Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

Hasn’t been illegal for 50 years

If the Supreme Court wants race based admissions to be illegal,
Let them also make athletic based admissions, donor based admissions and alumni admissions illegal
Nope. Nothing illegal discriminating according to legacy or athletic ability. What is illegal is discriminating by race, so that Suzy Wong with a GPA of 4.0 and SAT of 1550 gets rejected and Dwayne Jackson with a GPA of 3.3 and SAT of 1150 gets in because they decided they need more blacks and want fewer of the “unlikeable” Asians.
Nope. Nothing illegal discriminating according to legacy or athletic ability. What is illegal is discriminating by race, so that Suzy Wong with a GPA of 4.0 and SAT of 1550 gets rejected and Dwayne Jackson with a GPA of 3.3 and SAT of 1150 gets in because they decided they need more blacks and want fewer of the “unlikeable” Asians.
Affirmative Action has been legal for 50 years

Private Universities have a right to set their own admission standards
Affirmative Action has been legal for 50 years

Private Universities have a right to set their own admission standards
It’s the MISUSE of Affirmative Action which is at question. It was never intended to allow colleges to come up with racist policies.

The case that was the last straw for me was when the program rejected a poor boy with a GPA of 4.0 (I forget his scores) whose mother had died when he was a child and still was an ace academically - and instead accepted a middle-class black kid with a GPA of 3.3 because they wanted more blacks.

Rejecting 4.0 whites (and Asians) and admitting 3.3 blacks - for racial reasons - is racist.
It’s the MISUSE of Affirmative Action which is at question. It was never intended to allow colleges to come up with racist policies.

The case that was the last straw for me was when the program rejected a poor boy with a GPA of 4.0 (I forget his scores) whose mother had died when he was a child and still was an ace academically - and instead accepted a middle-class black kid with a GPA of 3.3 because they wanted more blacks.

Rejecting 4.0 whites (and Asians) and admitting 3.3 blacks - for racial reasons - is racist.

I can see where parents of a 4.0 student would be outraged by their child being bumped by a Black student with a 3.3 GPA

But shouldn‘t they be equally outraged if their 4.0 student was bumped by a 3.3 student whose parents were alumni? Or if their 4.0 student was bumped by a LaCross player with a 3.3 average?
I can see where parents of a 4.0 student would be outraged by their child being bumped by a Black student with a 3.3 GPA

Well, I’m glad you see the problem with it.
But shouldn‘t they be equally outraged if their 4.0 student was bumped by a 3.3 student whose parents were alumni? Or if their 4.0 student was bumped by a LaCross player with a 3.3 average?

Sure, I don’t really like it. For all I know, I didn’t get into Harvard because the spot was saved for a legacy. (I did get into another Ivy.) But the point remains: it is not illegal to discriminate according to legacy or athletic status, and it IS illegal to discriminate according to race, religion, ethnicity, etc., etc.
Well, I’m glad you see the problem with it.

Sure, I don’t really like it. For all I know, I didn’t get into Harvard because the spot was saved for a legacy. (I did get into another Ivy.) But the point remains: it is not illegal to discriminate according to legacy or athletic status, and it IS illegal to discriminate according to race, religion, ethnicity, etc., etc.
The question is, should admission be only merit based?

If schools make room for other less than exceptional candidates, why can’t they make room for under represented minorities and economic groups?

Should the SCOTUS make a point of schools making exception based on race is unacceptable, but making exceptions based on other factors is acceptable?
The question is, should admission be only merit based?

If schools make room for other less than exceptional candidates, why can’t they make room for under represented minorities and economic groups?

Should the SCOTUS make a point of schools making exception based on race is unacceptable, but making exceptions based on other factors is acceptable?
It’s already law that you can’t discriminate according to race.

But you bring up economic groups. There is no law against discriminating along those lines. As I’ve said previously, the solution is to give a little advantage to kids based on SES - and NOT skin color.

This way, underprivileged blacks would get a bit of a lift* but so then would underprivileged whites. And because, on average, blacks have lower SES, they would still gain disproportionately. The difference would be that a white kid from a modest background with great scores would not lose out to a black kid from a middle class background with worse academic metrics -all due to skin color.

*The lift would have to be modest. It would still be unfair to reject a straight-A student in favor of a poor kid who could barely keep a B. But a small lift - I’m OK with.
So no comment on my proposal to give a little boost by SES rather than race, so that poor whites with strong academics were given a chance too? Do we just have to give favor based on skin color?
Proggies are not interested in solutions.

All they ever do is whine about the problem and demand that YOU fix it.

So no comment on my proposal to give a little boost by SES rather than race, so that poor whites with strong academics were given a chance too? Do we just have to give favor based on skin color?

How about we allow schools to decide how they construct their student body?

Yes, schools also select by economic disability
How about we allow schools to decide how they construct their student body?

Yes, schools also select by economic disability
So if a housing developer builds a neighborhood of 200 houses and decides he only wants to sell to whites, he should be allowed to decide how he wants to handle his business sales?
So if a housing developer builds a neighborhood of 200 houses and decides he only wants to sell to whites, he should be allowed to decide how he wants to handle his business sales?

You know better than that
Poor, poor white supremacist
Everyone picks on you

It is not "WHITE SUPREMACIST" that get discriminated against in ivy league admissions, but ALL whites.

And you know that. And you support it.


And you call ME racist?

The point is not what percentage of blacks are in Ivy League schools. Why are you leftists so daft on this? The point is that it is ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, etc., etc.

I don’t care if a school is 5% black or 25% black. What matters is that admissions standards were applied EQUALLY regardless of race, and that a white or Asian (or nice Jewish boychik!) was not rejected in order to admit a black or Latino (that’s the other favored group, but not to the same extent) with lower grades and scores BECAUSE he was black or Latino. It is a violation of the equal protection clause.

So ruleth the SCOTUS (soon).
As long as an applicant meets the minimum standard for admission, the school can use whatever mix of criteria it wants beyond that. A SCOTUS decision isn’t going to be able to force them to only go by test scores for example. You are so hung up on blacks getting preference….but how about women, something you benefitted from?
and when you can prove that you were denied a job and that job was given to a black person because of their skin color, you may be entitled to compensation.
It wouldn’t be hard. In college I tested for a CHP dispatchers job. I tested in the 99th percentile and aced the interview. After not hearing anything for two months I called to see where I was on the waiting list and was told the CHP wouldn’t be hiring any white males for several years and maybe longer to achieve sexual and racial balance quotas set by a court. There are tens of thousands of people with similar stories.
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