Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

As long as an applicant meets the minimum standard for admission, the school can use whatever mix of criteria it wants beyond that. A SCOTUS decision isn’t going to be able to force them to only go by test scores for example. You are so hung up on blacks getting preference….but how about women, something you benefitted from?

There was an amendment to the Civil Rights Act in 1967 that addressed discrimination against women.

If AA ends so does equality for women. Those who are uneducated about AA and have been race baited to believe it's only for blacks, that it doesn't apply to Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and women, are going to be hurt real bad. Last, as this nation gets browner, the racism that caused whites to deny all the racial preferences they have consistently received will come back to bite them.

It's funny how right wing whites, who are generally the most uneducated and unqualified, cannot understand that such a thing as unqualified whites exist and qualified people of color exist.
The upcoming Oct 31st hearing on whether one’s race can determine whether he is admitted or rejected from an educational program will undoubtedly uphold the Constitution, and thus blacks, whites, and Asians will all be evaluated with race removed from the equation.

This will reach beyond the Ivy halls and into the workplace. No longer will a black with worse qualifications be hired or promoted over a better qualified white because of skin color.

And this is a good thing, and will be to the betterment of our country - now falling woefully behind other developed countries. When you select the BEST people for jobs regardless of race , rather than the BEST people within a small sub segment of the population, then you get the BEST, period.

In the linked article, it explains the case and that Harvard’s anti-Asian policy stems from the same “holistic admissions” approach developed in the 1920s to reduce the number of Jews.

We have had 246 years of race based policies. Whites are a race and the policies benefitted them. There is no anti asian policy at Harvard. And unqualified white legacy students are the problem in this case.
It wouldn’t be hard. In college I tested for a CHP dispatchers job. I tested in the 99th percentile and aced the interview. After not hearing anything for two months I called to see where I was on the waiting list and was told the CHP wouldn’t be hiring any white males for several years and maybe longer to achieve sexual and racial balance quotas set by a court. There are tens of thousands of people with similar stories.
If I wanted fake stories, I'd read the Bible.
We have had 246 years of race based policies. Whites are a race and the policies benefitted them. There is no anti asian policy at Harvard. And unqualified white legacy students are the problem in this case.
Harvard came up with a cockamamie excuse to reject brilliant Asians students: they said Asians were unlikeable.

If that’s not blatant racism being practiced by the liberals at Harvard, I don’t know what is.
The people who are bringing the racism case against Harvard have devised a brilliant strategy, by the way,

They know that in this “pro-Black” favoritism environment, it would be hard to pit the brilliant (and rejected) Asian students against the blacks who got in with much lower scores and grades. So instead, they are saying that Asians are being rejected in favor of whites with (slightly) lower scores and grades.

This way, the SCOTUS can get rid of the racist policies that primarily advantage blacks and hurt whites without making it look like they are working against blacks. Their attack is against the Whites!

Brilliant strategy.
6-7%? To listen to some, you would think there were hordes of “unqualified” minority students infesting the sacred halls of learning snatching seats from “more qualified” white and Asian students (who attend far in excess of the demographic population). I have heard though, that there has been a resurgence of interest in HBCU’s.
I had not heard that there was a resurgence in HBCU'S, but after doing some additional fact finding, it appears to be the case, which is encouraging.

After my grandchildren graduated from high school, I encouraged them to go that route, offering to pay for their tuition and living expenses, however they did not want to leave California.
Asians are nearly 26 percent of the Harvard students. There is no anti Asian policy there.
That isn’t what defines racism. They are that much of the student body because they are such superior students.

What IS racist is using race as a factor to reject otherwise top-qualified students to make room for blacks with inferior academics.
The people who are bringing the racism case against Harvard have devised a brilliant strategy, by the way,

They know that in this “pro-Black” favoritism environment, it would be hard to pit the brilliant (and rejected) Asian students against the blacks who got in with much lower scores and grades. So instead, they are saying that Asians are being rejected in favor of whites with (slightly) lower scores and grades.

This way, the SCOTUS can get rid of the racist policies that primarily advantage blacks and hurt whites without making it look like they are working against blacks. Their attack is against the Whites!

Brilliant strategy.
There is no pro black favoritism. This case was shut down in district court. White privilege allows this weak case to be taken to the supreme court. Asians are not being rejected for blacks, but blacks, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics with higher scores than whites are rejected for white ALDC admissions.
That isn’t what defines racism. They are that much of the student body because they are such superior students.

What IS racist is using race as a factor to reject otherwise top-qualified students to make room for blacks with inferior academics.
The fact is that inferior white students are admitted as ALDC's. You don't know anything about this case and are just repeating the same dumb jibberish.
Harvard came up with a cockamamie excuse to reject brilliant Asians students: they said Asians were unlikeable.

If that’s not blatant racism being practiced by the liberals at Harvard, I don’t know what is.
There is no anti Asian policy at Harvard. No matter how many times you repeat your jibberish, it is just that simple.
The fact is that inferior white students are admitted as ALDC's. You don't know anything about this case and are just repeating the same dumb jibberish.
Inferior black students are being admitted due to their race.

No matter what you say, the average scores and grades of admittrd blacks are lower than both whites and Asians, and the SCOTUS will rightly rule that using race as a factor in deciding whom to admit is racist and will be prohibited.
There is no anti Asian policy at Harvard. No matter how many times you repeat your jibberish, it is just that simple.
No matter how many times you repeat your defense of racist policies, it will be ruled unconstitutional to reject Asians because, according to Harvard desperately looking for a way to justify why they are accepting blacks (and whites, to a lesser extent), they are claiming Asians have bad personalities.

The leftists will!have to figure out another way to admit blacks who would be laughed out of the place if they were white.
It sounds like the preference is for private universities filled with whites, Jews, Asians and a few token blacks those in power, deem acceptable...despite the fact AA gave a huge boost to white women. Yet not one complaint about all those less qualified white women admitted at the expense of Asians and white men!
Are they really less qualified, though? Are their graduation rates commensurate with their acceptance numbers? That's critical, because it helps no one to set up an unqualified student for failure by sticking them into an elite college where they're basically doomed to wash out.
The Supreme Court will do what it was hired to do. Make sure higher education is reserved for the privileged
It helps no one to stuff unqualified students into elite universities where they're doomed to wash out. Why not instead help students get into colleges where they actually have a decent chance of succeeding?
Are they really less qualified, though? Are their graduation rates commensurate with their acceptance numbers? That's critical, because it helps no one to set up an unqualified student for failure by sticking them into an elite college where they're basically doomed to wash out.
Actually, they don’t wash out. The libs know how bad it would look for their Affirmative Action picks to flunk out, so there are tons of resources available to them - funded by the school. They get a lot of handholding and tutoring, throughout the program. In fact, resources designed to help the less qualified blacks hang on are advertised to them starting with Freshman Orientation.

OTOH, the blacks who were admitted by their own merit - equal to the whites - do not need the extra help, and they do fine with their peers.

(I worked in Admissions.)

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