Zone1 When SCOTUS Rules Against Favoritism Based on Race, the Impact will Go Beyond College Admissions

What she did was practically accuse me of being a racist because I say that people should not factor race into a decision.

You libs are all for it, as long as it works against whites, Asians, and Jews.
Why do you think that because I support a diverse campus I donā€™t also support the presence of Whites, Asians and Jews as part of that diversity? It seems that you are the one who does not support it. Given that Blacks are a miniscule demographic in higher ed, and you seek to diminish it furtherā€¦..that rather begs the question of what the real agenda is here.
OKā€¦.I will say this again because you people keep putting words in my mouth: I NEVER said that GPA and test scores are the only factors, albeit they are the two most important - or should be as they are the best indicators of an applicantā€˜s likelihood of success in the program.
Okā€¦then why do you bring it up as if it should be the only factors? It all depends on what the university wants as itā€™s ā€œcultureā€ and that culture, which you seem to want to bleach, is part of the entire experience of going to a university.

There are other factors that are predictive as well. Was the applicant the president of the Student Body in high school? Editor of the yearbook? Was the kid from an underprivileged background and and STILL got a near-perfect exam score?

LOTS of factors. But race should not be among them. And that is why the SCOTUS is likely to rule that it is a violation to do so.
Agree lots of factors, but why shouldnā€™t race be part of the mix?
Why do you think that because I support a diverse campus I donā€™t also support the presence of Whites, Asians and Jews as part of that diversity? It seems that you are the one who does not support it. Given that Blacks are a miniscule demographic in higher ed, and you seek to diminish it furtherā€¦..that rather begs the question of what the real agenda is here.
Iā€™m not seeking to diminish anything - thatā€™s your accusation. Itā€™s just that 65% of blacks have been admitted under unfair and racist policies, so correcting the policy so as not to be racist against whites, Asians, and Jews would have that consequence. But that isnā€™t the aim.

Thr AIM is to eliminate racist policies. I OPPOSE RACISM. (Iā€™ve repeatedly said that I would support affirmative action based on SES.)
Okā€¦then why do you bring it up as if it should be the only factors? It all depends on what the university wants as itā€™s ā€œcultureā€ and that culture, which you seem to want to bleach, is part of the entire experience of going to a university.

Agree lots of factors, but why shouldnā€™t race be part of the mix?

And with that, Iā€™m out. Trumpā€™s rally is about to start!:)
Iā€™m not seeking to diminish anything - thatā€™s your accusation. Itā€™s just that 65% of blacks have been admitted under unfair and racist policies, so correcting the policy so as not to be racist against whites, Asians, and Jews would have that consequence. But that isnā€™t the aim.

Thr AIM is to eliminate racist policies. I OPPOSE RACISM. (Iā€™ve repeatedly said that I would support affirmative action based on SES.)
Unfair how? Unfair like legacy admissions? Unfair like first gen admissions, which also accept lower scores? Unfair like admitting more women to programs where women are traditionally underrepresented?
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And with that, Iā€™m out. Trumpā€™s rally is about to start!:)
Yaā€¦some else already noted isnā€™t about right or wrongā€¦it is about RACE. Just one race. Just like your complaints about Disney and advertisements over representing blacks (even though Asians are also overrepresented).
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One problem I have with using my iPad is words seem to get skipped. What I meant to say was gpa and test scores have never been the sole criteria, like you say, along with race one of many factors.

I donā€™t know if she worked in admissions or not, we are in the end, what people choose to believe about us in this place. Butā€¦.Iā€™ll limit my words to say I hope that attitude seen here is not the attitude presented to applicants.

When comes to calling members racist, that is not ok in Zone 1, in either direction. I think the argument about ā€œfavoritismā€ is fair game for discussion though.
I understand what you meant.

As for your last paragraph it is not fair game when whites ignore 246 years of racial favoritism to claim the only blacks get favored and that standards are lowered only for blacks and all the associate stuff that comes with it. If that's allowed we should have the freedom to call that what it is.
Youā€˜re always saying ā€œas youā€™ve been toldā€ to other people, so I said the same thing back to you. Comes across as condescending, doesnā€™t it?

White Jews ā€œbenefittedā€œ by having their families murdered, but instead of whining about it, they buckled down and made a success of their lives instead of blaming failures on the barbaric treatment.

You need to grow up, thank Gd you were born in this country, and have enjoyed all the opportunities and favoritism youā€™ve had for 60 years.
You've been shown facts. What you tell me is your opinion and that opinion is colored by a severe bias that has you missing rreality. I am black and white jews owned slaves as well as benefitted from Jim Crow. I'm grown. YOU are the one who needs to grow up. Blacks have not been given favoritism, but you were shown that white females have been the most favored and that includes you.
OKā€¦.I will say this again because you people keep putting words in my mouth: I NEVER said that GPA and test scores are the only factors, albeit they are the two most important - or should be as they are the best indicators of an applicantā€˜s likelihood of success in the program.

There are other factors that are predictive as well. Was the applicant the president of the Student Body in high school? Editor of the yearbook? Was the kid from an underprivileged background and and STILL got a near-perfect exam score?

LOTS of factors. But race should not be among them. And that is why the SCOTUS is likely to rule that it is a violation to do so.
White is a race and white has been the primary qualification for college admission.
White is a race and white has been the primary qualification for college admission.
Theyā€™ve lowered the cut-off point for GPA and exam scores specifically to get more blacks in - while rejecting whites who are better qualified. This will be ruled illegal by SCOTUS.
According to the 2020 census, Non hispanic whites are 60 percent of the population.
Blacks-13 percent

Whites are 77 percent of the workforce. They are 80 percent of the management.
Blacks are 12.3 percent of the workforce. Blacks are 9 percent of the management.

And its not because blacks aren't qualified.

There is no black favoritism.
According to the 2020 census, Non hispanic whites are 60 percent of the population.
Blacks-13 percent

Whites are 77 percent of the workforce. They are 80 percent of the management.
Blacks are 12.3 percent of the workforce. Blacks are 9 percent of the management.

And its not because blacks aren't qualified.

There is no black favoritism.
That doesnā€™t mean squat. You should have seen the liberal place I worked - unqualified blacks were kicked upstairs to senior management, and their white underlings had to do their jobs for them.

Of course, whites quit constantly, tired of the racism. The reason you keep insisting there is no black favoritism is because you donā€™t want to see it end.
You were shown that blacks are being favored due to their race, and have been for two generations. You have been told that you donā€™t repair racism by being racist against other races.

And stop with your crap about Jews owning slaves. Your resentment against a successful minority, that has succeeded despite horrific bigotry, isnā€™t helping your cause.

And your targeted venom against me, when Iā€™ve never said anything racist, and letting slide the most heinous racism from other posters, is due to your antisemitism. Itā€™s the IDENTICAL reason antisemites target their venom against Israel and let slide the heinous actions by others.

But we still succeed despite this broad antisemitism: intact families, good values, focus on education. You have been shown the path to success.
What you say you showed was nothing but a bunch of lies.

You have a serious resentment of blacks and so you stop doing that. Lisa you really need to examine what you post. You are a white woman who claims to practice the Jewish religion. Calling me an anti semite is not allowed here. You are not being targeted, you have responded to my posts. So stop whining.
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That doesnā€™t mean squat. You should have seen the liberal place I worked - unqualified blacks were kicked upstairs to senior management, and their white underlings had to do their jobs for them.

Of course, whites quit constantly, tired of the racism. The reason you keep insisting there is no black favoritism is because you donā€™t want to see it end.
It means that your claim is a lie. You have ignored the white favoritism that has existed in America from day one until this second, a favoritism YOU have benefitted the most from, and you want to destroy chances others may have to get the same things as whites, because you don't want to see it end.
It means that your claim is a lie. You have ignored the white favoritism that has existed in America from day one until this second, a favoritism YOU have benefitted the most from, and you want to destroy chances others may have to get the same things as whites, because you don't want to see it end.
Blacks have been favored over whites for college admissions since the 1970s. It ends in 2023.

And blacks will get the same opportunities as whites for a college education. They just wonā€™t be given MORE of an opportunity.
Okā€¦then why do you bring it up as if it should be the only factors? It all depends on what the university wants as itā€™s ā€œcultureā€ and that culture, which you seem to want to bleach, is part of the entire experience of going to a university.
What if a college decides it wants its ā€cultureā€ to be only WASPS - and forbids any blacks or Jews? The fact is that colleges cannot violate the law.
Theyā€™ve lowered the cut-off point for GPA and exam scores specifically to get more blacks in - while rejecting whites who are better qualified. This will be ruled illegal by SCOTUS.
If they lowered the cut off pointā€¦then that applies to all applicants. What is wrong with that?
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What if a college decides it wants its ā€cultureā€ to be only WASPS - and forbids any blacks or Jews? The fact is that colleges cannot violate the law.
How is a monoculture comparable to a diverse culture? One actively excludes, the other actively includes.
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If they lowered the cut off pointā€¦then that applies to all applicants. What is wrong with that?
Because it doesnā€™t apply to all applicants. That is why the average GPA and exam scores of accepted whites are so much higher than those of blacks.

And the PURPOSE of lowering the cut-off was to ā€œrearrangeā€ the racial make-up of the class. That is what will be ruled illegal: to change standards and/or devise tests with the express goal for a specific racial outcome.

That is what happened with TJ High School. Not enough blacks were scoring high enough on the entrance exam to get accepted, and too many Asians were (the school deciding on what is ā€œtoo manyā€), so they figured the best way to get more blacks accepted was to eliminate the exam that so few were scoring well on. This is racist.

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