Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

I’m not in denial of it. I said there’s nothing illegal about it.

Discriminating on the basis of race is.
Those policies DO discriminate, based on race.

It seems your critical thinking facilities might have abandoned you? Just a thought here? While you defend legacy admissions, and claim, there is nothing "illegal," about them, you do you really not understand how they are, indeed, racist?

Back, a long, long time ago, when the government gave land grants to states, all over the nation . . . . Look at the date on this? Note how that is before the civil war even. OH? And while we are at that, remember, folks have been going to Ivy League Schools while the ancestors of blacks were enslaved, you think slaves were admitted to Harvard do you?

So? Why should legacy admissions be legal? How is that not a racist policy?


And at that time as well, the number of minorities that were attending Ivy League Schools, well, because they were mostly poor, and otherwise enslaved? Was a very small number, it had nothing to do with their ability.

So, you couldn't figure out, how legacy admissions, really IS related to, DIRECTLY, to the proportion of minorities that are in US colleges and universities.

Unless you are lucky enough to have an ancestor that is English or Scottish, and maybe German, that attended one of these universities? You just aren't picking up what IM2 is putting down, you are really, quite dumb. Legacy admissions, due to how they are structured, and because of the ethnicities that were admitted to colleges and universities in the distant past, ARE, INHERENTLY RACIST.

And not just white, we are talking, Anglo-Saxon racist. They are also discriminatory against the Irish, Italians, the Eastern Europeans, Russians, Middle Eastern folks, Hispanics, and yes, any Jewish family that isn't rich enough to have given an endowment, etc.

Anyone that could not have had an ancestor get into them in by the late 19th or early 20th century. Earlier for the Ivy League schools. This is the problem with the legacy system.
"The Old Boy system?" Is the same as discriminating based on race, it is not based on merit. Your cognitive dissonance, even if you can't understand how it is less obvious? Does not make it any less repulsive.


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There is no pro black favoritism. This case was shut down in district court. White privilege allows this weak case to be taken to the supreme court. Asians are not being rejected for blacks, but blacks, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics with higher scores than whites are rejected for white ALDC admissions.
Harvard Should Have a Great Baseball Team Since Most of Its Players Were Born on Third Base

"Legacy" is a code word for "richkids." The Ivies are perfectly consistent with race-based admissions and preppy-preference because Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People.
Private colleges still are not allowed to violate the Constitution.

Can a real estate developer build a hi-rise condo building and declare its going to be a “whites-only” building? Or that he won’t sell to Asians because they are unlikeable? Or even that he’s decided he wants to sell 10% of the units to blacks, 10% to Asians, and the rest to whites?

Even private companies are not allowed to discriminate by race.
The Meek Will Inherit the Earth Only When They Are Buried in It

How can the Ivies and the Seven Sisters be called "private" when they own all three branches of government?
"Athletic Scholarship" Is a Contradiction in Terms (What You Diploma Dumbos Mistakenly Call an "Oxymoron")

Sorry about your crippling brain injury playing football.
I didn't go to college on a football scholarship. I enjoyed playing football in high school, but that's as far as that went.
Harvard Should Have a Great Baseball Team Since Most of Its Players Were Born on Third Base

"Legacy" is a code word for "richkids." The Ivies are perfectly consistent with race-based admissions and preppy-preference because Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People.
Comrade One-Note repeats again! :rolleyes:
If Harvard and the Ivies (and other colleges) really wanted diversity, they’d welcome in more conservatives instead of silencing them and allowing their students to hear only one side - the Leftist side.

It‘s like when the NYU student wasn’t allowed to run for student government because she was pro-Israel, and when Berkeley deemed “No pro-Israel Jewish Zones” to prevent speakers who support Israel. Only ONE viewpoint is allowed. How about a little diversity of opinion??
If Harvard and the Ivies (and other colleges) really wanted diversity, they’d welcome in more conservatives instead of silencing them and allowing their students to hear only one side - the Leftist side.

It‘s like when the NYU student wasn’t allowed to run for student government because she was pro-Israel, and when Berkeley deemed “No pro-Israel Jewish Zones” to prevent speakers who support Israel. Only ONE viewpoint is allowed. How about a little diversity of opinion??
You know among colleges in the Boston area, Harvard is considered some bastion of conservativism.
Asians Are Good Students Because COLLEGE IS FOR COOLIES. QED.

Or when sounded like A, as in neighbor or weigh. When college graduates pronounce sheik as "sheek," that's still more evidence that College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded.
Beat that dead horse! For da people, comrade!
Those policies DO discriminate, based on race.

It seems your critical thinking facilities have abandoned you, for you lack the ability to figure out how they do, though. While you defend legacy admissions, and claim, there is nothing "illegal," about them, you don't understand how they are, indeed, racist.

Back, a long, long time ago, when the government gave land grants to states, all over the nation . . . . Look at the date on this? Note how that is before the civil war even. OH? And while we are at that, remember, folks have been going to Ivy League Schools while the ancestors of blacks were enslaved, you think slaves were admitted to Harvard do you?

So? Why should legacy admissions be legal? How is that not a racist policy?

View attachment 713143

And at that time as well, the number of minorities that were attending Ivy League Schools, well, because they were mostly poor, and otherwise enslaved? Was a very small number, it had nothing to do with their ability.

So, if you had any intelligence at all, you could figure out, how legacy admissions, really IS related to, DIRECTLY, to the proportion of minorities that are in US colleges and universities.

Unless you are lucky enough to have an ancestor that is English or Scottish, and maybe German, that attended one of these universities? You just aren't picking up what IM2 is putting down, you are really, quite dumb. Legacy admissions, due to how they are structured, and because of the ethnicities that were admitted to colleges and universities in the distant past, ARE, INHERENTLY RACIST.

And not just white, we are talking, Anglo-Saxon racist. They are also discriminatory against the Irish, Italians, the Eastern Europeans, Russians, Middle Eastern folks, Hispanics, and yes, any Jewish family that isn't rich enough to have given an endowment, etc.

Anyone that could not have had an ancestor get into them in by the late 19th or early 20th century. Earlier for the Ivy League schools. This is the problem with the legacy system.
"The Old Boy system?" Is the same as discriminating based on race, it is not based on merit. Your cognitive dissonance, even if you can't understand how it is less obvious? Does not make it any less repulsive.

View attachment 713148
You honestly expect me to engage with you when you make comments like “if you had any intelligence at all” and “you’re really quite dumb”?
Asians Are Good Students Because COLLEGE IS FOR COOLIES. QED.

Or when sounded like A, as in neighbor or weigh. When college graduates pronounce sheik as "sheek," that's still more evidence that College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded.
Asians are good students because they are intelligent, their families stress education, they work hard, and delay gratification in order to achieve.
The students who are most disadvantaged are the majority in this country: whites (and now Asians) who are merely very bright, academically successful kids who are not legacies.
You honestly expect me to engage with you when you make comments like “if you had any intelligence at all” and “you’re really quite dumb”?
No, not really.

You have dishonestly engaged with others, like criticizing their spelling or grammar, and have refused to look into the arguments of the other side in any serious way.

I don't care, I really don't anymore.

The folks in control have decided to burn everything down, and pit everyone against each other. Keep watching Fox News and live your life to hate others.

I apologize for being mean, I really do. But to make excuses for "legacy," and "athletics," and just say, 'oh, those are legal,' and not even give those a thought?

You have dismissed that observation, in such a way, a few times. It is tiresome, and now? You want to just claim to be a victim.

Fine, my bad. sorry

Stop acting like this, and address the issue, then, and I won't point out how you are acting.

Otherwise, my bad, I do apologize.

If not? Observation stands.
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The students who are most disadvantaged are the majority in this country: whites (and now Asians) who are merely very bright, academically successful kids who are not legacies.
Do you really believe this?
No, not really.

You have dishonestly engaged with others, like criticizing their spelling or grammar, and have refused to look into the arguments of the other side in any serious way.

I don't care, I really don't anymore.

The folks in control have decided to burn everything down, and pit everyone against each other. Keep watching Fox News and live your life to hate others.

I apologize for being mean, I really do. But to make excuses for "legacy," and "athletics," and just say, 'oh, those are legal,' and not even give those a thought?

You have dismissed that observation, in such a way, a few times. It is tiresome, and now? You want to just claim to be a victim.

Fine, my bad. sorry

Stop acting like this, and address the issue, then, and I won't point out how you are acting.

Otherwise, my bad, I do apologize.

If not? Observation stands.
I’m just going by the law: it is not illegal to discriminate for some reasons, but it is illegal for others. Discrimination by race is illegal.
Do you really believe this?
Of course. Consider three applicants for two remaining seats at Harvard:

1) Lisa Goldstein, a white 2nd generation American, has a 3.93 GPA and a 1550 SAT.
2) Charles Whitworth, III, whose father was Harvard ‘92 and whose grandfather was Harvard ‘68, with a GPA of 3.55 and SAT score of 1380.
3) LaShika Jackson, whose parents went to UMass via Affirmative Action 30 years ago, and has a GPA of 3.5 and an SAT score of 1400.

Which person gets rejected?
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I’m just going by the law: it is not illegal to discriminate for some reasons, but it is illegal for others. Discrimination by race is illegal.
When I earlier implied that you were acting obtuse? Here you seem to be doing it again. I dunno. :dunno:


Just because something is "legal," does not necessarily mean, that it is ethical, or even just, you do know this, correct? OR? Maybe not?

I'm guessing, you would be the type of person, to tell me, that "separate but equal," would actually work, right? Or that businesses should have the right to discriminate based on ethnicity or color, if they want. As long as they provide equal access to services and product?

If this was still that law? Well, then, I guess that would make it correct, yes? IT was, after all, LAW? Your deflection to, "just going by the law," IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. It is a defense of systemic racism.

Or literacy tests? They wouldn't be racist or discriminatory at all, is that it? Because it does not explicitly address race or ethnicity?

Keep dodging.

Just because it is law? Does not make it ethical or just.

Isn't that what this case is about? THE LAW? You seem to think that law should only favor your interests, and you should not have to see anyone else's POV? Why is that?

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