When the World is led by a Child

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Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

Wonderful exposure of Obama's incompetence, but what does it have to do with Trump?

but but but Obama! (see definition of whataboutisms)

Trump's in office, you guys need to get over Obama and deal with the monstrosity squatting in the oval office.
When the US was led by a pussy idiot

David Brooks has it spot on in his column, and it is pretty effing scary...

The Dunning-Kruger effect: " the phenomenon in which the incompetent person is too incompetent to understand his own incompetence"
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When the World is led by a Child

At certain times Donald Trump has seemed like a budding authoritarian, a corrupt Nixon, a rabble-rousing populist or a big business corporatist.

But as Trump has settled into his White House role, he has given a series of long interviews, and when you study the transcripts it becomes clear that fundamentally he is none of these things.

At base, Trump is an infantalist. There are three tasks that most mature adults have sort of figured out by the time they hit 25. Trump has mastered none of them. Immaturity is becoming the dominant note of his presidency, lack of self-control his leitmotif...

Ohh look, the fascists are filled with hate over Trump and flinging shit.

How very unique.
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The first line is original content.

David Brooks has it spot on in his column, and it is pretty effing scary...

Wow, you consider that original content? Pathetic...:desk:

Give it up woodie :lol:

You're attempted gotcha flopped like a...well, never mind.

Do you seriously not have some concerns about Trump's behavior/character? Hillary didn't win. She's irrelavent now. Obama is out of office. No presidents are perfect but some are better then others. I'd even take RW over Trump.

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