When Romney fails to take the GOP nomination, the lib dilemma:


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
When Romney fails to take the GOP nomination, who will the liberal Democratics vote for?


Oh wait.

They will be voting for ZerObama, either way.


That was a close one.
Well, given that the only sane candidate in the GOP lineup with a chance of the nomination is Romney, if Romney fails to obtain the nomination, the GOP loses a very large percentage of the Independent vote. Not all that many people are enomored of Sim City tax plans.
Well, given that the only sane candidate in the GOP lineup with a chance of the nomination is Romney, if Romney fails to obtain the nomination, the GOP loses a very large percentage of the Independent vote. Not all that many people are enomored of Sim City tax plans.

Another moldy socks contention that has no honest basis in reality.

Moldy Socks isn't enomored of reality.
Another Liability prediction. Hah, I can't wait! Book-mark-ed.

And little GoaT was silent about the other set of "predictions" declaring that Romney would (inevitably) secure the GOP nomination.

The reason for his silence in that set of instances? GoaT happens to AGREE with that prognostication.

Romney, by the way, could very well seize the GOP nod.

But since drippy partisan hacks like GoaT cannot acknowledge that it is not necessarily "inevitable," it needs to get shoved in their faces from time to time.

And again. It doesn't seem to make any real difference to schmucks like GoaT. Either Romney will take the GOP nod or he wont, but idiots like GoaT WILL be voting for ZerObama either way.
When Romney fails to take the GOP nomination, who will the liberal Democratics vote for?


Oh wait.

They will be voting for ZerObama, either way.


That was a close one.

Well of course, Lia. Anyone who would vote for any of the Republican pack is not in thier right mind.
Another Liability prediction. Hah, I can't wait! Book-mark-ed.

And little GoaT was silent about the other set of "predictions" declaring that Romney would (inevitably) secure the GOP nomination.

The reason for his silence in that set of instances? GoaT happens to AGREE with that prognostication.

Romney, by the way, could very well seize the GOP nod.

But since drippy partisan hacks like GoaT cannot acknowledge that it is not necessarily "inevitable," it needs to get shoved in their faces from time to time.

And again. It doesn't seem to make any real difference to schmucks like GoaT. Either Romney will take the GOP nod or he wont, but idiots like GoaT WILL be voting for ZerObama either way.

He could very well seize it, but your "when Romney fails" title is a bit overconfident for someone who's prediction record is epic failsauce.

Your name calling is also horrendous, bro. Step your life game up.
Another Liability prediction. Hah, I can't wait! Book-mark-ed.

And little GoaT was silent about the other set of "predictions" declaring that Romney would (inevitably) secure the GOP nomination.

The reason for his silence in that set of instances? GoaT happens to AGREE with that prognostication.

Romney, by the way, could very well seize the GOP nod.

But since drippy partisan hacks like GoaT cannot acknowledge that it is not necessarily "inevitable," it needs to get shoved in their faces from time to time.

And again. It doesn't seem to make any real difference to schmucks like GoaT. Either Romney will take the GOP nod or he wont, but idiots like GoaT WILL be voting for ZerObama either way.

He could very well seize it, but your "when Romney fails" title is a bit overconfident for someone who's prediction record is epic failsauce.

Your name calling is also horrendous, bro. Step your life game up.

Which prediction? You mean Fred Thompson? :razz:
Well, given that the only sane candidate in the GOP lineup with a chance of the nomination is Romney, if Romney fails to obtain the nomination, the GOP loses a very large percentage of the Independent vote. Not all that many people are enomored of Sim City tax plans.

Another moldy socks contention that has no honest basis in reality.

Moldy Socks isn't enomored of reality.

Sim City 4's "999" Tax Plan Makes Its Way Into The Real World - EA News

The original SimCity invited gamers to build a more perfect society. You could zone land at will, weave hyper-efficient power grids, and make the trains run on time with a few strategic clicks. For truly skilled tacticians, even Godzilla was just a bump in the road on the way to Utopia. Maybe that’s why it comes as no great surprise to see that part of SimCity 4’s aspirational framework – the “999” tax plan – finally has some real world political converts.

In an article in today’s Huffington Post, writer Amanda Terkel suggests a connection between the Herman Cain 999 Plan – which proposes a 9% rate for business, individual, and sales taxes – and SimCity 4’s default “999” setup – which starts commercial, industrial, and residential taxes in the game at that same 9% rate. Kip Katsarelis, a senior producer at Maxis, welcomes the idea of SimCity 4 as a political muse: “We encourage politicians to continue to look to innovative games like SimCity for inspiration for social and economic change. While we at Maxis and Electronic Arts do not endorse any political candidates or their platforms, it's interesting to see GOP candidate Herman Cain propose a simplified tax system like one we designed for the video game SimCity 4."

Cain has yet to confirm whether the 2003 game sparked the idea for his campaign.

Think you can come up with a more effective taxation plan? Download SimCity 4 from Origin and put your plan to the test.
Well, given that the only sane candidate in the GOP lineup with a chance of the nomination is Romney, if Romney fails to obtain the nomination, the GOP loses a very large percentage of the Independent vote. Not all that many people are enomored of Sim City tax plans.
bullshit !! the left wing dear leader is such a screw up we could run any of the candidates for the gop nomination and win !!..........face it the left has lost moderate dems and independent votes !!:razz:
President Romney.

Possibly. Provided the wingnut right doesn't run a candidate for the Teabaggers.

Romney will pick a conservative as a running mate. And he won't pick some governor with two years experience no one has ever heard of before.

I would expect Romney to make a wiser choice than McCain. However, if he picks someone with very radical ideas, it will have the same effect as Palin did on McCain's campaign.
Possibly. Provided the wingnut right doesn't run a candidate for the Teabaggers.

Romney will pick a conservative as a running mate. And he won't pick some governor with two years experience no one has ever heard of before.

I would expect Romney to make a wiser choice than McCain. However, if he picks someone with very radical ideas, it will have the same effect as Palin did on McCain's campaign.

Yeah, like Rick Perry.
When Romney fails to take the GOP nomination, who will the liberal Democratics vote for?


Oh wait.

They will be voting for ZerObama, either way.


That was a close one.

Well of course, Lia. Anyone who would vote for any of the Republican pack is not in thier right mind.

Sorry Sarah, but the reality is exactly opposite.

Given how utterly inept this failure of a President has already proved himself to be, anyone who would even give serious contemplation to voting for that dope's RE-election is not his his right mind. Or hers.
Another Liability prediction. Hah, I can't wait! Book-mark-ed.

And little GoaT was silent about the other set of "predictions" declaring that Romney would (inevitably) secure the GOP nomination.

The reason for his silence in that set of instances? GoaT happens to AGREE with that prognostication.

Romney, by the way, could very well seize the GOP nod.

But since drippy partisan hacks like GoaT cannot acknowledge that it is not necessarily "inevitable," it needs to get shoved in their faces from time to time.

And again. It doesn't seem to make any real difference to schmucks like GoaT. Either Romney will take the GOP nod or he wont, but idiots like GoaT WILL be voting for ZerObama either way.

He could very well seize it, but your "when Romney fails" title is a bit overconfident for someone who's prediction record is epic failsauce.

Your name calling is also horrendous, bro. Step your life game up.

But you, being the plodding dolt you always are, didn't take notice of that same turn of phrase, dipshit, when you pals used it ABOUT Romney getting the nod.

Your transparent hypocrisy is duly noted -- again.

As for the balance of your criticism, be advised. Nobody takes you seriously. Your advice is never sought and never valued. I'd take sympathy on you, realizing that you are incapable of stepping up any part of your game, but that would require caring enough about you to feel sympathy.
Well, given that the only sane candidate in the GOP lineup with a chance of the nomination is Romney, if Romney fails to obtain the nomination, the GOP loses a very large percentage of the Independent vote. Not all that many people are enomored of Sim City tax plans.

Another moldy socks contention that has no honest basis in reality.

Moldy Socks isn't enomored of reality.

Sim City 4's "999" Tax Plan Makes Its Way Into The Real World - EA News

The original SimCity invited gamers to build a more perfect society. You could zone land at will, weave hyper-efficient power grids, and make the trains run on time with a few strategic clicks. For truly skilled tacticians, even Godzilla was just a bump in the road on the way to Utopia. Maybe that’s why it comes as no great surprise to see that part of SimCity 4’s aspirational framework – the “999” tax plan – finally has some real world political converts.

In an article in today’s Huffington Post, writer Amanda Terkel suggests a connection between the Herman Cain 999 Plan – which proposes a 9% rate for business, individual, and sales taxes – and SimCity 4’s default “999” setup – which starts commercial, industrial, and residential taxes in the game at that same 9% rate. Kip Katsarelis, a senior producer at Maxis, welcomes the idea of SimCity 4 as a political muse: “We encourage politicians to continue to look to innovative games like SimCity for inspiration for social and economic change. While we at Maxis and Electronic Arts do not endorse any political candidates or their platforms, it's interesting to see GOP candidate Herman Cain propose a simplified tax system like one we designed for the video game SimCity 4."

Cain has yet to confirm whether the 2003 game sparked the idea for his campaign.

Think you can come up with a more effective taxation plan? Download SimCity 4 from Origin and put your plan to the test.

You are pathetic.

Is that your notion of the meaning of "game theory?" :lol:
And little GoaT was silent about the other set of "predictions" declaring that Romney would (inevitably) secure the GOP nomination.

The reason for his silence in that set of instances? GoaT happens to AGREE with that prognostication.

Romney, by the way, could very well seize the GOP nod.

But since drippy partisan hacks like GoaT cannot acknowledge that it is not necessarily "inevitable," it needs to get shoved in their faces from time to time.

And again. It doesn't seem to make any real difference to schmucks like GoaT. Either Romney will take the GOP nod or he wont, but idiots like GoaT WILL be voting for ZerObama either way.

He could very well seize it, but your "when Romney fails" title is a bit overconfident for someone who's prediction record is epic failsauce.

Your name calling is also horrendous, bro. Step your life game up.

But you, being the plodding dolt you always are, didn't take notice of that same turn of phrase, dipshit, when you pals used it ABOUT Romney getting the nod.

Your transparent hypocrisy is duly noted -- again.

As for the balance of your criticism, be advised. Nobody takes you seriously. Your advice is never sought and never valued. I'd take sympathy on you, realizing that you are incapable of stepping up any part of your game, but that would require caring enough about you to feel sympathy.

Who with your track record of predictions used the same terminology re: Romney?

I dont have your illegitimate & awful track record.

But.....you are on a song of mine soon to be released. congratulations. :razz:
Romney will pick a conservative as a running mate. And he won't pick some governor with two years experience no one has ever heard of before.

I would expect Romney to make a wiser choice than McCain. However, if he picks someone with very radical ideas, it will have the same effect as Palin did on McCain's campaign.

Yeah, like Rick Perry.

It won't be Perry. He wants to win.

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