When the Voice of People Vote GOP...But 90% of Media is Liberal, Something is Wrong

When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Oh right of course. Republican gerrymandering never happens! Republicans are always noble and love true democracy!
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Are you bragging or complaints no? It's so hard to tell with the miffed Conservative.
You post a puppy poodle on a bed. Weird.
1) She is a full grown miniature poodle

2) She's on a sofa
You are weird...
Watch Dog Show: Lady Hamilton from Saturday Night Live on NBC.com
No. I a man a dog owner.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Oh right of course. Republican gerrymandering never happens! Republicans are always noble and love true democracy!

They're doing everything in their power to rig the system and shit on democracy...The republican party is a cancer.

The only reason Trump got the Rust belt and won the election was the trade and outsourcing issue. Conservatism lost when Cruz was defeated. Somehow anti-government bullshit that benefits only the rich is at the top of this liars agenda now that he is in power.
The BS we're seeing from democrats is a sign that Trump is on the right path.

I expected some level of nonsense from those not smart enough to support Trump. Most will eventually realize they were wrong. :)
If by the 'right path' you mean gross ineptitude and self destruction, you're right. What else could we expect from a blowhard with no experience and an ego the size of Wyoming? Trump's resume includes developing the world's tackiest properties and hosting a reality television show.

Slicing a path to the Oval Office? Nope. Setting up his days of dotage by playing celebrity golf.
Trump is voice of the hard working people of the United States living in that area you liberals call "flyover country."

No he isn't. Don't pretend.
MSM bias has been pegged at 7% which is a slight bias. Anyone who thinks the media is 90% liberal is too stupid to be one person.

Oh PLEASE, show us a reliable source saying that the MSM bias is 7%! Even the MSM knows that to be a lie!
'Voice of the people'? Trump received 3 million less votes, that is no small gap.

The 'media' is what has grown naturally out of the American culture over the last 80 years. Nobody sat down and decided 'let's make a liberal media'. It reflects the society. Conservatives only have one tv fake news outlet in Faux News. Why? If the culture is conservative that is what would be reflected in the 'media'. Claiming there is some unnatural 'bias' is like looking at colleges and saying 'all the liberals set out to take over the colleges'. No, it's just when you get educated most people's minds are expanded and they have a more liberal viewpoint. No intention, knowledge favors liberated thinking.

I'm sure it feels like it is some conspiracy against you and other conservatives because you are on the outside looking in. Simple solution, get an education.
Constituon. California has more people and they have their allotment of votes as per census.

They have less votes per person than Wyoming. By 3 times.

Republicans rely on the vote of dirt. Actual dirt.
So you are calling registered voters dirt. Sure. Liberals support democracy.

No donkey, I'm calling dirt, dirt. Dirt has no rights, people do.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

Pretty much ruins the paranoid conservative argument that the so-called liberal media is controlling America, doesn't it?
I like that the article pointed out that the Democrats actually GAINED in the 2016 election.
SInce the GOP runs so much of the show , I'm sure they'll expose the "millions of illegal votes" any day now!!!!

Still waiting .....
When Trump administration get in place....you will.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
What do Republicans stand for?
They try to say small government and conservative values.

Then they elect a pu$$y grabber as president. A man famous for his illegal and unlicensed "charity". A man famous for stiffing his workers.

Then they work to cut healthcare for tens of millions of Americans and cut taxes on billionaires.

Then they practice extreme voter suppression and racism.

Then they pretend to be innocent about all the terrible sh!ti they do and act like they only want "good".

Trump got rich by:
Inheriting it.
Scams (see Trump U and the Trump Foundation)
Cheating investors

Republicans got power by lying.

And there you go. That explains it.
What I want to know is how does WAPO and the NY Times stay in business? Are there that many people that own parakeets?
Amazing any idiot would buy or subscribe to their media outlet.

Idiots don't subscribe to or read any media. Those who seek FACTS, read a variety of media to get a variety of takes on the story.

MSM bias has been pegged at 7% which is a slight bias. Anyone who thinks the media is 90% liberal is too stupid to be one person.
Media is overwhelmingly biased.
What I want to know is how does WAPO and the NY Times stay in business? Are there that many people that own parakeets?
Amazing any idiot would buy or subscribe to their media outlet.

Idiots don't subscribe to or read any media. Those who seek FACTS, read a variety of media to get a variety of takes on the story.

MSM bias has been pegged at 7% which is a slight bias. Anyone who thinks the media is 90% liberal is too stupid to be one person.
Oh I'm sorry...it look like 100% for White House Press Corps.
Poll: Not a Single White House Reporter Is a Republican
SInce the GOP runs so much of the show , I'm sure they'll expose the "millions of illegal votes" any day now!!!!

Still waiting .....

That's coming, Timmuh.

What I want to know is how does WAPO and the NY Times stay in business? Are there that many people that own parakeets?
Amazing any idiot would buy or subscribe to their media outlet.

Idiots don't subscribe to or read any media. Those who seek FACTS, read a variety of media to get a variety of takes on the story.

MSM bias has been pegged at 7% which is a slight bias. Anyone who thinks the media is 90% liberal is too stupid to be one person.

You have a link to that study?


I did my own study, the two top non-biased were CBS and-? I draw a blank right now.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

Most of Germany was run by Nazis in the 1930s. Doesn't mean they are right. That aside, there are many other things to take into consideration. A lot of people don't vote. In the case of the presidential election more people voted for Hillary. When I first came on this board the conservatives kept on shouting me down about the Tyranny of the Majority and that democracy was two wolves and a sheep deciding on what is for dinner. Now your guys are in charge suddenly it is no longer an issue.
The largest % of vote Nazi Party ever had was 38%. But Goebbles controlled the media.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

This is just nonsense. This is exactly the reason why the US needs Proportional Representation in order to have more parties and more choice for the electorate.

There are more media outlets that are liberal because ALL the conservatives watch Fox. Fox has more than 50% of the share of the TV news media. What does that tell you? It tells you that you're trying to twist facts to fit your agenda, and you're not actually dealing with reality.

It's not a huge bias, the media is made up of PRIVATE COMPANIES, they make a product and they sell their product. The viewers can then go out there and choose whichever one they like. They're ALL biased, if you haven't noticed. But you can choose. So what's the problem?

The only problem is when people come out and complain about the media. If you know the media is biased, then there shouldn't be a problem. Whinging and moaning about the media is pathetic. You know what it is. So, if you don't like it, make you own news channel, and sell it. See if people like it or not.

The right love capitalism, and then whinge and moan about capitalism. Er.. what? Are you serious?
Sure. Multi- Representative districts. More politicians, more liberal media, more damage to the Republic.

What? Are you in some kind of boohoo I'm the victim mood right now?

Do you ignore that Fox has more than 50% of the news media ratings?
How could that be? Against all the print, Internet, and television media? Hmmmmm

What is your point here? I don't seem much substance. I was talking TV NEWS MEDIA.
I'm talking the whole sha-bang.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Oh right of course. Republican gerrymandering never happens! Republicans are always noble and love true democracy!

They're doing everything in their power to rig the system and shit on democracy...The republican party is a cancer.

The only reason Trump got the Rust belt and won the election was the trade and outsourcing issue. Conservatism lost when Cruz was defeated. Somehow anti-government bullshit that benefits only the rich is at the top of this liars agenda now that he is in power.
Oh...millions of unemployed people in Rust Belt. So their vote should not count?

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