When the Voice of People Vote GOP...But 90% of Media is Liberal, Something is Wrong

When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Oh right of course. Republican gerrymandering never happens! Republicans are always noble and love true democracy!
So do the Democrats...but they can't win elections. No support from people.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
What do Republicans stand for?
They try to say small government and conservative values.

Then they elect a pu$$y grabber as president. A man famous for his illegal and unlicensed "charity". A man famous for stiffing his workers.

Then they work to cut healthcare for tens of millions of Americans and cut taxes on billionaires.

Then they practice extreme voter suppression and racism.

Then they pretend to be innocent about all the terrible sh!ti they do and act like they only want "good".

Trump got rich by:
Inheriting it.
Scams (see Trump U and the Trump Foundation)
Cheating investors

Republicans got power by lying.

And there you go. That explains it.
Russian Mafia money laundering, the Clinton Foundation and John Podesta | Roger Stone - Stone Cold Truth
Of course the national media leans left. It's the nature of the business, journalism attracts people who lean left, it's closer to the arts. That's not an insult to either "side", it just is what it is. The problem we now have is, it no longer puts a great deal of effort into hiding that fact. Our "media" no longer really cares to be objective. That's mostly a function of the explosion of "media" outlets due to the internet and the absolutely unrestrained competition it has created.

And now that Trump has spent so much time and energy insulting them to play to his base, the press is pretty fired up, and we're seeing what happens when our press is aggressively insulted by a President from the other side of the political spectrum.
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You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.
Why would anyone in their right mind vote for a party that hadn't done shit for this country in over 9 years? For the last 9 years, you've spent all your time obstructing and grid-locking government and you think people want that? Well, now that I think about it, it might be better than what we have now?
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.
So California is but one of 50. Thus saving the Republic from lunatic Left Coast.
I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

There was a revolt against the Republican establishment in 2016, remember?

The frustration with the mainstream of conservatism, as represented by the Republican party, was so great that the people on the right threw in the towel and nominated a lunatic demagogue who offered nothing but wild, too-good-to-be-true, unfulfillable promises.
I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

The House had a 97% incumbency retention rate and the Senate had an 87% rate last election. Some revolt.

Not to mention the Democrats unseated two Republicans incumbents in the Senate.

They were projected to unseat 14 and take the Senate.

I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

There was a revolt against the Republican establishment in 2016, remember?

The frustration with the mainstream of conservatism, as represented by the Republican party, was so great that the people on the right threw in the towel and nominated a lunatic demagogue who offered nothing but wild, too-good-to-be-true, unfulfillable promises.
He won.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.
Grassroots favor GOP. Democrats seem unable to grasp that power in America is bottom up, not top down.
I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

The House had a 97% incumbency retention rate and the Senate had an 87% rate last election. Some revolt.

Not to mention the Democrats unseated two Republicans incumbents in the Senate.

They were projected to unseat 14 and take the Senate.


No, they weren't. Jesus
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.
Grassroots favor GOP. Democrats seem unable to grasp that power in America is bottom up, not top down.

Really? Where do you go when you believe your state may have violated your gun rights?
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors

So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats

Do you know it is big corporations which own the media you complain about? Yet you love corporations, can't have it both ways, Dude...
wow. every single big corp is evil?

how come THAT isn't in the news??? trump is evil and i hear it daily.
I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

The House had a 97% incumbency retention rate and the Senate had an 87% rate last election. Some revolt.

Not to mention the Democrats unseated two Republicans incumbents in the Senate.

They were projected to unseat 14 and take the Senate.


No, they weren't. Jesus

You liar we all thought 100% the Democrats were going to take the Senate, it was almost a big of a upset as Trump winning

This is just nonsense. This is exactly the reason why the US needs Proportional Representation in order to have more parties and more choice for the electorate.

There are more media outlets that are liberal because ALL the conservatives watch Fox. Fox has more than 50% of the share of the TV news media. What does that tell you? It tells you that you're trying to twist facts to fit your agenda, and you're not actually dealing with reality.

It's not a huge bias, the media is made up of PRIVATE COMPANIES, they make a product and they sell their product. The viewers can then go out there and choose whichever one they like. They're ALL biased, if you haven't noticed. But you can choose. So what's the problem?

The only problem is when people come out and complain about the media. If you know the media is biased, then there shouldn't be a problem. Whinging and moaning about the media is pathetic. You know what it is. So, if you don't like it, make you own news channel, and sell it. See if people like it or not.

The right love capitalism, and then whinge and moan about capitalism. Er.. what? Are you serious?
Sure. Multi- Representative districts. More politicians, more liberal media, more damage to the Republic.

What? Are you in some kind of boohoo I'm the victim mood right now?

Do you ignore that Fox has more than 50% of the news media ratings?
How could that be? Against all the print, Internet, and television media? Hmmmmm

What is your point here? I don't seem much substance. I was talking TV NEWS MEDIA.
I'm talking the whole sha-bang.

Okay, you're talking the whole sha-bang, can you prove that the whole sha-bang is mostly liberal media? Or is this just your decided opinion, based on what you think you see?

Certainly the TV news media is more liberal in number of outlets, but more than 50% watch Fox.

Newspapers are in massive decline.

So, what about the internet, please tell me....
There is no such thing as a liberal media. Liberal media is a myth.

If the media had a liberal bias, then why did Wapo and the NYT help Bush43 sell the Iraq war?

If there was a liberal bias in the media, then why did it give the same amount of "air time" for the pro-Iraq war rally in Washington in 2004, than it did for the anti-war rally in New York that same day?

Pro-Iraq war rally


Anti-war rally


Does that look equal to you? Both got 1:20 of air time. That's one minute and 20 seconds for each. The anti-war rally involved multiple cities all over the world with about 15 million people attending and you think a "liberal media" would've given equal air time to the pro-war tailgate party in the park?

A liberal media wouldn't have given so much air time to all the Barack Obama nonsense about not being born here, being a marxist, being a socialist, he's wants to take away your guns, etc. Those are all lunatic talking points from the right that received substantial air time and coverage. You think a liberal media would do that?

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