When the Voice of People Vote GOP...But 90% of Media is Liberal, Something is Wrong

Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.
The Constitution did not intend for you to gerrymander the shit out of districts to give you a republican majority.
There is no such thing as a liberal media. Liberal media is a myth.

If the media had a liberal bias, then why did Wapo and the NYT help Bush43 sell the Iraq war?

If there was a liberal bias in the media, then why did it give the same amount of "air time" for the pro-Iraq war rally in Washington in 2004, than it did for the anti-war rally in New York that same day?

Pro-Iraq war rally

Anti-war rally

Does that look equal to you? Both got 1:20 of air time. That's one minute and 20 seconds for each. The anti-war rally involved multiple cities all over the world with about 15 million people attending and you think a "liberal media" would've given equal air time to the pro-war tailgate party in the park?

A liberal media wouldn't have given so much air time to all the Barack Obama nonsense about not being born here, being a marxist, being a socialist, he's wants to take away your guns, etc. Those are all lunatic talking points from the right that received substantial air time and coverage. You think a liberal media would do that?

Bush43 is an elitist. All the Bushes are globalist elitists, so is who owns the


Right now they're pushing for ww3 via a 1st strike on N. Korea.

Bad, unnecessary thing to do right now.

The globalists like war, it makes them money.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats

Yea, policy to screw over as many Americans as possible. No one here can name a single GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans in the last 50 years or more. For the GOP it's all about screwing over the middle class and the poor and cutting taxes for billionaires.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats

Yea, policy to screw over as many Americans as possible. No one here can name a single GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans in the last 50 years or more. For the GOP it's all about screwing over the middle class and the poor and cutting taxes for billionaires.

EPA stupid shit for one.
So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats

Yea, policy to screw over as many Americans as possible. No one here can name a single GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans in the last 50 years or more. For the GOP it's all about screwing over the middle class and the poor and cutting taxes for billionaires.

EPA stupid shit for one.

Obama/Regan phone for two

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA, for three

Roe vs Wade for four....

Want me to go on?

When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats

Yea, policy to screw over as many Americans as possible. No one here can name a single GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans in the last 50 years or more. For the GOP it's all about screwing over the middle class and the poor and cutting taxes for billionaires.

Do you know it is big corporations which own the media you complain about? Yet you love corporations, can't have it both ways, Dude...

/---- What an idiotic notion. To support business you have to love all businesses regardless of what they do. You imbecile
it's the Marxist indoctrination they have received. Propaganda comes to them naturally.
You mean voice of the people who managed to vote.

I have a feeling that even voter suppression won't be helping the GOP forever.

/---- Libs excuse for losing elections is "voter suppression" because no sane person would ever reject the liberal progressive agenda.
What I want to know is how does WAPO and the NY Times stay in business? Are there that many people that own parakeets?
Amazing any idiot would buy or subscribe to their media outlet.

Idiots don't subscribe to or read any media. Those who seek FACTS, read a variety of media to get a variety of takes on the story.

MSM bias has been pegged at 7% which is a slight bias. Anyone who thinks the media is 90% liberal is too stupid to be one person.

/---- 7% ???? Seriously???? Read this Trump fallout: Major media admit liberal bias
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

One more state in the GOP corner along with the GOP House and Senate and the Democrats won't be able to stop constitutional amendments.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
The PEOPLE voted the GOP Candidates into their current positions as the Majority in the House, Senate, and in the WH.

The PEOPLE made the Democrats - who have lost more than 1,000 elections / political positions and back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses - the MINORITY through their votes.

- There is a reason why Democrats have lost so many elections, but they have not 'gotten' it yet and continue to behave and act so badly. They are a MINORITY for a reason, and the 2016 election loss has forced them to demonstrate all the reasons why.

The PEOPLE did not / do not get to vote for the media - if they did, the Liberal Leftist media would be the MINORITY in this country, and they would have just as bad a record as the Democratic Party.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

They are media conglomerates and they will voice the money. They have zero interest in socialism unless it is simply to bitch but they don't support it.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats


I know you cannot be typing that with a straight face. Y out u nominated and elected a fucking reality TV personality that offered no policy beyond "it'll be great, beeeeeeleeeeeve me"
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats


I know you cannot be typing that with a straight face. Y out u nominated and elected a fucking reality TV personality that offered no policy beyond "it'll be great, beeeeeeleeeeeve me"


Get rid of illegals

Repeal Obama care

Elect a right wing Supreme court justice

Put the brakes on the EPA

Support small business

Support the police

Bomb countries that use WMDs/chemical weapons on its civilians

Stop promoting junk science Man made climate change

Want more?

I know you cannot be typing that with a straight face. Y out u nominated and elected a fucking reality TV personality that offered no policy beyond "it'll be great, beeeeeeleeeeeve me"

The Democrats had to rig their Primaries, engage in election fraud during their Primaries, and cheat during debates in order to help a corrupt, criminal - who was under multiple FBI investigations days before the election - for crimes it was proven later she DID commit - defeat Bernie Sanders, who she would not have beaten without their help, and take the nomination she was being GIVEN despite the majority will of the Democratic Party base.

HER campaign message was, "I am a woman, I am not Donald Trump, and it's my turn'.

As a result, the worst candidate in US history lost to that 'reality tv personality', becoming just another statistic in the 1,000+ elections the DNC has continued to lose.

Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats

Yea, policy to screw over as many Americans as possible. No one here can name a single GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans in the last 50 years or more. For the GOP it's all about screwing over the middle class and the poor and cutting taxes for billionaires.

EPA stupid shit for one.

Obama/Regan phone for two

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA, for three

Roe vs Wade for four....

Want me to go on?

Yea, go on.

EPA, started in 1970, GOP wants to abolish it.

GOP Senator Vitter and GOP Rep. Griffin have already introduced bills to end the phone program.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA was created in 1986 and is an UNFUNDED MANDATE.

Roe vs Wade was decided in 1973 by judges who had been sitting on the court for how long before that?

Yea, go on, show us GOP success. Because I'm LAUGHING at you. Get it? I'm LAUGHING.

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