When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Cities in general are going to have crime. That’s part of living in a city lol. I mean frankly it’s pretty stupid to compare a city to a rural area.
”Cities in general are going to have crime” :cuckoo: …so shut up and keep voting for the party that takes you for granted as a slave on their plantation, does absolutely nothing to make things better, and in fact makes things worse.

Thankfully, Biden’s approval among Blacks and Latinos is at a record low as they are seeing the light as to who today‘s Democrats are.
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If you ever actually wanted to do anything to reduce crime you should be looking at communities with lower crime rates among people in the same economic classes to see why your crime rates are so much higher.
These Democrat run cities are completely dysfunctional failed systems. Nothing seems to work properly because the Democrats in charge are all corrupt power hungry thieves with no concern for the people they are supposed to serve.
Those moms aren't getting abortions because they need those little teensy money makers. And that welfare/ebt/whatever else they're getting is pretty substantial cause I"VE SEEN their grocery carts every month. but you go ahead. Keep spouting this bullshit.
Troo dis !
If blacks & other minorities move to the right we can assume you MAGA retards will get off their back, right mouth breather?
yes because that would mean they are working..and taking responsibly and not some dembot sheep
Why would foster care be a better environment? It makes zero sense. Do you even realize how much that would cost the government each year? Way more than the cost of food stamps. Your fascist idea is both impractical and financially irresponsible.
Who said anything about foster care? Anyway, even foster care is better than raising kids up without the resources and forcing them into generations of poverty. We need to do something to stop the cycle, other than just giving these people money for doing nothing.
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Because they want never ending causes but zero solutions
To be fair, they do have solutions, to keep generation after generation on the public dole in order to buy their votes for upcoming elections. They've got endless ways of paying people money to not work, right at a time when the economy needs bunches of jobs filled.
Who said anything about foster care? Anyway, even foster care is better than raising kids up without the resources and forcing them into generations of poverty. We need to do something to stop the cycle, other than just giving these people money for doing nothing.
Then where would they go?
yes because that would mean they are working..and taking responsibly and not some dembot sheep
Take a look at some of the lardass slobs at Trump rallies, ass wipe.

Think only minorites are on P.A.?

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