When the COVID vaccine comes out will you take it?

When the COVID vaccine comes out will you take it?

  • Yes, only if my employer or school requires it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, only if my insurance company craves out COVID treatments

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
Many of us have been hearing about the harsh side effects, but I am curious if you are going to get it. What if your employer requires it? What if your insurance company has a crave out not to cover COVID related illness if you don’t take it? What if schools require it?

I personally am going to get it regardless.
By the time the vaccine comes out , virtually everyone will have already been exposed so it will be a moot point.

144,000 people are testing positive every day, and WHO estimates that 20X unconfirmed cases exist for every confirmed one.

That's 2.88 Million infections per day in America. That's 80 million or so in a month, add that to the 200 million in America already with it, and the vaccine will soon be a moot point.
No. Never.
I am an attorney for a large corporation... due to risk management and lawsuit concerns the decision has been made to make it mandatory and proof of getting the vaccine a requirement of continued employment. I can guarantee nearly every big and little business will probably follow suit. Would you still say ‘no’ if it means losing your job?
No. Never.
I am an attorney for a large corporation... due to risk management and lawsuit concerns the decision has been made to make it mandatory and proof of getting the vaccine a requirement of continued employment. I can guarantee nearly every big and little business will probably follow suit. Would you still say ‘no’ if it means losing your job?
as an attorney dont you think there is a lawsuit in there somewhere?...
I doubt infection rates will have dropped, and by the time it'll be available for me, a lot of HC workers will have received it, so the efficacy and danger should be pretty well known. So … probably. The 1970s swine flu hysteria was overplayed. The US has reduced the public health reasons we get sick, and created vaccines. Those are probably the biggest contributors to living longer. They can "cure" a lot of cancers, control hypertension and circulatory deficiency.
No. Never.
I am an attorney for a large corporation... due to risk management and lawsuit concerns the decision has been made to make it mandatory and proof of getting the vaccine a requirement of continued employment. I can guarantee nearly every big and little business will probably follow suit. Would you still say ‘no’ if it means losing your job?
as an attorney dont you think there is a lawsuit in there somewhere?...
If you allow people to come to work and they expose a person who dies, then the company is at risk of a wrongful death suit!
When the COVID vaccine comes out will you take it?
Nah. I'm just going to continue to inject disinfectant on a daily basis, and get blasted by ultraviolet light twice a week.

No. Never.
I am an attorney for a large corporation... due to risk management and lawsuit concerns the decision has been made to make it mandatory and proof of getting the vaccine a requirement of continued employment. I can guarantee nearly every big and little business will probably follow suit. Would you still say ‘no’ if it means losing your job?

A company cannot force you to take the vaccine no more than they can force you to take a flu shot. I would think a company would be liable by making those requirements of current employees if they wish to continue their employment.
By the time the vaccine comes out , virtually everyone will have already been exposed so it will be a moot point.

144,000 people are testing positive every day, and WHO estimates that 20X unconfirmed cases exist for every confirmed one.

That's 2.88 Million infections per day in America. That's 80 million or so in a month, add that to the 200 million in America already with it, and the vaccine will soon be a moot point.

That's if they really have it. When President Trump came to visit our city, the Governor wanted to welcome him personally which of course required he take a test. The test came back positive and he missed welcoming the President to our city and state. Several days later he took another test which came out negative. He never had it in the first place. Baron Trump went through the same thing.

These tests have a percentage of failure, and I'm sure most common people don't take two tests. If they test positive for Covid, they simply quarantine and rest comfortably for two weeks. But.....it shows up statistically as them having Covid.
Many of us have been hearing about the harsh side effects, but I am curious if you are going to get it. What if your employer requires it? What if your insurance company has a crave out not to cover COVID related illness if you don’t take it? What if schools require it?

I personally am going to get it regardless.

I too will wait to see what the results are first. Next I will contact my family doctor to get her opinion, then I will call my cousin who is a retired research doctor since she would probably know the most of what's in the vaccine and what potential side effects it can have with a person with my medical conditions.

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