When someone tells them who they are, believe them the first time


Platinum Member
May 9, 2016
Too many of us fall for the conman's, the grifter's, schtick.

Team Biden is not the greatest, but it is concerned for the best for the most.

You all saw DJT as he is at his best (which is quite bad) in his Gish Gallop stream of vulgarity and lies in the Debate. That is not a person of character, and it reflects horribly on the reader, if you believe that DJT beleve in or cares for America and its citizens. He cares only for himself.

There are no people of character in politics. There really never have been. The skills and talents necessary to succeed in politics are antithetical to being of good character. That’s why I won’t vote for politicians.

A friend of mine put it this way….

“Anyone willing to ask for your vote isn’t worthy of getting your vote’

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