Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

It isn't just race that is a problem it's wealth and the ability to attend college and pay for it. College should be free just like pre-college education. If you ae serious about higher education benefitting humans.
It isn't just race that is a problem it's wealth and the ability to attend college and pay for it. College should be free just like pre-college education. If you ae serious about higher education benefitting humans.
beauty should not be about wealth either---nail
salons should be free
Due to your mental Illness and peer pressure, you will reject any proof you are shown and I don’t care since Wokeness is destroying businesses left and right.
These libs are always giving out homework assignments. It’s designed to put us on the defensive, so that they don’t have to argue the point.

It is obvious to all thinking Americans that when you prioritize race over competence in hiring, your workforce will not be as competent as businesses that do prioritize it, and you will be not able to compete.
Because using race to decide who gets in - and rejecting Asians on the grounds that “Asians are unlikeable” violates the law regarding discrimination.

You can still have people with different life experiences. You just can’t devise policies to reduce the number of Asians (or Jews, as was done in the 20s and 30s) due to racial or ethnic bias.

Besides, why are you assuming that the whites are the rich ones ans the blacks are all poor? YOU have some issues.

I always laugh at Conservatives holding up the achievements of Asians
If THEY can do it, every minority can do it.

But when it comes to the Corporate World, they quickly cut Asians out as mostly whites get promoted to executive ranks
Huh? Wow! The case is about only “allowing in those with the proper upbringing”? Are you saying blacks don’t have the proper upbringing?

I never claimed wealthy white kids raised by Nanny’s and shipped off to elite Boarding Schools had a proper upbringing.
It sounds like the preference is for private universities filled with whites, Jews, Asians and a few token blacks those in power, deem acceptable...despite the fact AA gave a huge boost to white women. Yet not one complaint about all those less qualified white women admitted at the expense of Asians and white men!
That "preference" is for the most part already in effect. Since 1994, the percentage of Black students on Ivy League campuses overall has remained at approximately
Reducing that percentage to half of what it currently is, will not have a dramatic impact on the status quo, and create unprecedented opportunity for White and Asian students who have been "victimized" through being displaced by "Undeserving Blacks".

Hopefully, the small percentage of black students that may have gotten into an Ivy League college will consider attending an HBCU instead, because many of those institutions are dying a slow death due to declining enrollment.
That "preference" is for the most part already in effect. Since 1994, the percentage of Black students on Ivy League campuses overall has remained at approximately
Reducing that percentage to half of what it currently is, will not have a dramatic impact on the status quo, and create unprecedented opportunity for White and Asian students who have been "victimized" through being displaced by "Undeserving Blacks".

Hopefully, the small percentage of black students that may have gotten into an Ivy League college will consider attending an HBCU instead, because many of those institutions are dying a slow death due to declining enrollment.
6-7%? To listen to some, you would think there were hordes of “unqualified” minority students infesting the sacred halls of learning snatching seats from “more qualified” white and Asian students (who attend far in excess of the demographic population). I have heard though, that there has been a resurgence of interest in HBCU’s.
I always laugh at Conservatives holding up the achievements of Asians
If THEY can do it, every minority can do it.

But when it comes to the Corporate World, they quickly cut Asians out as mostly whites get promoted to executive ranks
Supporting Asians makes it look less racist.
The point is not what percentage of blacks are in Ivy League schools. Why are you leftists so daft on this? The point is that it is ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, etc., etc.

I don’t care if a school is 5% black or 25% black. What matters is that admissions standards were applied EQUALLY regardless of race, and that a white or Asian (or nice Jewish boychik!) was not rejected in order to admit a black or Latino (that’s the other favored group, but not to the same extent) with lower grades and scores BECAUSE he was black or Latino. It is a violation of the equal protection clause.

So ruleth the SCOTUS (soon).
The point is not what percentage of blacks are in Ivy League schools. Why are you leftists so daft on this? The point is that it is ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, etc., etc.

I don’t care if a school is 5% black or 25% black. What matters is that admissions standards were applied EQUALLY regardless of race, and that a white or Asian (or nice Jewish boychik!) was not rejected in order to admit a black or Latino (that’s the other favored group, but not to the same extent) with lower grades and scores BECAUSE he was black or Latino. It is a violation of the equal protection clause.

So ruleth the SCOTUS (soon).
Isn't it funny how truly dense the proggies can be?
The point is not what percentage of blacks are in Ivy League schools. Why are you leftists so daft on this? The point is that it is ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, etc., etc.

I don’t care if a school is 5% black or 25% black. What matters is that admissions standards were applied EQUALLY regardless of race, and that a white or Asian (or nice Jewish boychik!) was not rejected in order to admit a black or Latino (that’s the other favored group, but not to the same extent) with lower grades and scores BECAUSE he was black or Latino. It is a violation of the equal protection clause.

So ruleth the SCOTUS (soon).
Hasn’t been illegal for 50 years

If the Supreme Court wants race based admissions to be illegal,
Let them also make athletic based admissions, donor based admissions and alumni admissions illegal
Isn't it funny how truly dense the proggies can be?
They’re fixated on the ridiculous notion that because a certain group is a certain percentage of the population that they should have the same percentage in Ivy League or otherwise prestigious schools - and that cut-off acceptance levels should be reduced until the percentage matches.

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