Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

That's why you posted that garbage to me about unqualified minorities.
What garbage? Do you maintain it's a good thing to shoehorn unprepared minority students into schools where they are doomed to fail?
You don't consider how this happens for whites. If you did, you would bring it up pertaining to white students. But you don't. The problem is whites who still hang on to questionable racial beleifs and a zero sum mentality among the right wing..
They don't have the government pushing schools to accept lower scores among white students or face the threat of lawsuits should there not be enough white students. The bottom line is, Song, Joe and Tyrone should all have to meet the same standards.
What garbage? Do you maintain it's a good thing to shoehorn unprepared minority students into schools where they are doomed to fail?
Unqualified whites have been shoehorned in them for years. The black graduation rate at Harvard is 95 percent and in all Ivy League schools over 85 percent. So how about dropping that garbage argument?
They don't have the government pushing schools to accept lower scores among white students or face the threat of lawsuits should there not be enough white students. The bottom line is, Song, Joe and Tyrone should all have to meet the same standards.
They've had the government doing it since at least 1776. Blacks were not allowed to be students at most colleges until at least 1964. This is what your cognitive dissonance doesn't allow you to see. The bottom line is whites like you need to stop pretending that nonwhites were excluded from these institutions until relatively recent times.
Asians are good students because they are intelligent, their families stress education, they work hard, and delay gratification in order to achieve.
Rabbit, Run

I notice that with all their high grades, they get exhausted and have no ambition for promotion to upper management after they get hired. Or else they'd be leading most major corporations by now.
Rabbit, Run
I need to re-read that. It’s been a loooooong time since sophomore year!
I notice that with all their high grades, they get exhausted and have no ambition for promotion to upper management after they get hired. Or else they'd be leading most major corporations by now.
I don’t know what that is about. If they were the type to get exhausted easily and/or had no ambition, they wouldn’t be studying 16 hours a day to get into Harvard. Maybe it’s a cultural thing.
The students who are most disadvantaged are the majority in this country: whites (and now Asians) who are merely very bright, academically successful kids who are not legacies.
Prometheus Bound

College being work without pay is the worst insult to intelligence there is. But High IQs are manipulated into being social-reject nerds who want to escape from their miserable real world into the childish and deprived lifestyle of college students. I wish someone had the power, money, and influence to get these geniuses, the most valuable human resource, to man up and fight the predatory class.

STEMs create all the wealth of the plutocracy through submitting to the greatest larceny in history: corporate patents. That's why meek geeks are groomed from childhood on to become Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys. That's Phase Three of the programmed humiliation enforced by the plutocratic parasites.

Class-biased indentured-servitude college education is only Phase Two. It would be easy to change grade school and high school so that Smart Kids get the same pride and social respect that star athletes get now. It would only take a few rebels to use their brains as weapons to overthrow Lucre's Leeches.
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P.S. and how about answering my question above. The black gets in because black, the legacy gets in because legacy, and the girl with much better grades and scores gets rejected because she isn’t black or a legacy.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

Again, you're avoiding the issue by talking about "legacy," which says nothing about the alumnus's wealth. It's a disguise-word for Birth-Class Supremacy.

That is the very opposite of Americanism. We were an exception to it only in a sense that a few not born to it could reach wealth status. But they then betrayed their achievement by making their sons automatically rich, just like the aristocratic families in Europe who had kept talented families down throughout the last millennium.

Weakling rebellion, such as our laws against primogeniture and the disingenuous article in the Constitution forbidding titles, did not prevent Birth-Class Supremacy from rising here and eventually completely taking over. Hereditary power, wealth, and influence is the hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

Again, you're avoiding the issue by talking about "legacy," which says nothing about the alumnus's wealth. It's a disguise-word for Birth-Class Supremacy.

That is the very opposite of Americanism. We were an exception to it only in a sense that a few not born to it could reach wealth status. But they then betrayed their achievement by making their sons automatically rich, just like the aristocratic families in Europe who had kept talented families down throughout the last millennium.

Weakling rebellion, such as our laws against primogeniture and the disingenuous article in the Constitution forbidding titles, did not prevent Birth-Class Supremacy from rising here and eventually completely taking over. Hereditary power, wealth, and influence is the hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations.
I follow the laws. If it’s legal, it’s allowed; if not, it needs to stop. All your blah-blah-blah about “Birth Supremacy“ is ridiculous. If I didn’t know better, I‘d say you sound like one of these leftists who object to favoring American citizens over illegal migrants.

P.S. I was born here. I have no more ”supremacy” than any black college applicant born here as well, in the year 2004.
The "Rule of Law" Is the Law of the Rulers
We really have to get away from labeling people “supremacists” or having “supremacy” simply because they’re white and born in this country. It reeks of the anti-white racism sweeping this nation.
Rabbit, Run

I notice that with all their high grades, they get exhausted and have no ambition for promotion to upper management after they get hired. Or else they'd be leading most major corporations by now.
"No ambition for promotion to upper management"? Guess again.

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