first, at taxpayer expense of course.

The mentality behind having kids you can't pay for is the more kids, the larger the food stamp card, more TANF, the larger the HUD house in the suburbs. In the meantime, working couples have only the amount of children their paychecks can afford.

The CDC estimates that the cost to have a middle-class child today is $233,000 from birth until the age of 18. If you want the standard 2 child family, you better be ready to cough up a half mil in a 20 year or so period.

In most cases the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So how do we expect to solve poverty when we reward people for having children that will likely live in poverty as well? wouldn't the smart thing to do is not help these people at all and give that money to working middle-class Americans?
I’m sure that King Louis felt his armies would protect him. He had lots of guns too. Czar Nicholas was certain the Cossacks would protect him. He had lots of guns.

Your dig holds fifteen rounds. How fast can you reload? And what if they are armed too?

It’s a lot cheaper to feed them.
What are the odds of a violent, dangerous mob of single mothers even occurring? Let alone presenting a credible danger?
No, we preach "personal responsibility".

Single mom's should consider whether or not they can afford to raise a child before they get pregnant.

Nothing in our constitution requires or even allows the gov't to take from one family to provide for another.

Most of us considered the costs of raising kids and planned accordingly, starting families only after we were in a position to provide for them.

Sometimes accidents happen, they always have and that when families stepped up to help their kids and grandkids.

Poverty is a big motivator and a great introduction into the concepts of personal responsibility and common sense.

Common sense alone tells us it's irresponsible to produce children we can't or have no intention of providing for on our own.

Parents who chose to make babies they can't or won't support are guilty of child abuse and their children should be taken away if they and their families can't find a way to provide for them or the mothers should take it upon themselves to put those kids up for adoption.

I'm not that old and I remember parents and grandparents sacrificing to help their kids and knew women who knew they were never going to be able to provide a good home for children they'd conceived who gave them up willingly without the state ever getting involved for adoption.

I also know many families that fell at least temporarily on hard times who went to their churches or churches they weren't even affiliated with and got the help they needed to tide them over.

Charity is a wonderful gift given from the heart, welfare programs take by force from those who have been responsible to give to those who are not, that's robbery, not charity.
What a smug arsehole.

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