Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

I had not heard that there was a resurgence in HBCU'S, but after doing some additional fact finding, it appears to be the case, which is encouraging.

After my grandchildren graduated from high school, I encouraged them to go that route, offering to pay for their tuition and living expenses, however they did not want to leave California.
I found out when NPR did several articles about them, they can off er students an excellent education and sometimes a more accepting environment.

It helps no one to stuff unqualified students into elite universities where they're doomed to wash out. Why not instead help students get into colleges where they actually have a decent chance of succeeding?
I think it depends on the student. They aren’t admitting unqualified students, the students still have to have the minimum GPA’s right? The more important metric should be the graduation rate, as a mark of succeeding. For Harvard, it is 96% for Blacks.

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I found out when NPR did several articles about them, they can off er students an excellent education and sometimes a more accepting environment.

Thanks for that information. My grandson is currently attending UCR, and my granddaughter is attending UC Davis. I have not given up hope in persuading them to change.
I am talking about a continuing history that includes today. Also history has created today, whites have what they do because of preferences that excluded others. So just stop pretending thats not the case and do not try using that excuse you use in your first sentence with me. Because some whitess are very adept at applying the past to now, especially when they want to blame democrats for things in the past.
Which has nothing to do with the injustice of putting underqualified minority students into elite schools where they are doomed to fail. Do you think it's a great idea to send unequipped students into a situation where they have a very strong chance of being dumped on the street with a massive student loan debt and no diploma to help them pay it off? Or do you buy into it as long as liberals get their warm and fuzzies that they "helped" minority students?
I think it depends on the student. They aren’t admitting unqualified students, the students still have to have the minimum GPA’s right? The more important metric should be the graduation rate, as a mark of succeeding. For Harvard, it is 96% for Blacks.

The problem is when the minimum GPA's are lowered for students, leaving them unprepared for the rigors of high education. That's great that Harvard is graduating a high percentage of minority students, but I think the problem goes further than just one school.
Which has nothing to do with the injustice of putting underqualified minority students into elite schools where they are doomed to fail. Do you think it's a great idea to send unequipped students into a situation where they have a very strong chance of being dumped on the street with a massive student loan debt and no diploma to help them pay it off? Or do you buy into it as long as liberals get their warm and fuzzies that they "helped" minority students?
That’s only one side of it. While the minority students who had the cut-off lowered for them are struggling with their classes and working with tutors to keep up, the better qualified white and Asian students who WOULD have done well on their own were rejected and relegated to a less competitive school.

Why send the minority students with the lesser grades to Harvard, for example, where they struggle to keep up, and the white students with the better grades to UMass, for example - and all based on skin color? Why not just have those who wouldn’t qualify for Harvard, but for their race, go where they WOULD be qualified?
Which has nothing to do with the injustice of putting underqualified minority students into elite schools where they are doomed to fail. Do you think it's a great idea to send unequipped students into a situation where they have a very strong chance of being dumped on the street with a massive student loan debt and no diploma to help them pay it off? Or do you buy into it as long as liberals get their warm and fuzzies that they "helped" minority students?
Do you EVER consider the fact that UNQUALIFIED WHITES EXIST, and that UNQUALIFIED WHITES are taking seats from better qualified minorities?
Do you EVER consider the fact that UNQUALIFIED WHITES EXIST, and that UNQUALIFIED WHITES are taking seats from better qualified minorities?
I stated that, and I quote, "Nobody should be admitted under lower standards". Do you always ignore things people have stated in black and white right in front of you?
That’s only one side of it. While the minority students who had the cut-off lowered for them are struggling with their classes and working with tutors to keep up, the better qualified white and Asian students who WOULD have done well on their own were rejected and relegated to a less competitive school.

Why send the minority students with the lesser grades to Harvard, for example, where they struggle to keep up, and the white students with the better grades to UMass, for example - and all based on skin color? Why not just have those who wouldn’t qualify for Harvard, but for their race, go where they WOULD be qualified?
Do you EVER consider the fact that UNQUALIFIED WHITES EXIST, and that UNQUALIFIED WHITES are taking seats from better qualified minorities?

Because that's what this case reveals. Unqualified whites were being admitted as ALDC'S and better qualified minorities were denied seats in Harvard where 96 percent of the black students who are admitted, graduate.

Your argument is malarkey. And that's being kind.
I stated that, and I quote, "Nobody should be admitted under lower standards". Do you always ignore things people have stated in black and white right in front of you?
That's why you posted that garbage to me about unqualified minorities.
As long as an applicant meets the minimum standard for admission, the school can use whatever mix of criteria it wants beyond that. A SCOTUS decision isn’t going to be able to force them to only go by test scores for example. You are so hung up on blacks getting preference….but how about women, something you benefitted from?
Meritocracy demands meritocracy. That's a tautology and also the concept of equal protection. WTF can be wrong with that?!
The problem is when the minimum GPA's are lowered for students, leaving them unprepared for the rigors of high education. That's great that Harvard is graduating a high percentage of minority students, but I think the problem goes further than just one school.
You don't consider how this happens for whites. If you did, you would bring it up pertaining to white students. But you don't. The problem is whites who still hang on to questionable racial beleifs and a zero sum mentality among the right wing..
Do you EVER consider the fact that UNQUALIFIED WHITES EXIST, and that UNQUALIFIED WHITES are taking seats from better qualified minorities?

First, stop yelling. Second, the stats show that the average scores and grades of accepted blacks are well below the average scores and grades of accepted whites.
Because that's what this case reveals. Unqualified whites were being admitted as ALDC'S and better qualified minorities were denied seats in Harvard where 96 percent of the black students who are admitted, graduate.

The reason they graduate is because the school, knowing how bad it would look is the Affirmative Action admits were to flunk are babied and tutored along to get them through.
Your argument is malarkey. And that's being kind.
The case, as I said, leaves blacks out of it as a STRATEGY. They know that bringing up anything that would throw into question the favoritism shown blacks is not politically acceptable in the CRT “poor blacks are so oppressed” and “whites get all the advantages” environment, so they are developing their case to make it against whites. In the current political climate, a case against whitey can win.

But the end result will be the same: it is unconstitutional to lower admission standards in order to get more blacks into the program. One is not allowed to discriminate by race.
You don't consider how this happens for whites. If you did, you would bring it up pertaining to white students. But you don't. The problem is whites who still hang on to questionable racial beleifs and a zero sum mentality among the right wing..
You spelled beliefs wrong. I before e except after c.
You spelled beliefs wrong. I before e except after c.
I don't care. Your argument is malarkey and based on the facts of the case, unqualified whites took seats from better qualified minority. Your whole world does not exist and its apparent that you never worked in college admissions.
I don't care. Your argument is malarkey and based on the facts of the case, unqualified whites took seats from better qualified minority. Your whole world does not exist and its apparent that you never worked in college admissions.
You know nothing, and you’re wrong. Just face the fact that blacks will not have the favor of their race to bump them ahead of whites and Asians with better grades and scores. Those blacks who do not meet the white standards (which is about 2 out of 3) will just have to go to a university where they qualify regardless of skin tone.

There‘s nothing so awful about going to Boston University or UMass.
That’s only one side of it. While the minority students who had the cut-off lowered for them are struggling with their classes and working with tutors to keep up, the better qualified white and Asian students who WOULD have done well on their own were rejected and relegated to a less competitive school.

Why send the minority students with the lesser grades to Harvard, for example, where they struggle to keep up, and the white students with the better grades to UMass, for example - and all based on skin color? Why not just have those who wouldn’t qualify for Harvard, but for their race, go where they WOULD be qualified?
The academic work at Harvard isn't "harder" than what is available at UMass. Once you're in, it's just a matter of how hard you work and what you want to get out of it. The biggest advantage of attending Harvard is the sheepskin you get at the end.
That’s the past. No need to be racist against whites now. Your father was favored, and you were favored. Time for your kids to compete on their own and stop supporting racism.

That Harvard is a private school is immaterial. They are still not allowed to violate the Constitution.
Legacy admissions, and athletic admissions, are still part of school admission policies for State schools. This is still a fact of life, even now.

I don't know why you are in denial of this.

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