Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

I need to re-read that. It’s been a loooooong time since sophomore year!

I don’t know what that is about. If they were the type to get exhausted easily and/or had no ambition, they wouldn’t be studying 16 hours a day to get into Harvard. Maybe it’s a cultural thing.
Maybe it's something else.
Prometheus Bound

College being work without pay is the worst insult to intelligence there is. But High IQs are manipulated into being social-reject nerds who want to escape from their miserable real world into the childish and deprived lifestyle of college students. I wish someone had the power, money, and influence to get these geniuses, the most valuable human resource, to man up and fight the predatory class.

STEMs create all the wealth of the plutocracy through submitting to the greatest larceny in history: corporate patents. That's why meek geeks are groomed from childhood on to become Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys. That's Phase Three of the programmed humiliation enforced by the plutocratic parasites.

Class-biased indentured-servitude college education is only Phase Two. It would be easy to change grade school and high school so that Smart Kids get the same pride and social respect that star athletes get now. It would only take a few rebels to use their brains as weapons to overthrow Lucre's Leeches.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

Again, you're avoiding the issue by talking about "legacy," which says nothing about the alumnus's wealth. It's a disguise-word for Birth-Class Supremacy.

That is the very opposite of Americanism. We were an exception to it only in a sense that a few not born to it could reach wealth status. But they then betrayed their achievement by making their sons automatically rich, just like the aristocratic families in Europe who had kept talented families down throughout the last millennium.

Weakling rebellion, such as our laws against primogeniture and the disingenuous article in the Constitution forbidding titles, did not prevent Birth-Class Supremacy from rising here and eventually completely taking over. Hereditary power, wealth, and influence is the hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations.
1. I do complain about preferences for women.
ok….just never saw it here.

2. The legacy system has real benefits to the education system by encouraging donations.

The core of complaints regarding Blacks (the ONLY group admission being criticized) is it is “unfair”. Legacy admissions are also grossly unfair, taking MORE spots than those taken by Blacks.

3. I do complain about Athletes.

4. And the white kids not getting in, is still racist discrimination. That you supporrt. Allowed, hell STRONGLY ENCOURAGED BY LAW.

White kids get in, and along with Asians, in far greater numbers than any other group. A university has every right to encourage a diverse campus from racial, ethnic, gender and economic factor. All those along with other factors such the student family’s academic background etc form part of the decision making,not JUST race.

There are societal benefits as well. There is no question, for example, that a degree from Ivy League carries a much higher prestige and value when it comes to jobs than a comparable degree from a state university. Making it increasingly hard for minorities to gain admission by relying solely on test scores and GPA’s (which no university does) just hardens the social and economic stratification in our system and the overall unfairness of it where those who live in areas with poor schools, few advanced placement courses, unable to afford tutoring etc. start out disadvantaged In college admissions regardless of work ethic or intelligence. Rather than make the marker of success be the starting point, with admissions, it should be the end point with graduation and subsequent jobs.

These students from some of these backgrounds are more likely to return to serve the underserved communities they come from, something badly needed.

Here is what I support:
1. A diverse college campus. We all benefit. Colleges might be the ONLY place students of varied backgrounds ever encounter each other as peers and learn from each other.

2. A system that measures success through graduation and post matriculation activities not the starting points.

Ultimately, these are private universities even though the get some public moneys.
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Thanks. And what about Jews? I couldn’t be a legacy because up until the 1960s, they had a strict quota on the Jew-boys.

Plus, they act like every white person has been building wealth for generations. Probably 100 million are only 2nd or 3rd generation, with the immigrant generation arriving poor and uneducated.
What about the strict quota’s for Black students…as in zero? They couldn’t be legacy either.

Howecer, as a woman, you were a beneficiary of the very system you despise.
What about the strict quota’s for Black students…as in zero? They couldn’t be legacy either.

What school refuses to admit blacks on the basis of race?
Howecer, as a woman, you were a beneficiary of the very system you despise.
Actually, I didn‘t. My class ranking would have had me accepted regardless.
Liberals support racist practices if they help blacks and hurt whites.
That’s an ignorant generalization, but it would fit on a bumper sticker.

If race were the only factor you would have a point but it isn’t it is one of many, and even then, certain minorities, such as Blacks, are far more underrepresented in Ivy League schools and you would seek to deny them what few spots they do get.
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That’s an ignorant generalization, but it would fit on a bumper sticker.

If race were the only factor you would have a point but it isn’t it is one of many, and even then, certain minorities, such as Blacks, are far more underrepresented in Ivy League schools and you would seek to deny them what few spots they do get.
Underrepresented doesn’t mean anything. The problem is admitting a black student with FAR inferior grades and scores, which have been lowered for that very purpose, and rejecting a superior white or Asian - and all for racist reasons.

I am all for as many blacks getting in as meet the same standards which are required by whites and Asians. A poor Jewish boy whose mother died when he was a child and who earned nearly perfect grades and SATs should NOT be rejected to make room for a black kid with much lower grades and scores.

You are supporting racist practices, but you are OK with them because they hurt whites, or Jews, or Asians - and unfairly favor blacks.
What school refuses to admit blacks on the basis of race?
What school refuses to admit a student on race alone?

Actually, I didn‘t. My class ranking would have had me accepted regardless.

So you say. I recall what you said about the young Black woman with the rare achievement of being accepted by all the Ivy League schools, and your first response was to cast dispersions on it because she was black. Using your own criteria, we have no way of knowing your academic background so, as a member of a “privileged group”, women, we have to assume you benefited from those policies and an equally or better qualified male was rejected. That is sexism and you support sexist policies.
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What school refuses to admit blacks on the basis of race?
By the way, you are jumping tracks here. You were talking about Jewish quotas, something clearly wrong but also in the past, as were racial restrictions. Let’s keep things in the same time frame.
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What school refuses to admit a student on race alone?

So you say. I recall what you said about the young Black woman with the rare achievement of being accepted by all the Ivy League schools, and your first response was to cast dispersions on it because she was black. Using your own criteria, we have no way of knowing your academic background so, as a member of a “privileged group”, women, we have to assume you benefited from those policies and an equally or better qualified male was rejected. That is sexism and you support sexist policies.
What I said was that due to the favoritism showed toward blacks, it becomes questionable when a black is admitted - how much did race factor in? Get rid of the racist policies, and that no longer is a question.

And you didn’t answer the question. You made some remark about schools that have a “zero black” policy, and I asked you which school doesn’t allow any blacks. I really want to know.
What I said was that due to the favoritism showed toward blacks, it becomes questionable when a black is admitted - how much did race factor in? Get rid of the racist policies, and that no longer is a question.

Yet you don’t question the admission of women due to sexist policies…just Blacks?

And you didn’t answer the question. You made some remark about schools that have a “zero black” policy, and I asked you which school doesn’t allow any blacks. I really want to know.
Actually, I did. You jumped tracks on that. In today’s world, does any school admit or reject on race alone? Earlier, I provided a link to U of MD’s admission policy which outlines multiple factors that are considered.

GPA and test scores have to my knowledge been the sole criteria.
Rabbit, Run

I notice that with all their high grades, they get exhausted and have no ambition for promotion to upper management after they get hired. Or else they'd be leading most major corporations by now.
Wrong. They don't get promoted due to racism. Funny how no such "exhaustion" happens with whites.
Yet you don’t question the admission of women due to sexist policies…just Blacks?

Actually, I did. You jumped tracks on that. In today’s world, does any school admit or reject on race alone? Earlier, I provided a link to U of MD’s admission policy which outlines multiple factors that are considered.

GPA and test scores have to my knowledge been the sole criteria.
I don't think Lisa really ever worked in admissions. For decades test scores were just one factor and race was one factor. You would think a person who worked in college admissions could name the criteria but all Lisa does is sound like Correll whining about some kind of black favoritism that doesn't exist. I think I would know if that existed and her continuing to make that claim is just as offensive to us as the term racist is to them. But we can't use that word but she and others can makes this offensive claim. Can that stop?
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What I said was that due to the favoritism showed toward blacks, it becomes questionable when a black is admitted - how much did race factor in? Get rid of the racist policies, and that no longer is a question.

And you didn’t answer the question. You made some remark about schools that have a “zero black” policy, and I asked you which school doesn’t allow any blacks. I really want to know.
WHITES ARE A RACE! And for the last 246 years whites have been the most favored group. But you don't ever ask how much does race factor ih whites being admitted. Removing policies that stopped the practice of whites only returns America to racist policies.
You asked for the law, and I linked to it. And the law is put in place not by “rulers” - we have no kings here, although Biden is pushing it - but by the elected representatives of the people.

That is why the Dems are getting kicked to the curb in 18 days.
Biden is not pushing anything. Trump wanted to be King and thats why he planned the insurrection. But trump offers what you want, so does the current republican party. What happens if Democrats win?
Yet you don’t question the admission of women due to sexist policies…just Blacks?

Actually, I did. You jumped tracks on that. In today’s world, does any school admit or reject on race alone? Earlier, I provided a link to U of MD’s admission policy which outlines multiple factors that are considered.

GPA and test scores have to my knowledge been the sole criteria.
Of course it’s multiple factors, and RACE is one of them. Race should not be a FACTOR at all. Otherwise, it’s racist. That is what the SCOTUS is going to rule on.

As far as women, it favors black women. It’s past time to remove race and gender, if indeed gender is factored in, and let students get in on their own merits.
WHITES ARE A RACE! And for the last 246 years whites have been the most favored group. But you don't ever ask how much does race factor ih whites being admitted. Removing policies that stopped the practice of whites only returns America to racist policies.
Why are you singling me out? Have you HEARD what some real racists have said on this forum? Yet….you go right for the Jew girl.

Anyway, I don’t want to deal with you anymore because it’s all more of the same: the past, the past, the past. We can discuss it more when the SCOTUS explains why rejecting or admitting students with race as a factor violates the Constitution.
Of course it’s multiple factors, and RACE is one of them. Race should not be a FACTOR at all. Otherwise, it’s racist. That is what the SCOTUS is going to rule on.

As far as women, it favors black women. It’s past time to remove race and gender, if indeed gender is factored in, and let students get in on their own merits.
WHITE IS A RACE! And for 246 years race has been why whites have got what they have.

White women have been the most favored.

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.” -Sally Kohn

The National Womens Law Center did a study on Affirmatives Action and found that: “Women of color have lagged particularly far behind in both employment and education. For example, in 1998, the median weekly salary for Black women was $400 compared to $468 for white women and $615 for white men. Hispanic women earned a median weekly income of only $337. Even in sectors where women have made inroads into management, minority women continue to be underrepresented. In the banking industry, only 2.6% of executive, managerial and administrative jobs were held by Black women, and 5% by Hispanic women, compared to 37.6% by white women. In the hospital industry, Black and Hispanic women each held 4.6% of these jobs, while white women held 50.2%."

You have a real hatred. All you do is complain about some fake advantage blacks are supposed to be getting. YOU have benefitted from AA more than any black female and most black men.
Why are you singling me out? Have you HEARD what some real racists have said on this forum? Yet….you go right for the Jew girl.

Anyway, I don’t want to deal with you anymore because it’s all more of the same: the past, the past, the past. We can discuss it more when the SCOTUS explains why rejecting or admitting students with race as a factor violates the Constitution.
You are the only one making the comments about black favoritism. Have I heard what some real racists have said? Your cognitive dissonance is severe. The past impacts us now and the contry is 246 years old so I am also talking about the present. White is a race so stop pretending it's only about race when somebody black is involved. Because if SCOTUS goes by the constitution, Students for Fair Admissions loses this case because Asians aren't getting denied because blacks are getting admitted. Asians,blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans are being denied admission for unqualified white ALDC student admissions.

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