When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Republicans had no hand in Biden's cancellation of the gas pipeline from Canada. It cost thousands of good-paying jobs, it put a dent in the stock market, and it hurt people living under the poverty line who lost jobs without transportation, raised taxes that doubled the number of people on welfare, and it put a spotlight on a very cutthroat Democrat leadership that has caused price-gauging, baby formula shortages, and farm expenses that use diesel for their tractors to help around the ranches and farms that feed America. Truckers are going bankrupt due to the cost of diesel fuel that used to move and fuel heavy equipment machinery.

The Republicans in Congress faithfully try to help the people who elected them. AOC goes out and buys a $10,000 dress with ugly messages on it for people in her district who are not Democrats or anyone who criticizes her pay-to-play deep state roulette. :cranky:

The pipeline cancelation costs thousands of jobs but only if 27 is thousands. Most of it is already built. What was cancelled was the "Proposed" which is extremely problematic where it gets in the way of at least one aquafer and they tried to cross Native American Burial grounds. The support staff for the existing Keystone XL Pipeline is 27. Knowing the Koch Industries, they would try and do it with 12 people. The last thing you want is for a pipeline built and maintained by Koch Industries to come anywhere near your drinking water.

That entire post is a crock of shit.

I was raised in a shithole of a neighborhood filled with pigs with round heels, and losers only too happy to keep knocking them up before moving on to the next easy lay.

Some of these whores drop babies like animals, with no thought about the consequences. Getting every possible welfare benefit quickly becomes a way of life. Work, or even the idea of supporting themselves seems never to enter their mind. Neither does the idea of keeping their knees together, in the future.

The first of each month, when welfare checks would arrive, was called "Mother's Day." I knew some who would take their friends out to get loaded and party for a few days, until the taxpayer dollars ran out.

I worked at a couple of stores and would see some of these losers sell their Food Stamps for fifty cents on the dollar. I never heard a single one of them mention any urgency about getting groceries for their kids.

I could fill pages describing some of the many scams these welfare losers engage in. Some of their behavior is disgusting and truly sick.

Certainly, not all welfare recipients are as disgusting and worthless as those I've described, but PLENTY of them are every bit this bad.

Imo, the best things that could be done include:

1) Sterilization, before giving the a single welfare benefit, after having their first little "welfare recipient."

2) Place strict limits on the time welfare benefits can be received.

3) Require job training. Help them find jobs, and follow their job hunting efforts closely.

A lot more could be done to help these women get a clue as to why dropping unplanned babies "might" be a horrible idea.

Some people will attack these ideas and statements as being too harsh. But it's important to keep in mind that a lot of these people are scammers who think nothing of hustling others out of their money, or anything else they can rip off.

It's also important to remember that a LOT of welfare scammers manage to stay on welfare for their entire lives. For several generations, in many cases. These folks become experts at milking the welfare system for all it's worth.

I read that Walmart is addressing that very problem. They are selling fathers day cards in packs of 4.
Nothing but peanut butter, Wonder bread, rice, government cheese and dried beans.
I'd include some meat, poultry, and milk in that.

When I was young we had actual food stamps and they were like WWII ration cards.

You could only buy certain non name brand foods with them.

No chips, dips, prepared meals or anything fancy, just wholesome basic nutrition.
The pipeline cancelation costs thousands of jobs but only if 27 is thousands. Most of it is already built. What was cancelled was the "Proposed" which is extremely problematic where it gets in the way of at least one aquafer and they tried to cross Native American Burial grounds. The support staff for the existing Keystone XL Pipeline is 27. Knowing the Koch Industries, they would try and do it with 12 people. The last thing you want is for a pipeline built and maintained by Koch Industries to come anywhere near your drinking water.

We have 200,000 miles of pipelines crossing every aquifer and surface source in the country and have had for many decades. This is a BS excuse.

We also drill oil and gas wells all up and down the Ogallala.
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”

Oooh oooh oooh me me me me!

Because there are other single mothers out there with children barely able to feed them with an actual income whose tax dollars go into that?
I'd include some meat, poultry, and milk in that.

When I was young we had actual food stamps and they were like WWII ration cards.

You could only buy certain non name brand foods with them.

No chips, dips, prepared meals or anything fancy, just wholesome basic nutrition.

My father grew up on welfare. Welfare back then was pulling your red wagon to the fire station down the street five or six miles. There they'd fill up the wagon with fruits and vegetables and you'd pull it back home. Not so bad in the summer, but up north in the snow and sub freezing temperatures made it quite a feat. They didn't have much of a choice, when you and your siblings are hungry, you're hungry.
My father grew up on welfare. Welfare back then was pulling your red wagon to the fire station down the street five or six miles. There they'd fill up the wagon with fruits and vegetables and you'd pull it back home. Not so bad in the summer, but up north in the snow and sub freezing temperatures made it quite a feat. They didn't have much of a choice, when you and your siblings are hungry, you're hungry.
My grandparents were so poor their dad would at times walk 24 miles to town to buy .38spl cartridges one at a time as that was the only firearm they owned and that's what he provided the family's meat with.

The gardened, foraged, and trapped for the rest.

He was a federal Marshall shot four times in the line of duty and at the time the pay was almost nothing and there was no disability but they wouldn't let him come back to work until he'd healed sufficiently.

Somehow even though his wife who had TB finally died in child birth with my grandfather the last of those 9 kids, they all made it and all got at least a master's or professional degree.

I get really sick of hearing bout the poor and disadvantaged.

When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?​

Lol. You've misspelled fetus...
He was a federal Marshall shot four times in the line of duty and at the time the pay was almost nothing and there was no disability but they wouldn't let him come back to work until he'd healed sufficiently.

Somehow even though his wife who had TB finally died in child birth with my grandfather the last of those 9 kids, they all made it and all got at least a master's or professional degree.
So, what, that's the way people should be treated in the US, the greatest country in the world?

Oh. Texan. Right. My bad.
My father grew up on welfare. Welfare back then was pulling your red wagon to the fire station down the street five or six miles. There they'd fill up the wagon with fruits and vegetables and you'd pull it back home. Not so bad in the summer, but up north in the snow and sub freezing temperatures made it quite a feat. They didn't have much of a choice, when you and your siblings are hungry, you're hungry.
When I was a young child we still used coal stoves for cooking and heat.

My older brother and uncles would follow the coal trucks down the alleys as they made their deliveries. They would pick up any small pieces of coal that fell out of the truck, or that dropped as the workers shoveled coal into the areas in which it was stored by homeowners.

About the same time, my older sister began going to the farms to pick produce. She was seven or eight years old.

This incredible woman worked hard her entire life. When she "officially" retired - she was about eighty-five years of age. Thankfully, she's still going strong, and takes care of a son with medical problems.

When I hear the never-ending whines coming from the lazy, worthless, BLM types crying about "white privilege" and how white people have it so fucking easy, it truly enrages me. A lot of those useless pieces of garbage are truly clueless.
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Where to get food right now after the governments handouts run out? Food banks and they are almost empty shelves right now.

Where are these government handouts you speak of? To my knowledge, all people on public assistance get their food from the same places I do, and they buy better food than I'm willing to spend money for.
My grandparents were so poor their dad would at times walk 24 miles to town to buy .38spl cartridges one at a time as that was the only firearm they owned and that's what he provided the family's meat with.

The gardened, foraged, and trapped for the rest.

He was a federal Marshall shot four times in the line of duty and at the time the pay was almost nothing and there was no disability but they wouldn't let him come back to work until he'd healed sufficiently.

Somehow even though his wife who had TB finally died in child birth with my grandfather the last of those 9 kids, they all made it and all got at least a master's or professional degree.

I get really sick of hearing bout the poor and disadvantaged.

People that come here from other countries laugh at what we consider poverty: big screen televisions, government provided smart phones, more food than any normal person could possibly eat, free medical care that working people don't have, washer and dryer, microwave oven, cable television, free daycare, and even a house or apartment in the suburbs.
People that come here from other countries laugh at what we consider poverty: big screen televisions, government provided smart phones, more food than any normal person could possibly eat, free medical care that working people don't have, washer and dryer, microwave oven, cable television, free daycare, and even a house or apartment in the suburbs.
Yep, that is why we're the number one destination in the world for people wanting to migrate anywhere.

They see what this country has to offer far better than many of our fellow Americans who are just a bunch of entitled snots for the most part.
When I was a young child we still used coal stoves for cooking and heat.

My older brother and uncles would follow the coal trucks down the alleys as they made their deliveries. They would pick up any small pieces of coal that fell out of the truck, or that dropped as the workers shoveled coal into the areas in which it was stored by homeowners.

About the same time, my older sister began going to the farms to pick produce. She was seven or eight years old.

This incredible woman worked hard her entire life. When she "officially" retired - she was about eighty-five years of age. Thankfully, she's still going strong, and takes care of a son with medical problems.

When I hear the never-ending whines coming from the lazy, worthless, BLM types crying about "white privilege" and how white people have it so fucking easy, it truly enrages me. A lot of those useless pieces of garbage are truly clueless.
You enjoyed the way your relatives were treated so much you're eager for everyone else to be treated the same way?

The American spirit. The meanest, most envious spirit in the world. One can see why they enjoy the thought of single mothers suffering.

By the way, 'white privilege' means they didn't have to worry about being lynched by their fellow Americans. But you can pretend you don't know that.
Yep, that is why we're the number one destination in the world for people wanting to migrate anywhere.

They see what this country has to offer far better than many of our fellow Americans who are just a bunch of entitled snots for the most part.
The intelligence of our "woke" younger generation seems to be declining at a faster rate with their every riot/whinefest.
You enjoyed the way your relatives were treated so much you're eager for everyone else to be treated the same way?

The American spirit. The meanest, most envious spirit in the world.

By the way, 'white privilege' means they didn't have to worry about being lynched by their fellow Americans. But you can pretend you don't know that.

I see his point went right over your head. What he wrote about is that very few had any so-called white privilege. His family didn't, my family didn't, none of my extended family or white friends had it. To assume that whites didn't face the same plight as many poor blacks is complete ignorance to history. And when was the last time a black was lynched? Every time you people discuss race you bring up times you never lived in.
You enjoyed the way your relatives were treated so much you're eager for everyone else to be treated the same way?

The American spirit. The meanest, most envious spirit in the world. One can see why they enjoy the thought of single mothers suffering.

By the way, 'white privilege' means they didn't have to worry about being lynched by their fellow Americans. But you can pretend you don't know that.
A hell of a lot of whites and Hispanics were also lynched and mistreated in all sorts of horrible ways.
We have 200,000 miles of pipelines crossing every aquifer and surface source in the country and have had for many decades. This is a BS excuse.

We also drill oil and gas wells all up and down the Ogallala.

The big lie is that the keystone XL will create thousands of jobs persists.

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