When the Government Wants There to be Fewer of Us........Time to Watch Our Backs


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

This individual is the core of the democrat party. These stupid things she believes are what the leadership of the party believes.

This is also why I keep telling people they don't understand the left wing/democrat desire for wind and solar energy.

Rational people understand that wind and solar do not work....they can't effectively provide the energy we need cheaply and at the levels we need .......but the democrats continue to push them...why?

Because they don't work....that's why. Cheap, effective, plentiful energy would allow people to grow their families and to grow the economy...two things that the democrat party opposes....as this individual demonstrates, the core of the democrat party truly believes the world is over populated and that people are destroying the planet....so why on earth would they support cheap and plentiful energy?

When a rational person argues with a leftist that wind and solar will not be able to provide enough energy for our needs, they are wasting their time.....the leftist/democrat isn't interested in providing enough energy for our needs....that is the mistake normal people make when they debate this and other issues with left wingers......
This makes her similar to the eugenics loving Bush family, Bill Gates and Hitler. I don't understand how she squares her philosophy that lower population results in better environment with the Democrats open border policy..
The Wuhan lab has a covid virus that is about 15x more deadly than covid-19. Just sayin'

Yep....which is why you can't simply dismiss the idea that this release of the Chinese flu...with a 99% survivability rate ......was a test. What will the world do if China creates an actual deadly virus, comes up with a vaccine, innoculates CCP leadership and the populations they want to preserve, then releases the virus?

We need to face that possibility.....it saves on the need for mass destruction by a military campaign...
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

We must always watch our back with government around. If only we could eliminate it altogether.
Since the age of time, government has murdered more people than any other institution.

It's just more of the same really.

All you have to do is look at the agenda of population control to understand the democrat party.

1. Abortion on demand, not just in the US but promote and finance it all around the globe.

2. The Alphabet people rights. They don't care about them, rather, it is simply a promotion of non reproducing sexual activity. Again, it is promoted all around the world in schools and the media. Now gender confusion is up some 4000% in children in the US.

3. Open borders means easy access for human traffickers and drugs flowing across the border. As a result, there is more slavery today than at any other time in US history, and about 200 people a day drop dead because of drug overdoses. The added bonus are all the illegals that die on their attempt to cross the border, it is very dangerous but they are encouraged to do so by Progressives.

4. Government run health care. The attempt is to "control costs". In other words, a government that spends trillions doing other things wants to suck the life out of your health care so that people don't live as long. Simply cut short the life of nonproductive elderly people as well as the nonproductive unborn.

5. Climate change. The goal of climate change is to destroy the economy so that you are less inclined to want to have children. Add a pandemic or two and what you will have is a populace so miserable they will opt out of raising families.

6. War on morality. Just take God out of society and promote single parent homes. The next thing you know is, everyone is living in poverty, and crime sky rockets as children find their father figures on the streets.

7. Promote wars abroad. This is done when the other methods are not working sufficiently enough. In fact, Trump was the first President in about a century not to start war. He had to go.
Since the age of time, government has murdered more people than any other institution.

It's just more of the same really.

All you have to do is look at the agenda of population control to understand the democrat party.

1. Abortion on demand, not just in the US but promote and finance it all around the globe.

2. The Alphabet people rights. They don't care about them, rather, it is simply a promotion of non reproducing sexual activity. Again, it is promoted all around the world in schools and the media. Now gender confusion is up some 4000% in children in the US.

3. Open borders means easy access for human traffickers and drugs flowing across the border. As a result, there is more slavery today than at any other time in US history, and about 200 people a day drop dead because of drug overdoses. The added bonus are all the illegals that die on their attempt to cross the border, it is very dangerous but they are encouraged to do so by Progressives.

4. Government run health care. The attempt is to "control costs". In other words, a government that spends trillions doing other things wants to suck the life out of your health care so that people don't live as long. Simply cut short the life of nonproductive elderly people as well as the nonproductive unborn.

5. Climate change. The goal of climate change is to destroy the economy so that you are less inclined to want to have children. Add a pandemic or two and what you will have is a populace so miserable they will opt out of raising families.

6. War on morality. Just take God out of society and promote single parent homes. The next thing you know is, everyone is living in poverty, and crime sky rockets as children find their father figures on the streets.

7. Promote wars abroad. This is done when the other methods are not working sufficiently enough. In fact, Trump was the first President in about a century not to start war. He had to go.
It is my belief, without fighting back that the nation we have known is finished. People do not fight back most of the time as their nation turns towards tyranny. And when you have food and a roof over your head while it is transitioning it is made even more difficult. The only consolation is that those who help bring this on will suffer the same and most likely much worse. The propaganda is endless and relentless. It is difficult.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Gee I didn't realize that one nominee to a government post was "the government"
The Wuhan lab has a covid virus that is about 15x more deadly than covid-19. Just sayin'

Yep....which is why you can't simply dismiss the idea that this release of the Chinese flu...with a 99% survivability rate ......was a test. What will the world do if China creates an actual deadly virus, comes up with a vaccine, innoculates CCP leadership and the populations they want to preserve, then releases the virus?

We need to face that possibility.....it saves on the need for mass destruction by a military campaign...
You realize we have labs right here with viruses that are many times more deadly than covid19, don't you?
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

"We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans."

Which is true.

"Encouraged Americans to only have two children and no more."

Which is perfectly fine.

Planned Parenthood and women's freedom of choice is important.

The post title is misleading troll bait.
Since the age of time, government has murdered more people than any other institution.

It's just more of the same really.

All you have to do is look at the agenda of population control to understand the democrat party.

1. Abortion on demand, not just in the US but promote and finance it all around the globe.

2. The Alphabet people rights. They don't care about them, rather, it is simply a promotion of non reproducing sexual activity. Again, it is promoted all around the world in schools and the media. Now gender confusion is up some 4000% in children in the US.

3. Open borders means easy access for human traffickers and drugs flowing across the border. As a result, there is more slavery today than at any other time in US history, and about 200 people a day drop dead because of drug overdoses. The added bonus are all the illegals that die on their attempt to cross the border, it is very dangerous but they are encouraged to do so by Progressives.

4. Government run health care. The attempt is to "control costs". In other words, a government that spends trillions doing other things wants to suck the life out of your health care so that people don't live as long. Simply cut short the life of nonproductive elderly people as well as the nonproductive unborn.

5. Climate change. The goal of climate change is to destroy the economy so that you are less inclined to want to have children. Add a pandemic or two and what you will have is a populace so miserable they will opt out of raising families.

6. War on morality. Just take God out of society and promote single parent homes. The next thing you know is, everyone is living in poverty, and crime sky rockets as children find their father figures on the streets.

7. Promote wars abroad. This is done when the other methods are not working sufficiently enough. In fact, Trump was the first President in about a century not to start war. He had to go.
It is my belief, without fighting back that the nation we have known is finished. People do not fight back most of the time as their nation turns towards tyranny. And when you have food and a roof over your head while it is transitioning it is made even more difficult. The only consolation is that those who help bring this on will suffer the same and most likely much worse. The propaganda is endless and relentless. It is difficult.
Those that fought for American independence from the king of England were a minority.

The majority just want one thing, safety.

If America is to be free again, it will take another minority to show the sheeple the way.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

This planet can sustain 5 billion or less people not 7 plus.

In 2021, it falls on July 29. To determine the date of Earth Overshoot Day 2021, Global Footprint Network combined the most reliable data and formed the most reasonable assumptions to assess humanity's resource situation.
This makes her similar to the eugenics loving Bush family, Bill Gates and Hitler. I don't understand how she squares her philosophy that lower population results in better environment with the Democrats open border policy..

Income and high birth rates are strongly linked, not just in the United States, but around the world. Women in lower income brackets tend to have higher birth rates across the board. There are many factors at play in birth rates, such as the education level of the mother, ethnicity of the mother.

Perhaps if poor women started having the same birth rate as women with more money we'd be fine? Do you like it that poor women have more kids than middle class and rich women? Does that make sense? This is why I like welfare reform. No more free money for poor single moms. Perhaps she won't make another mistake after the first one. I have a cousin he married a whore. She had 4 kids from four different guys. Each one of them on welfare. Each father financially a bum. Bet she wouldn't have had 4 kids if she didn't have welfare to subsodize her lifestyle. That's why middle class women don't have more kids. Don't you think they would like to have 4 kids too? Sure they would but they can't afford it. Yet poor women can? Doesn't make sense.

No one is talking eugenics except you Republicans. Perhaps it's you that wants that.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.

What makes you think it will be the Dems? Or the Dems alone? You have no clue what you are advocating. You have no clue about the suffering that will occur. And sadly. You have no clue that the most probable outcome is the very totalitarian Government you decry.

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