When the Voice of People Vote GOP...But 90% of Media is Liberal, Something is Wrong

I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

We're seeing the disastrous results from the 2016 elections. If you think all of this is not going to result in any backlash against the GOP, I don't know what to tell you. There's this, plus healthcare, plus tax reform, plus everything else. The GOP is going down in 2018. I really believe that.
The backlash will be against crybaby, protester violent, free speech on campus, obstructionist Democrats.
I have a feeling we're going to see more seats flip blue in the next few years.
You are out of touch with reality. There was a revolt against the establishment in 2016 and Democrats do not get it. This crybaby bullshit helps GOP.

We're seeing the disastrous results from the 2016 elections. If you think all of this is not going to result in any backlash against the GOP, I don't know what to tell you. There's this, plus healthcare, plus tax reform, plus everything else. The GOP is going down in 2018. I really believe that.
The backlash will be against crybaby, protester violent, free speech on campus, obstructionist Democrats.
Only on Fox!!
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Watch Faux and read briebart and be happy. LOL
Watch 90% of media outlets...keep your head in sand...be an automoton...and don't use your brain. At least I have but a few points of résistance.
'Voice of the pNoneople'? Trump received 3 million less votes, that is no small gap.

Nonsense! 2,868,691 votes from the far left area of San Francisco and LA is barely a rounding error out of 128,838,341 is less than 2.25%.

To say that is "no small gap" is correct. It is a minuscule gap and proves the necessity of the Electoral College. Our founding fathers were genius'.
We have a nation to defend.
How does our military protect this nation, when they are not physically in the country they're defending?

Iraq War is history. I was opposed to it.
The point wasn't the Iraq war. I just used that as an example to prove this notion of a liberal media is a myth.

North Korea is a significant threat to Asia and United States.
We have enough nukes to kill the population of the planet 37 times, I think we're safe.
Not to mention the Democrats unseated two Republicans incumbents in the Senate.

As with the election itself, the Progressives were anticipating re-taking the Senate and picking up many seats in the House. Oops! Failure!
Gave the states the right to hold elections. Then population at state level should rebel against it and put their party on power. But, we live in a conservative nation, so no revolt. Left coast, east coast, and then flyover country who swings the American political pendulum. Heartland rejects liberal ideology because of their traditional values and respect for community.
Blind allegiance to the flag, is not patriotism.

If you had respect for community, you wouldn't be trashing liberals like you do. Liberals are part of the community to.
So if 61% of Americans are represented by GOP state governments, how is it that Trump couldn't beat Hillary in the popular vote?
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats


I know you cannot be typing that with a straight face. Y out u nominated and elected a fucking reality TV personality that offered no policy beyond "it'll be great, beeeeeeleeeeeve me"
He is more in touch with American people than Obama or either Clinton.

You've outdone yourself with that one.
So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats


I know you cannot be typing that with a straight face. Y out u nominated and elected a fucking reality TV personality that offered no policy beyond "it'll be great, beeeeeeleeeeeve me"
He is more in touch with American people than Obama or either Clinton.

Really? Going by Gallup, on which issues do a majority of Americans agree with Drumph on?
Democrats are done. People reject whining and crying.

Can't find a single issue?
Left wing Democratic Party and MSM collusion is undeniable. I like when wing nuts try to say they will have a " resistance movement" when they are tools of the establishment against Liberty. Fucking fools!

The biggest obstacle to US freedoms at the moment is sitting in the WH...
Because we have federalism that allows for states rights and Constituion allows states to run their own election process.

So local issues attract Republicans, national issues attract Democrats.


Policy attracts Republicans

Popularity attracts Democrats


I know you cannot be typing that with a straight face. Y out u nominated and elected a fucking reality TV personality that offered no policy beyond "it'll be great, beeeeeeleeeeeve me"
He is more in touch with American people than Obama or either Clinton.

Really? Going by Gallup, on which issues do a majority of Americans agree with Drumph on?

.you can't go by silly polls anymore.

You have to go by votes and he lost more seats in Congress and nation wide then did Nixion...lol


Left wing Democratic Party and MSM collusion is undeniable. I like when wing nuts try to say they will have a " resistance movement" when they are tools of the establishment against Liberty. Fucking fools!

The biggest obstacle to US freedoms at the moment is sitting in the WH...

Only if you are a criminal., are you a criminal?

When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
People who stupidly vote GOP don't think they will really cut social security and Medicare, appoint corporate cronies, start illegal wars, drive up the debt, send their jobs overseas, ban abortion, poison our water, bring back pre existing conditions etc.

So people who voted Trump don't like the stuff happening in the White House either. And Republican policies are not popular that's why you can't get shit passed
When the people speak so strongly against them, but the media continues to be a voice box for the socialist/ Democrats, it indicates a huge bias. The liberal media are elites that look down down their noses at little people. The peasant class who they can tell how they should vote.
Republicans now dominate state government, with 32 legislatures and 33 governors
Watch Faux and read briebart and be happy. LOL
Watch 90% of media outlets...keep your head in sand...be an automoton...and don't use your brain. At least I have but a few points of résistance.
A bias toward facts and all the news, instead of character assassination and fake news...
90% of the media is not liberal unless you use the RWnut definition of liberal, which is anything to the left of Rush Limbaugh.
90% of the media is not liberal unless you use the RWnut definition of liberal, which is anything to the left of Rush Limbaugh.

You've ignored the all your life, haven't you?

You've also ignored the study from Harvard too.

Why do you suppose that is?

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